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Everything posted by bethany725

  1. Ugh.. big hair bands... i'm dyyyyyyiiinnngg... Are you having... chicken? Chicken sandwich??
  2. You're SO right about the first thing! And I am NOT a fan of 80's hair-tossing backs and Guitar Hero.. the Asian food and pasta canNOT make up for that. I'm afraid it's a deal breaker!
  3. Oh you hush.. you are NOT shy! I'm surprised that you hate social functions.. you're so talkative and outgoing and witty! But then again, my mom is too and she haaaaaaates stuff like this. Pasta and Asian food.. yuuummmmy! Sounds like I WOULD be well-suited for your man. Maybe I should join second life and see if he's there... Haha just kidding!!
  4. You're completely right.. but it's nice that in some wee way, we can still get along .. if it weren't for books and this board, we'd never know the others existed.
  5. Me, too.. it's a real lesson in not judging a "book by its cover"
  6. oooooh I'm jealous! I miss my bathtub so much while we're out of the country.. While I was home for a month in December, I took about 3 baths a day so I could get my fill before time to come back.
  7. Mmmmm Roxi.. Yummy! Pasta is one of my favorites!! (The other is sushi.) I'm so glad you've started enjoying it. Bon Appetit! Tonight, it's dinner at the Hyatt-Bombay hotel for husband's work function.. followed by cocktails!! I get to dress up, have cocktails, and meet new people .. I'm in heaven!
  8. I think this is funny just because every single item on your list, Bellatrix, I could say the EXACT opposite about: 1. I have a degree in Psychology.. I'm pitiful at math. 2. I've never set foot near a forklift in my life. 3. I looove going to the casino, and got to go to the Kentucky Derby last year -- my husband let me place bets based on how "pretty" the horses' names were. 4. I adore shopping. 5. I love all things girly, make-up included.. and have never set foot inside a pair of army boots. Isn't it funny how the one common bond of books brings people like us together?
  9. Ruth - Am going to look into this Homicide book you're talking about.. sounds like it could be up my alley. Thanks for the suggestion!
  10. OMG I got soooo sick of the Left Behind series and they were ALL the rage at the time.. I will never understand how they made so much money of those books.
  11. OMG this is NOT helping me stay on my healthy eating track........
  12. I'm amazed at the number of people that have posted that they just can't get comfortable and/or worry about dropping the book! I had no idea I was so alone in my love of reading in the bath. Ah well.. I'm in the minority on the wine thing .. I can't read while I'm drinking wine because I have another glass, then get too sleepy and pass out.
  13. I "read" this early in high school for a class.. and for some reason, I remember liking it (which really only means that my high school teacher at the time probably presented Tess in a wonderful light -- we're so easily persuaded by teachers' opinions about literature when we're that young!). This is really interesting that you feel this way.. It makes me want to pick up the book again as an adult, and see if I come out with the same feelings about Tess. My perspective may be totally different from high school, when I remotely went along with what my teacher fed us.
  14. Colin- Are you saying that at age 40, you are still dealing with "bullies?" I know the first parts were in the past, but you said the "local yobbos always MAKE a beeline for" you when you're reading in a cafe. So this is happening NOW?
  15. Can you really buy one without buying the whole set though? The hardback set of these books are reaaaaaally pretty.
  16. I'm shuddering at the thought of doing that..
  17. I'm 26 (still pretty young!) and feel like I'm pushing pedophile territory by saying he looks good now.. He looks CUTE now.. but I'm going to need to give him some more years before I can rob him of his innocent years by staring at him.
  18. I'm not sure I do either, but geez.. that would still creep me out! She should keep her ghost-y self to herself!
  19. This guy is obviously a tiny bit young for me, but he is going to be sooo handsome when he grows up!! YUMMY!
  20. Goodness Gracious.. is she just TRYING to scare people??
  21. Well, now I know! I know you guys must think I'm as dumb as a rock, but some of these phrases and things you guys eat are just not heard of much over here!
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