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Everything posted by Charm

  1. Our electricity was off from 9 to 5 today so I managed to read The Body Finder by Kimberley Derting, great little book which I flew threw. Going to start Dark Prince by Christine Feehan next
  2. How exciting! I'd love to meet him and get a book signed! Which book are you taking?
  3. I'm into the book already and I've only read the first 30 pages or so! Thanks Weave, it turned out to be ok after all and it was cheap!
  4. Hey VF! I just have to say (sorry to interrupt ) if you are looking for a good series for your daughter, you have to try The Morganville Vampire series, I think there are about 10 books in all now. The series is by Rachel Caine and starts with Glass Houses. It is full of action, well thought out with a bit of teen romance thrown in ...ooops just realised - more vamps. Another great series (which is not just vamps) is The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. It starts off with City Of Bones, set in the supernatural world complete with angels, demons, faerys, vampires and werewolves. It is currently being cast and developed for a movie and is tipped to be as big as Twilight!
  5. Skin Deep ~by~ Carol Davis Luce Synopsis courtesy of Amazon: Then She is young, she is in love, and she is the first runner-up in a San Francisco beauty pageant. Regina Van Raven's head is filled with hopes and dreams but they're shattered in one unspeakable instant when a psychopath, obsessed with the destruction of feminine beauty, attacks her friend Corinne--the pageant winner. Corinne's life is destroyed forever and the horror lives on in Regina's heart. . . Now Regina's memories of the ill-fated contest have finally begun to fade. She has a successful career in television, a beautiful seventeen-year-old daughter, a whole new life. It sounds like fun when a talk show host invites the five 1970 finalists for an on-the-air reunion. But someone is waiting in the wings, ready to strike again. . .and again. Now it's Regina's turn. This book started off slow for me, I don't really know why, I can't put my finger on it. The writing was straightforward and easy to read and the story moved along quickly enough, but it did take me until about a third of the book to really get into it. I liked the main characters, although most of the overall characters were a bit cliche and predictable, as was the plot, with a lot of events a little too easy and convenient. Having said all that, I still ended up enjoying it. It was a great little overall story, it was just how I like my crime thrillers - crime with a bit of romance thrown in, and will probably read more by this author. 7/10
  6. I've just added a few more books to my TBR pile: Christine Feehan - Dark Prince Christine Feehan - Dark Desire Christine Feehan - Dark Gold Katie's Hellion - Lizzy Ford Penelope Fletcher - Demon Girl ..also received via book swapping and added are Karin Slaughter - Fractured C C Humphreys - Vlad: The Last Confession L A Banks - Minion I've now finished Skin Deep by Carol Davis Luce and am about to start The Body Finder by Kimberley Derting (in tree form, it's been ages since I held a book!)
  7. Just downloaded Katie's Hellion by Lizzy Ford. This kindle lark is way too easy
  8. Oh don't worry, you quickly get used to it. I still read paper books too, there's no reason you can't do both. I was a real doubter too, but I love my kindle AND my books!
  9. Good to hear the Christine Feehan books are good, I got all 3 for a fiver in the works Just checked out Demon Girl on Amazon as I'd read Lunar Light by the same author. DG looks good, free, once click and it's mine!
  10. This sounds great! Perfect for a little escapism, it's going straight on to my wishlist You really need to get a kindle my friend, you're missing out on some great reads and bargains. It will more than pay for itself within the year! Maybe you could ask the jolly fella in the red suit to bring you one this year?
  11. I haven't even read The Killing Place yet! I've read up to Keeping The Dead but that's it.
  12. What'd I do? .... So pleased you enjoyed, The Heat, the series just gets better I'm liking the sound of No Shoes, No Shirt, No Spells, do you think I'd like it?
  13. I enjoyed this one, hope you do too! Oh I hope you liked it! I finished Skin Deep by Carol Davis Luce, think I may start The Body Finder by Kimberley Derting next I purchased 3 more tree books today, the start of a series by Christine Feehan - 'Dark Prince', 'Dark Desire' and 'Dark Gold'. I don't think I've read anything by her so I hope I like them. I also received Fractured by Karin Slaughter in the post from Isandriena as a book swap. thank you Isandriena!
  14. Good for you! What a stroke of luck finding the books eh? How could anyone be so cruel?! Nice bookmark you have now too I managed to get some reading done today and am now up to about 85% of my current read, I think would probably be a rather big paperback if it was in tree form
  15. Great chat last night, thoroughly enjoyed talking to you guys! Thanks for organising it Chesil I'll BBM you ... as long as I remember about it too of course!
  16. Sending lots of virtual and cuddles to Ben and Hyzenthlay.
  17. Aw Noll, I hope you're mojo comes back soon. If I see it I'll give it a good talking to and tell it to get home and busy quick smart!
  18. Just read a few chapters this morning, but did receive 2 books in the post as a book swap from the lovely pickle, thanks honey! C C Humphreys - Vlad: The Last Confession & L A Banks - The Minion
  19. *pictures noll hugging my wrist, then ankle* thank you Nollypop! Right back at ya Sending good vibes to Kylie, hope you're feeling better hun!
  20. No reading today, but did receive 3 books in the post! The Declaration by Gemma Malley from Chaliepud as a book swap. Dawn of Demontide Witchfinder Bk 1 by William Hussey & The Body Finder by Kimberley Derting .... both from Michelle. thank you both very much!!!
  21. Thanks honey I keep checking in on yours too, although if there is something on my list you 'd like, you can have it now if you want and sure when something comes up on yours that I'd like, you can send me it then Oh don't get me wrong, tbh I think it's a phase I'm going through, I mean there are only so many free books out there and they're usually free to introduce you to an author. I still buy paperbacks, in fact I bought 3 on Monday, and I will always buy paper books for series I like too. I have to - I'm getting new shelves built! I have no problem paying for the books I really want and have paid full price for some which came out on kindle before paperback, plus I'll probably buy the paperback as well to keep. I also have friends who use torrent sites online to illegally download brand new titles FOC, I deliberately won't do this. It's not fair to hard-working authors. I like a bargain, but I won't steal them. Most of the free books on Amazon are the classics, but if you search for a topic you like in the kindle store eg. vampires, and then refine your search 'price low to high', you should get some freebies and bargain prices No worries on the hijacking peeps! It's not hijacking, it's input!
  22. Who me?? I'm a good girl I am ... besides, you don't need any help on the temptation front! Oh the visual images I have in my head Sorry pickle for hijacking your thread!
  23. ~~~hhuuummm~~~~huuuuuummm~~~*thinkingsunshinethoughts* ~~~hhuuuummmm~~~~~ *doessunshinedancehobble* Have a lovely time! Aw fanks frankie! Thanks! Well I'm not a typist as such, but I can usually manage with one or two fingers I'm hobbling, so I guess I'm on my feet, still limping though
  24. How did I miss this thread! Great idea Kylie, thank you! I really could have done with coming here last week, especially after I fell and sprained my wrist and ankle! BUT, they're healing, the sun is out and I actually got a wee bit of sleep last night So loads and loads of cuddles and hugs to everyone who needs them, newbies and oldies alike! This is a great place to be a part of, Michelle has created a booklover's heaven and I couldn't imagine my life without all you lovely possums! PS. I prefer Marmite!
  25. Fanks! I've gotten to the point now where, if it's free, I'll download it anyway. I've also become a real miser, I hate spending over a pound on a book now One good thing about it is, I'm discovering loads of authors I would have never considered before, obviously some a lot better than others. It can be a bit hit and miss, but if a book entertains me then it has done it's job
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