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The Library Nook

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Posts posted by The Library Nook

  1. lol, you can tell I was on holiday when I am zoomed through that! Back at school now and my lovely class are lovely but exhausting! Plus I am reading lots of teaching books at the moment so it leaves little time for personal reading.

  2. I have just taken a break from work and been looking on my shelves to see what I can put on Read It Swap It. However on my shelves I have so many books I don't want to get rid of, even though I may not want to re-read them for a long time. What makes you decide to re-read or keep books?

  3. This always happens when I read a non-fiction book- I don't read! Even though it is something I really want to read I get a kind of brain block. However to be fair I have done loads of work today instead so thats a positive I guess:)

  4. I get my books from a wide variety of places.

    Charity Shops

    Read It Swap It (I haven't tried Green Metropolis or Bookmooch yet, are they good?)

    'Proper' shops although in my town all we have is a small WHSmiths so I have to wait until we go shopping elsewhere before being able to buy




    I try not to buy many new books because it all adds up so much!

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