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The Library Nook

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Posts posted by The Library Nook

  1. I work in a large school and am setting up a book club for my Year 5 and 6 pupils. I plan to start with them bringing books in to talk about and I want to get them to do lots of book related activities! I have come up with a few but wondered whether you wonderful people had some ideas!

  2. How about read two chapters and see how you feel? If you like it carry on and if it doesn't immediately grab you return it. If you feel really bad you can always say someone gave you a copy to keep and so you are returning hers! That must be so difficult and I know what it is like so good luck!

  3. Finished Jane Green - Second Chance - sadly disappointing - or maybe I am finally growing out of chick lit :). Review to follow


    I bought that recently but after a chapter picked up a new book which isn't a good sign. I normally quite like Jane Green so I will give it a go although I am a bit worried after reading your comment!

  4. What a great way to get me reading some more classics! Looking through all the books I have read recently and all the books on my LT account nearly everything is modern fiction. So my personal challenge for myself is to read a classic a month until December and then review. So each month I will choose from one of these authors.


    William Shakespeare

    Lewis Carroll

    Joseph Conrad

    Anton Chekhov

    Jane Austen

    Thomas Hardy


    Books Read







  5. I agree completely about that, Tammy. The only thing that dragged about BSG were the slightly clunky 80s references, either to the digital watch, or to the use of "slang". I loved the fact that he drops a couple of references from previous books across his novels - you'd discover at least one link to Ghostwritten in BSG, too.



    Ooh what was the link? I read Ghostwritten years ago and loved it. BSG I read recently and have mixed views on it. Cloud Atlas I couldn't get past the first chapter but I think after your comments I will have to try again! Shame an old housemate borrowed it and never returned it, will have to get it from the library!

  6. That's true - there seems to be a lot of snobbery surrounding their choice of books. People I've spoken to often write the books off if R&J have picked them.


    I wouldn't necessarily go out of my way to buy their recommendations - but neither would I let it put me off. I'd have missed out on the excellent The House at Riverton (and Mr Pip?) if I did!


    I've only watched Richard and Judy's show once - and that was specifically for 'Riverton' - it's not my type of programme.


    I agree, as long as a book sounds good I will read it and it seems a shame if people let a sticker put them off. I have never watched the R and J book club so cannpt comment but I am certainly not going to be put off reading books! I have added No Time for Goodbye to my list and I also quite fancy Addition but not quite so sure about that one.

  7. Measure for Measure, Macbeth and bits of Midsummer Nights Dream

    Silas Marner by George Eliot

    An Inspector Calls

    The Go-Between by L.P Hartley

    The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy

    There must have been more but as others have said I read so much at school they have all merged and I cannot remember what was what! At primary school we had the Roger Ret Hat etc but again like others have said I was way past that and onto adult novels by year 5 and 6 which my teachers didn’t like very much. I don’t remember the process of learning to read, just remember always being able to do it and loving it more than anyone else in the class!

  8. Just to let you know I am in the process of changing my username on LT. I am setting up a website to keep track of my books and teaching stuff and because I am getting confused with names I am trying to link a few bits together lol! So a.book.in.the.life on LT will change and when it is sorted I will let you know as I think I should remain friends with people on there shouldn't I?


    If anyone wants to add me I am still a.book.in.the.life for now:)

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