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The Library Nook

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Posts posted by The Library Nook

  1. wow all the way down on page 3, naughty me. I am too tired to update now but will try and do it tomorrow.


    Basically gave up on Michael Crichton Airframe earlier and now reading The Creative Writing Handbook to try and get me back into the writing mood!

  2. The book has to draw me into the story, the outside world will fade out and if people try interrupting, I will not be listening.

    Whatever the size of the book, when I get to the end I'll be left with a sense of "is that it? I want more." prolific writer's do well out of me, I'm so excited when the next book comes out.



    Agree with all of that. I know I have read a good book when my real life ceases to exist and I cannot put the book down:smile2:

    Sadly hasn't happened in a while.

  3. I am currently part way through this books and just wanted peoples opinion about whether to continue. I have read Crichton's books before and don't mind the technical detail but this book I am just getting a bit *whispers* bored of it. I never usually give up on a book and so feel really bad which is why I am posting! Can anyone tell me whether it is worth it in the end?

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