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The Library Nook

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Posts posted by The Library Nook

  1. In the past few years I have lost my reading mojo a lot, usually because I feel so tired or I feel guilty and think I should be working instead on lesson plans or marking. However I realised that I had to have a work/ life balance and since starting at my new school I have got better at enjoying a good book thus I haven't lost my mojo for a while lol! However it is frustrating when it happens, especially when you have shelves of books to choose from and nothing you fancy.

  2. I am in the middle of putting together my personal website about my reading and have a section on this forum. Do you mind if I cut and paste what you say on your front page about what your site is about? I have simply said something about how much I love the site and then put in speech marks your bit so it explains what th site is and then explains it in your words!


    I also cant get the html to work in easily web creator so no funky logo!

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