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The Library Nook

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Posts posted by The Library Nook

  1. I have had two mooches! Both are from the US. The first one I have said yes to because it was my first but am unsure about the second because I am worried about the cost, does it work out expensive?

  2. I just realised it is Buy a Friend a Book Week and as I didn't know if I could put this anywhere else on the forum I thought I would just post here and give people a chance to get a free book from me! Basically BAFAB week has been set up to run several times a year and is an opportunity to give friends a book! With online friends this is a little more difficult so in my blog I have given a list of several books. I would like to give one of my lovely online friends one of these books so all I ask is you either email me, leave a comment or put a message here with your username/ blog name etc and the book you would like. I will put these all into a hat and get my OH to pick one out. The person picked out will then get that book posted to them in the next week or so:)


    This is just a small way to show my appreciation to the book loving friends I have found who don't roll their eyes when I would rather be reading:)


    * Just an update, yes anyone can enter so go for it!

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