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Everything posted by happyanddandy

  1. You lucky lucky thing!! I have seen him about 5 times here over the last 20 years - a great show man - I have been laughed at many times for being a fan but I don't care:smile2:
  2. Can't locate what you are referring to Nici
  3. I think I know someone who calls themselves Supergran....
  4. Maureen - it's a geeky systems thing for me about organisation and control - in fact I am a self confessed control freak and 'Librarything' fulfuls something in me!! I will sign up to this reviewing thing if others have - thank :smile2:you
  5. I have a message at Librarything offering books for review - did anyone else have a similar message? I haven't replied yet and it does say if you are outside the USA you will not get the Random House books to review only ones from your country.
  6. I too seem to have a problem with fantasy books - I just don't choose them - I haven't read LOTR or Harry Potter. Similarly I don't choose thrillers or crime except Kate Atkinson!! And I used to read PD James eons ago - things have to be 'believable' for me
  7. FA, L and V those are impressive figures! oh dear I have only read 8-10 - some of them so long ago I can't remember if I have or not - I have copied the list into a document in order to keep a record. I don't think I will make it before I die!! B)
  8. Hello there and welcome B)
  9. I don't remember much of what we read in school as a class. I was a big reader outside of school I do remember very well 'Northanger Abbey' for O level and thought it dreary then. Alongside King Henry IV Part 1 and Tennyson poetry I could barely keep my eyes open at times. Now I realise it was the text choices of the English teacher and I feel cross with her - my sister at the same school did Brighton Rock (a fantastic read for teens), Midsummer Nights Dream and modern poets for O level - much better choices for that age group
  10. I don't get the urge to write in books - I think it must have been trained out of me at a very early age. It annoys me if I borrow a library book and someone has written in it but then I am also curious as to what is written and I begin to wonder why. I can only remember highlighting in my own text books at Poly. I wouldn't dream of writing in library books or books borrowed from others. I am furious if someone has torn out pages out of text books which happened frequently at Poly and some of the nursing schools I trained in.
  11. Hi Frida and welcome - I am not keen on horror books either B)
  12. Finished 'Not a Games Person' by Julie Myerson. An odd little book of anecdotes from the authors schooldays. The focus is on her abhorrence of games and sports day. The chapters go backwards to childhood and forwards to the present day. She also interviews her old games teachers. I don't think this book is put together very well. It's all over the place and without direction. I enjoyed it only because the author is about my age and she describes the sixties and seventies well. However I was a games person!!
  13. Hi Fiona and welcome B)
  14. Ha ha - so you're all at it!! I do offer him some of mine when he has run out so he can't complain too much.
  15. TBR pile on window ledge and now significant large. Hubby may notice very soon - will have to resort to devious means to disguise them B)
  16. I am right handed but I throw or bowl a ball with my left. I was named by a midwife who called me Paula the Bawler because I cried a lot (and my dad still calls me that) I am a knitter but I can't crochet My eldest son is a test tube baby I am a Barry Manilow fan B)
  17. great news - this is next on my reading list B)
  18. I read at night before sleep sometimes quite late if not sleepy or book is good. I fall asleep holding the book regularly!! B) Also wake with scary palpitations quite often so I put the light on, take a pill and carry on reading to take my mind off it. Read loads and loads on holiday.
  19. There's a great picture on the front of girls in those old fashioned ruched (I think that's what it's called) swimsuits - I tried to copy and paste it here but couldn't do it
  20. Yes I am a fan!! - I have read 'Kevin' and also 'Double Fault' - I knew the new book had been released as it was in last Satuday's Times or Guardian. I wont buy the hardback I'm afraid but will look in the library for it. So can't help with review yet.
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