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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. I've just finished the 1st part of Inverted World, and all is good so far, I like his style and may try some others of his. I'm also about half way through Gone Girl, and I can't decide whether to continue. There's been a change in the 2nd part which has annoyed me, and I'm not that keen to carry on. I understand there's a twist at the end, but even that has annoyed some people. So, do I persevere, or just go online and find out the ending?
  2. I've just finished Undone by Cat Clarke, a rather fabulous YA book. It covers some very serious issues - when Kai is outed as gay he commits suicide, leaving his best friend Jem overwhelmed with grief. She eventually decides to get revenge on the people she suspects of outing him, which means getting into the popular group. It does start with a typical YA feel, but after a while I was hooked. Cat is a really good writer, and she gradually brings out the emotion. The characters are well done, the issues are handled well, and there are some powerful twists. Highly recommended - I've passed it on to Beth, telling her she has to read it! (It does have some sex in it, which is all part of the story, and done well, but it does make it more suitable for older teens.)
  3. Actually, you only need 10 posts, so Vimes, you should have been able to use it for a while now. Terence, please remember you've been asked not to promote your book. Thanks
  4. I went to my YA book club tonight, which is held in Waterstones. Whilst there, 5 books managed to persuade me to buy them - I dunno how that keeps happening! Anyway, 2 were for Beth, one is a John Green book, and one is a book by the actor who plays Kurt in Glee - she really likes Glee, and the book was signed, so that made me a popular mum! For myself, I bought Geekhood by Andy Robb, as he may be coming to speak to us during the Sept book club; Nowhere by Jon Robinson, as it looked an interesting, fairly quick read; and Inverted World by Christopher Priest. I'd never heard of it, or him before, but it called to me. Hopefully someone can now come and tell me how good it is!?
  5. The only times you've posted on here is to talk about the same author, which seems unusual.. have you read anything else, and are you, as we suspect, connected to the author?
  6. I want to hold a Doctor Who party!!
  7. Please use this thread for that type of query - http://www.bookclubforum.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/8236-has-anyone-read/ - thank you.
  8. Assignment 2 (aka The Railway Station) finished today - I'm going to put my thoughts in a spoiler, in case anyone else is thinking of watching these for the first time: I've read that Assignment 3 seems to be everyone's least favourite, but I'm still looking forward to it. I think I'm going to be very sad when I've finished these.
  9. I emailed them, and sadly the Sapphire and Steel audio books are not available for download, it's CD only.
  10. I'm pretty sure they are, yes. Unfortunately they don't seem to be available as downloads, just as CDs.
  11. I've been really enjoying it, as well. I watched Caves of Androzani and am sad to say I was a bit disappointed. I wasn't at all keen on Peri as a companion, and I wish the Doctor's previous companions had still been with him when he regenerated. Jek was rather strange and creepy, and for me just didn't 'fit' in Doctor Who. I really like Davison's Doctor, so it was sad to see him regenerate.
  12. I had little idea of what to expect when I read The Night Circus, and I ended up really loving it.
  13. Off the top of my head, I would say The String Diaries and The 5th Wave.
  14. I started watching Assignment 1 last night, and finished it this morning - wow! I love the fact that it was set just in the house, with a limited cast, it made it feel very claustrophobic and creepy. I wasn't keen on the young girl's acting, and Lead was a bit over the top, but otherwise brilliant! BigWords, according to a thread on another forum, the audios are supposed to be very good.
  15. Thanks everyone - she's already finished Fault in our Stars, and says she's made a wish-list! I've just finished Festival of Death, one of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary re-releases. It was another good read, based on the 4th Doctor and Romana, and was very timey-wimey!
  16. Do you have that actual book? It's gorgeous!
  17. I'm pleased to report that indeed the lightbulb does seemed to have sparked to life! She found herself enjoying the Hunger Games, and rapidly moved onto Catching Fire. She started Mockingjay, but is taking a break. The other bonus was that as some of her friends did their presentations, she has become aware of other books - she has sped through The Fault in Our Stars this week, and has asked me to buy her Geek Girl. Pleased mum!
  18. The Player of Games looks intriguing. Audible has it as book 2 of the Culture series, is it a good idea to read the first book, Consider Phlebas? The Sparrow also looks good, but rather long - has anyone read it?
  19. Does anyone have any experience of portable DVD players? I bought Amy a fairly cheap one, but when I tried it, the background noise from the DVD going round was rather distracting. I've also been looking at the larger screen ones. So if anyone has any recommendations, I'd be grateful.
  20. I went to check it out again on Amazon, and somehow clicked on 'buy'. I might have to take a look first without Amy watching.
  21. I really want to watch some of these, but I'm not sure whether to try the YouTube versions, or buy the boxset. As someone who is loving the classic Doctor Who, these seem appealing. If I go for DVD though, my 9 year old will want to watch me - do you think she'd find them scary?
  22. I've seen a picture of the giant rat, and that has put me off somewhat - but I do have it on my ipad to watch.
  23. Can I please ask you to use this thread http://www.bookclubforum.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/8236-has-anyone-read/ for these types of queries. Thanks.
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