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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. I've read 2 and a 1/2 of the stories, including the Neil Gaiman one, and they're rather good!
  2. I'm going through another phase of not being able to get into books, or maybe I'm just being really fussy! Despite not doing much reviewing, I do have a couple at the moment - on my kindle I have a horror book called The Troop - I've read some mixed reviews, so I'm not sure how I'll get on with it. I was also sent Rags and Bones, which is published later this month - it's a book of short stories, rewritten by modern authors.. and I'm in love with the cover!
  3. I am a bit of a fan girl about King (you should have seen me hugging my copy of Doctor Sleep and squealing!) but I'm also willing to admit that he's had books I haven't liked. I read a lot of King when I was younger, so it's nice that he's still writing now I'm older. Maggie O'Farrell is another of my faves.. I have a signed, limited edition of her latest, and it's one of my prized possessions.
  4. Michelle

    Book News!

    Mind you, if there are restrictions on ebooks and audiobooks (I have one in particular I can't get hold of) I'm not sure why physical books would be different?
  5. Kell's having trouble with the internet on her phone, so she's asked me to post. Joshua Yul Smurthwaite was born 10th Oct at 5:58am, weighing 8lbs 15oz. Kell had to have a c/section, but they're all doing well.
  6. And here's another one, just announced, to be published later in 2014 http://teriterry.jimdo.com/2013/10/12/it-s-a-deal-for-my-next-book-game-of-the-few/ I've really enjoyed Teri Terry's writing so far, so I'll be looking forward to this one.
  7. I liked the Martian Chronicles, and have recently listened to most of Bradbury 13, which consists of 13 dramatised stories. I've added a few of his to my audible wish list - I may get The Illustrated Man to listen to next.
  8. Soul Beach is waiting for me on my new kindle Kate, it does sound interesting.
  9. Mine should be waiting for me at home - I'll let you know what I think
  10. Ooh, I hope a big author hasn't ripped off someone else's book?! Was it any good?
  11. There's an article here http://io9.com/why-maze-runners-james-dashner-abandoned-dystopia-for-1442116599 about James Dashner's new book, The Eye of Minds. Dashner says he's been influenced by The Matrix and Inception, and that he wants to see science fiction taking a leap in YA fiction. VR has been looked at before.. I enjoyed Stray by Monica Hesse, where children from a troublesome background live their childhood in a virtual world, experiencing what is thought to be the perfect upbringing. It's also in the latest book from Patrick Ness. So could VR be the next big thing, taking over from dystopia? Or is it science fiction in general? Katya's World by Jonathan L Howard is a favourite of mine, and the publishers Strange Chemistry have another excellent sounding science fiction book coming, The Almost Girl by Amalie Howard. YA readers, do you enjoy science fiction, and would you be interested in more? And how about VR, how does that grab you? YA authors, is it much different writing science fiction for teens, and do you think there's more to come?
  12. Although I hadn't heard you talk about another one, I assumed from the end of Student Bodies that it would come.
  13. I think King's back on form recently though - Full Dark, No Stars, 11/22/63 and Doctor Sleep have all been great.
  14. If she doesn't read much at the moment, maybe go for something like the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, or the David Walliams books - both were popular with both my girls.
  15. Ok, so those of you who read YA, how much romance do you want to see? It seems to me that the vast majority have a romantic element, and it's becoming overdone. The other day I picked up a YA Fantasy book, only to put it down again because the majority of the blurb talked about the dashing hero and the romance. I know it can be an important element, but I often feel it takes over, and it can very quickly put me off. And love triangles? As I said in another thread, a group of teens were asked about this in a book group, and they are all fed up of them. They said it's rare enough to have one person like you when you're a teen, let alone two! Readers, do you like the romance element, or do you feel it's being overdone? Authors, is there pressure to add that romance element?
  16. Weaveworld I remember really liking, but that was quite a few years ago!
  17. Thanks Claire, I was having trouble finding them. I think those threads should also be in this section, but I don't want to move them and affect the links.
  18. That is very true Sean, now I think about it. I'm 5 years younger than you (Ha!) but I also jumped straight to King, Saul etc, and I imagine many of us were the same. And I think I turned out ok.
  19. I find horror hard to judge, because I'm used to it, and I don't scare easy - I also like psychological rather than gory. I think the first person to come to mind is William Hussy, I've read his Witchfinder series, and that was pretty good.
  20. Is there anything you'd particularly like to ask our YA authors who are visiting? My first question is, as writers of YA, how do you define it? Are you thinking about the age of your intended audience, the age of your characters, or something completely different?
  21. 50 books read this year. Doctor Sleep was a brilliant sequel to The Shining.. not as scary, but really good. I'll write a review soon. Being A Boy by James Dawson is a very honest and fun look at what it means to be a teen boy and beyond. As a parent, I like the style and tone, it's open and honest, but also responsible. There's a FAQ here.. http://www.jamesdawsonbooks.com/2013/08/being-a-boy-faq/ and some videos which show his style here.. http://www.jamesdawsonbooks.com/2013/09/being-a-boy-out-now/ I've also just finished The Name of the Star, which was really good and highly recommended to older teens.
  22. I've finished Doctor Sleep, now I need to get back to The Name of the Star and get that finished.
  23. We'd be glad to help. I've also suggested the YA ones to a YA physical book group I attend.
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