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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Do you like crime? Kimberley Derting has a series which starts with The Body Finder. It's a serial, but with a YA slant on things. More here.. http://www.kimberlyderting.com/body-finder.php Edit: I'm struggling a bit, because most which I like have a sci fi or dystopian element. Geekhood by Andy Robb seems to be just for teen boys, but I got a lot out of it, and it's funny.. http://www.bookclubforum.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/11985-geekhood-by-andy-robb/
  2. Hmm.. I'll put my thinking cap on and get back to you. This will be a good subject for next month, as the YA authors can help - I shall move it into the correct section once I've set it up.
  3. The one I listened to was (I think) the dramatised radio version.
  4. Poppyshake, for me, the best way to experience War of the Worlds is the audio version. I preferred it to The Time Machine and The Island of Doctor Moreau, although they're all good. Anyone who's read WofW and TM, have you tried The Space Machine by Christopher Priest? It's an interesting spin on the tales.
  5. Yep, as I said, it's from a publisher of children's books, so I suppose it falls under that genre/category - but it's an intriguing, well written book that I think anyone should enjoy.
  6. This was our Reading Circle book for July - perhaps you'd like to share your thoughts there? http://www.bookclubforum.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/11766-july-reading-circle-the-unlikely-pilgrimage-of-harold-fry/?hl
  7. I think my mojo has flown, I can't get into any of my books :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. gardengirl


      I think we all have times like this, when we don't read much for some unknown reason.

    3. gardengirl


      It's like writer's block only it's reader's block!

    4. Inver


      I'm on a go slow too Michelle

  8. I'm really reluctant to put this into this section, because I'd recommend it to anyone, but it's from a publisher of children's books, so I'll leave it here. This is really all you need to know... Please, do not read any reviews which give away more than this - it's a book which needs to be discovered, with no preconceptions. It's beautifully written, and had me gripped from start to finish. I loved Seth, and maybe Thomasz even more. I find myself constantly thinking about it, and want desperately to discuss it with someone! Go read it, then come back and tell me your thoughts!
  9. There are two books published so far.. Close Encounters of the Girl Kind and Mission Improbable. Beth has read both of them, and keen for more; I've read the first, and really liked it. Especially good for teen boys, but there really is something for everyone. Amazon review..
  10. I like to hear this - both that you're loving the book, and that your mojo is reviving. I've almost finished More Than This by Patrick Ness.. it's a very gripping book, well written, and I'm looking forward to being able to discuss it with others.
  11. I paid £50 for my Kobo Mini not long ago, although they're showing £59.99 as the original price. They're now down to £29.99 in WHSmith. Although struggling with all eReaders, I do like my Kobo Mini - you can't buy the cheap kindle ebooks for it, which is it's downfall, but it does accept all other formats, and they have their own book store. It's a brilliant size for carrying around, and easy to hold. So if you want something entry level and small, it's now a very good price.
  12. Waterstones are probably a good place to try them all out.
  13. I haven't heard any rumours. I'm not actually sure if I'd like a movie of this one, as I have my own images very strongly in my mind.
  14. Thanks for suggesting them, a long time ago! Did you have a favourite? I think I enjoyed the last the best.
  15. This is so annoying - every time there's a new e-reader out, I think it may be 'the one'. I've had a traditional kindle, a tablet, and a mini kobo, and I still can't enjoy using them. I have to have a light on my kobo, so maybe the paperlight is the way to go? Curse you ebooks!
  16. I've now finished the 3rd book, Shades of Earth - it's unusual for me to read a trilogy back-to-back, but I really wanted to know how this all worked out. I think, for me, this trilogy got better as it went along, each book better than the last - I'd highly recommend it as a YA series, but it's also worth considering if you like a little science fiction, but nothing too 'heavy' or complicated. Audio, I finished Insurgent, and I am so excited to see where the 3rd book Allegiant takes us - it'll be bought to listen to the day it comes out. Also, my total is now at 45, which means I'm on track to at least match the last 2 years.
  17. We watched Looper yesterday, not overly impressed, and if you think about the time travel aspect, it all falls apart.. as it does with most time travel films!
  18. Pretty good, I like the fact that I can put a book down which isn't holding me, and that I can choose my next book quite freely.
  19. Having seen it mentioned quite a few times, I finally picked up Across the Universe by Beth Revis... Amy has left the life she loves for a world 300 years away Trapped in space and frozen in time, Amy is bound for a new planet. But fifty years before she's due to arrive, she is violently woken, the victim of an attempted murder. Now Amy's lost on board and nothing makes sense - she's never felt so alone. Yet someone is waiting for her. It's a very readable book, with some interesting concepts. Some of the big twists and turns were a little predictable, but there are some good characters, and it's quite gripping. I moved straight on to the 2nd book, A Million Suns, which I actually thought was better.. it wasn't so predictable, and the concepts continue to make you think. Onto the final book now....
  20. That often happens with polls, I'm afraid, you think of other options after. At least I always add 'other'.
  21. There seems to be so many of these now that they usually pass me by, but 2 titles caught my attention this time, so I thought I'd start a thread. The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes - this one one has been mentioned a lot on my twitter feed, and is on my wish list. It's a murder thriller with a serial killer who can travel through time. Instructions for a Heatwave by Maggie O'Farrell - it's no secret that I love her books, and this was no exception. In this one her characters are so well written, I really felt I was peeping in on their lives. The rest I haven't heard of yet, but some look interesting... Heartbreak Hotel by Debbie Moggach Never Coming Back by Tim Weaver The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier The Twins by Saskia Sarginson - the only debut author on the list, and going on my wishlist The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty - will look into this one Snow White Must Die by Nele Nuehaus
  22. I was surprised how much I liked Amongst Others.
  23. I'm having trouble choosing my next book at the moment, as well as getting into them. I have a few now which I've started but put back down. Last night I started Across the Universe and am quite hopeful. Audio-wise, I've finished my re-read (or re-listen) of Divergent, and am now onto Insurgent. I think I'm enjoying Insurgent more the second time around. I've seen the trailer for the Divergent film this morning, and I am beyond excited, it looks so good!
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