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Posts posted by Vimes

  1. oh wow. You've read a lot of books! Sometimes I get sad thinking about all the great books I am yet to read. Now a days, I can't seem to find the time and drive for reading most of the time.

    Have you read anything by Terry Pratchett? The disc world?

    Ai sometimes feel that way myself, so many book so little time! Then I decided that the faster I read them the quicker I could get to the next one lol it hasn't worked so well as there always seems to be new books :P



    oh and I totally saved your recommendations in a text file on my android. I hope to read all of these as soon as a get my hands on them.

    Ah good this is something that I always forget to do, I find great book and I say to myself 'naah I will remember it!' Then when I want to get the book I'm like 'well it was a book...by somebody...and it was about...ummm' :P lol

  2. omg thank you! you're recommendation is really helpful! I love fantasy books. I've been looking for good recommendations but my friends can't seem to suggest anything that doesn't have a supposedly sexy bloodsucker in it.

    Vampires are just not sexy, not on any plant lol. I'm just glad to have helped, you might want to look at some of Mercedes Lackeys other series as well as maybe taking a look at these Authors,


    Alison Goodman


    Daniel Fox


    Kristen Britain


    Lloyd Alexander


    Piers Anthony


    Richard Adams (maybe no true fantasy but stop great books)


    Robin hobb


    Terry brooks




    Terry Goodkind

  3. I have just started to read Cornwells Sharpe series, I am now on the second book and I am injoying them as much as I have his other books. Like a few of his characters Sharpe can be a right-you know-what once in a while but you still like him and cheer him on.

  4. No need to be sorry, Vimes, it was just one of those things. There are SO many books out there, it's amazing that any of us have read the same ones! :D


    The new quote, I think, is Pride and Prejudice?

    1. Yes it is Pride and Prejudice, congratulations! :D


    2. Thank you for understanding, it is hard trying to choose a quote that is a fun challenge while trying not to do what I did and that is choose a book that no-one knew :)

  5. Well I did post a new quote, so I guess we just start from the beginning?




    "She found, what has been

    sometimes found before, that an

    event to which she had looked

    forward with impatient desire, did

    not, in taking place, bring all the

    satisfaction she had promised

    herself. It was consequently

    necessary to name some other

    period for the commencement of

    actual felicity; to have some

    other point on which her wishes

    and hopes might be fixed, and by

    again enjoying the pleasure of

    anticipation, console herself for

    the present, and prepare for

    another disappointment."

  6. I think I may have choose a book that no-on has heard of ( Silver Pigs the first book in the Falco series by Lindsey Davis ), so I am putting another quote out there, everyone should know the Arthur and it is a classic :)

    " She found, what has been sometimes found before, that an event to which she had looked forward with impatient desire, did not, in taking place, bring all the satisfaction she had promised herself. It was consequently necessary to name some other period for the commencement of actual felicity; to have some other point on which her wishes and hopes might be fixed, and by again enjoying the pleasure of anticipation, console herself for the present, and prepare for another disappointment."




    I meant any particular person on here? ;)

    If you know right from the get go that nobody's probably going to know the book you're wanting to quote, it's perhaps better to choose a book you know more people might know of.

    As I said in an ever post I did think that it might be a tough one as I hadn't seen anyone mentioning the books before (besides me) but I didn't think it was going to be impossible, just because no-one has mentioned the books doesn't mean that no-one has ever read them. I don't think that was an unreasonable thought. As I said in my quoted post (above) I had chosen a bad quote (and I am very sorry for that) and I have now changed it to something that everyone should know.

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