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Everything posted by chaliepud

  1. I've just checked and it is Jamica Inn I have so that's positive. I have moved in to the front of the shelf so hopefully I will get to it sooner rather than later.
  2. Happy reading Kay, wishing you a healthy and happy 2015.
  3. I went into town with my son and we bought The Miniaturist and The Humans by Matt Haig for me and a Simpsons graphic novel and Tom Gates annual for him.
  4. Hi Athena, I looked up her other books but none of them appeal, The Memory Book, whilst light in its writing style was a much deeper in content and much more my type of book.. I will definitely keep an eye on anything else of hers that is published though. Paper Towns was excellent, I'll keep an eye on what you're reading so I can read your thoughts on it when you do. From Diane Chamberlain I read The Bay at Midnight, Secret Lives, Reflection and Before the Storm, all 4 star reads except Before the Storm which was a 3. I have also read The Midwife's Confession and The Good Father, both also 4 star books.
  5. It can't have required more than 3 brain cells as I'm pretty sure that's all I have! You are interested in psychology anyway like I am so that side of it should be enjoyable not a challenge.
  6. Happy reading frankie.. You have a lot of good books on your lists.. Maybe Human Traces will get a look in this year?
  7. I have A Very Long Engagment and The Handmaid's Tale on my shelves so will look forward to them even more now, and I must read another Daphne Du Maurier, (I have one somewhere but too lazy to get up and see which one!) Rebecca was one of my favourite books of all time and I am a little worried that I may have started with her best book and none of the others will live up to that!
  8. It was astonishing wasn't it? It just felt so real too, I know it was based on fact but it isn't a given thing that the author can make it feel real to the reader, I felt so many emotions whilst reading it.
  9. Hi NB, I hope you have a wonderful reading year. I was very pleased to see Tell The Wolves I'm Home on your TBR list, I loved that book, it was a real gem and nothing like I thought it would be, I'm actually a bit jealous that you're going to be reading it for the first time!
  10. Thought this may be interesting for some, books that are being made into films and screening this year.. So you still have time to read the book first! http://www.buzzfeed.com/ariellecalderon/books-to-movies-2015#.iir29MNMr
  11. Hi NB, great to see you too, I must look at your blog as I always used to get lots of great recommendations from you! I wouldn't have read Paper Towns as I really didn't get on with Looking for Alaska but a friend bought it for my birthday.. I was very pleasantly surprised! Would highly recommend it.
  12. I haven't participated much on here over the last few months but I have been reading so here are my favourites.. Your favourite read of the year? Like most of you it is too hard to choose just one so I will have to say, Paper Towns - John Green The Memory Book - Rowan Coleman Year of Wonders - Geraldine Brooks Jellybird - Lezanne Clannachan Dear Thing - Julie Cohen Your favourite author of the year? Hard but I will go with Rowan Coleman for having the ability to get truly into my heart with her writing in The Memory Book. Your most read author of the year? Diane Chamberlain Your favourite book cover of the year? Paper Towns - John Green The book you abandoned (if there was more than one, the one you read least of)? I don't keep records of books abandoned and do my best to forget them! The book that most disappointed you? The One Plus One by Jojo Moyes, sadly one of my authors fell short for me this time. The funniest book of the year? I haven't read a truly funny book.. not usually my thing but may try one this year. Your favourite literary character this year? I've chosen two, and they are poles apart in character and everything else, Melanie from The Girl with all the Gifts and Anna from Year of Wonders. Your favourite children's book this year? It's YA but The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson. Totally different to anything Ihave read before and very refreshing. Your favourite classic of the year? None Your favourite non-fiction book this year? Grain Brain by Dr David Perlmutter who has set me on a healthier course with far less headaches and migraine and much more energy!! Your favourite biography this year? Night - Elie Wiesel, a remarkable holocaust true story. Your favourite collection of short stories this year? None Your favourite poetry collection this year? None Your favourite illustrated book of the year? Hollow City - Ransom Riggs Your favourite publisher of the year? I don't take any notice of publishers, but any that published my top five books!! Your favourite audiobook of the year? None Your favourite re-read of the year? None
  13. Will get on the case of filming her training when Steve is home in Feb. We both love the agility and she is so so good at it.. It's just hard work getting her around a course as she is so fast that it is a challenge to get her over the obstacles in the right order! I haven't taken any videos of her and Obi for ages, I will rectify that soon, I might try and video her chasing her ball but I'm not sure the camera will keep up with her super speediness! I have found my notes so will do them now, just need to find the thread.....
  14. Do you have a recipe for that Virginia, I'm looking to increase my soup repertoire!
  15. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen and Philomena.. the latter definitely better than the former, Ewan MacGregor was so miscast in SFinY!
  16. Wow! That is close.. Hopefully we will hear soon if that is definitely where we will be staying. Unfortunately I will be travelling on a coach (with twenty 9 and 10 year old boys!) so won't have much opportunity to explore the area..
  17. I'm currently reading Cruel Summer by James Dawson, which was, I think, recommended by someone on here, maybe Michelle? I'm only 70 pages in and it's very readable but there's not a lot happening at the moment despite vague suggestion that it will become more sinister..
  18. Thanks Gaia.. I may be in your neck of the woods in April! By your neck of the woods, I mean Holland. My son has a football tour there but not sure if they have finalised where we are staying as yet, Weert was mentioned, wherever that may be but I'm not sure if it has been decided for definite yet.
  19. Hi Diane, I've finished The Seafront Tea Rooms if you'd like it now?
  20. Home made granola with chia and flaxseeds mixed together with natural live yogurt.. Desperate to get back to my healthy diet now Christmas is over especially after eating a Chinese takeaway last night!!
  21. Wow, you read a lot of books last year frankie!! Some great reviews there. I like the look of Hate List, think I'll pop it on my wish list.. Not that I'm buying any book this year of course!
  22. Gosh, it's been a while since I looked in here, 2014 was a funny old year in many ways, nothing awful, just busy with training and the kids, two of them are now in the GCSE system with one starting Sixth Form in September so we have been in an endless cycle of studying and visiting potential Sixth Form colleges. We lost our old boy Dylan in September which was a big blow for me as he and our old girl Honey, who we lost the year before, had been such a huge part of our lives for 16 years and he was such a darling boy, so sweet and loving and never really any trouble.. Unlike the two hooligan Cattle Dogs we have now, they really keep us on our toes!! I have been looking into getting another dog to join the family, a black boy as I've always always had a black dog, but the time hasn't quite felt right yet and I've not seen the right dog that would fit in well with the other two. It will happen in time I'm sure, I have managed to read 40 books this year which was ok, a few standouts, I'll try and do the best books of 2014 questionnaire soon so I can recommend a few good books. I have started to read a few posts and jot down a few recommendations but I'm being cautious as I really do have enough books on my TBR shelves!! Happy New Year everyone, I'll try and keep up with what's happening on here a bit better this year.
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