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Everything posted by chaliepud

  1. Yep, not long now frankie! Hopefully Steve will come to the training session on the 9th to take some video! Obi and Jojo get on really well, they don't play very often as Obi isn't much of a player but they do fine. Occasionally she will try it on and they'll have a bit of a disagreement, he puts up with a certain about and then just puts her firmly in her place! :D
  2. How sad, I've not read any of her books but I loved The Thorn birds mini series.
  3. I've finished Instructions for a Heatwave by Maggie O'Farrell, I enjoyed it far more than I thought I was doing to, there was very little plot and the book was really just about the characters and how they coped with the situation they were in, luckily I like that sort of book. It was my eldest's turn to select a book from the Book Box, and he pulled out..... The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey, again, not one I would have chosen so the box is fulfilling its purpose!
  4. I definitely remember the girls sneaking off to the pool, on a hot night, I think they went to cool down .. I'm not sure what book it was in though. I didn't think if Darrell as mean at the time, when I was younger, and I did think of Mary Lou as weak, what a shame Enid decided that she would be so extreme with her characters, but then I suppose if every character were nice and sweet the books wouldn't have been so exciting?
  5. I read the books over and over when I was young and then read them a couple of years ago with Maddie when she was around 11, and she was already getting too mature for them. You're right Kay, Maddie is now 13, nearly 14 and her main interests are current music, boys and going out socialising. Sport is still quite a feature luckily and I'm glad that there was a great emphasis on sport in the books, though I always did feel sorry for the less sporty characters, particularly in the pool!!
  6. We have a lot of companies that specialise in house clearances... I wonder what they do with the books? ...
  7. I'm sure we don't have anything like that in the UK, I've been to a few auctions of house clearances but it's mainly furniture and household items.. Probably just as well to be honest!!
  8. Despite being cross with the Book Box for tossing out Instructions for a Heatwave, I am actually quite enjoying it, it is very character led which I love so it won't be the chore I thought it would be.
  9. He is also studying Of Mice and Men, one of my faves from years ago.. I'm just grateful he is enjoying both the books he has been set!
  10. My eldest is studying Animal Farm for his English Literature GCSE, he is loving it!
  11. You could pick out two and choose your favourite of those?
  12. I was just thinking that! My Box wasn't too kind yesterday but I'm trying to think positively, at least I have (what I perceive to be) the best ones yet to come. And I was very grateful that The Stand didn't appear!
  13. Strictly back on the Paleo wagon today as had a bit of a dodgy week last week which led to headaches, cross with myself but it makes me more motivated to stick with the plan. For breakfast is was natural yogurt with nuts and seeds and for lunch I just had bacon and tomatoes fried in coconut oil with poached eggs and spinach. Feeling better already!
  14. Yes, great pics Athena, we have yet to see snow in Southern England, the kids are desperate for it, I'm not particularly keen but I'd like for Jojo to see some as we didn't get any last year when she was a puppy. It's a bit warmer here today, up to 8/9 degrees apparently which is much better as I won't need gloves for dog training, they are such a hindrance!
  15. Indeed! It's a win win.. I now have someone to blame if I don't like the book they chose!
  16. Hopefully The Phantom Tollbooth will pop up soon, it's another one that I'm not sure why I haven't picked up yet but I almost certainly will this year! I wasn't too thrilled with the box yesterday to be honest, I'm hoping it will be kinder next time. The kids are taking it in turn to choose a card from the box as they seem to think I will have put all my potential favourites on one colour of card! (I haven't but I do remember what colour a few of my favourites are on! )
  17. Thanks, I've read the first 50 pages and it seems ok so fingers crossed! I don't remember much about The Hand that First Held Mine either, I just remember finding it a bit dull and slow.. Thanks Janet. Thanks Alex, I really need to look up more Daphne Du Maurier for when my TBR pile has reduced a lot a bit.
  18. I have revealed all on my book blog Janet.. I'm not impressed with its choice but it increases the odds of something I'm more looking forward to for next time I suppose!
  19. Well, I have finished Jamaica Inn and was not in the least disappointed, what a fantastic author Daphne Du Maurier was. It always takes me a fair few pages to get into her novels as I read very little books that are not contemporary, but they flow beautifully once I get going and I can only delight in the mood and atmosphere she creates. What I loved particularly about Jamaica Inn was how the book concentrated so solely on Mary as though she were the axis around which all the other character revolved. I felt like I was Mary and I felt what she felt, and was rooting for her from beginning to end, she was so strong yet was confined to so little freedom, in body and spirit, as a woman of that time. A 4.5/5, not quite as good for me as Rebecca but hot on the heels! I have consulted the Box of Books, or rather my daughter has for me, and it has given me Instructions for a Heatwave by Maggie O'Farrell, I'm not thrilled with this as I wasn't over keen on The Hand That First Held Mine, but I shall give it a go!
  20. Just finished Jamaica Inn, another great novel by Daphne Du Maurier.. Now to hand over to the Book Box to see what I am reading next! .......
  21. Lovely pics Janet, I love doing things on days when I normally have to do something less fun! Good luck tomorrow, I'm sure you will be fantastic.. Just don't behave like Matilda!
  22. I'm the same, I'm very careful about what dog books I read.. I've never even wanted to try Marley & Me!.. but this one is a little different, it did have a couple of sad parts but they were okay, and very natural to a dogs life. They also meant Obi got more cuddles after!
  23. Hmm sounds like you need a book jar. I've heard good things about a few in your list but I can personally recommend A Dog's Purpose which is lovely. I have just read the sequel, A Dog's Journey, which was pretty good but the first was definitely the best.
  24. And a couple more.. not all the best photos, but it's hard to see the best ones as I can only upload from thumbnail pics!
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