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Everything posted by Peacefield

  1. One of my fave RHCP songs- Hey Won't somebody come along And teach me how to keep it alive? To survive. Come along and show me something That I never knew in your eyes. Take away the tournicate. I used to be so full of my confidence, I used to know just what I wanted and just where to go. More than ever I could use a coincidence, But now I walk alone and talk about it when I know. Hey, oh yeah, how long? I guess I ought to walk away, Hey, oh yeah, so long... What you gonna do today? I don't wanna have to, but I will, If that's what I'm supposed to do. We don't wanna set up for the kill, But that's what I'm about to do. Let it on, I'll cut you off when you're screaming into the phone. Hard to own. Anyway, I wanna let you know that everything is on hold. What you gonna do to me? You used to be so warm and affectionate. All the little things I used to hear my fairy say, But now you're quick to get into your regret. I'll take the fall and now you got to give it all away. Hey, oh yeah, how long? I guess I ought to walk away, Hey, oh yeah, so long... What you gonna do today? I don't wanna have to, but I will, If that's what I'm supposed to do. We don't wanna set up for the kill, But that's what I'm about to do. Hey, what would you say if I stayed? Stayed for a while, if I may. Say it again and I'll come around, But not for the last time... Hey, what would you say if I changed? I'll change everything but my name. Play it again and I'll come around, But not for the last time. You used to be so warm and affectionate; I used to know just what I wanted and just where to go. And now you're quick to get into your regret; And now I walk alone and talk about it when I know... Hey, oh yeah, how long? I guess you gotta walk away; Hey, oh yeah, so long... What you gonna do today? Hey, oh yeah, how long? I guess you gotta get away; Hey, oh yeah, so long... What you gonna do today?
  2. Salads are almost a daily thing for me, at least at lunch, just because it's the easist thing to have at work. I use a mixture of romaine hearts and spinach, and usually have in it feta (YUM), black olives, either chicken or tuna, carrots and these really good homemade croutons I make. Sometimes I'll have tiny ravioli pasta too if I'm feeling adventurous, and a hard-boiled egg but usually not at work since I don't want it to smell up the whole office, lol. For dressing I just have lemon juice, olive oil and S & P. I also grew up on and still love Tabouli salad, which is cracked wheat (similar to cous cous), parsley, tomatoes, green onions, lemon juice, olive oil and S & P. Very tasty.
  3. I'm always looking for new bands, so thanks for the great thread, Fionen! I've already seen some names on here I really need to check out. I'm so tired of radio, and know there are some excellent lesser-known bands out there just waiting for me to discover . I don't know if these two are together anymore, but I used to love listening to Fleming and John. They had a great song called 'Ugly Girl' that was hilarious! I also like Bob Mould and his old band Sugar. I just discovered Bishop Allen, and I love The Black Keys. I totally remember Concrete Blonde from back in the 90's! Excellent band. Also Del Amitri, man, I used to love their song Roll to Me! Good memories...
  4. Yes, The Guardian! That's it, thanks Kell. I was at the grocery store this morning and it took all my strength not to get the latest TV Guide magazine (I was already there for you-know-who on the cover of GQ) featuring Simon Baker on the cover as 'one of the sexiest stars of television.' DUH!
  5. Leftover yummy fried chicken from last night and mashed potatoes! Can't wait to get home since I'm starving already.
  6. I haven't read any of the Lestat books, but friends of mine who are great fans were so disappointed in QOTD, especially since Interview was so good! It's too bad they couldn't bring the same actors back, but then they also must have had different screenwriters and producers even?! How else could it have been so horrid?
  7. I'll watch The Devil Wears Prada just to see Simon Baker - he's so dreamy! It's a great character for him though in The Mentalist, and the way he portrays him just adds to his appeal. He's playful, but also sort of sad and brooding. He was in a lawyer show with Dabney Coleman a few years back but I can't remember the name... Has anyone seen it?
  8. Simon Baker, YUM-O! Is it just starting up new in the UK, Lass? It's been on since the autumn here in the States and is doing very well, so I'm glad since that means it'll hopefully get picked up for another season. I really like the show though, and getting to watch Simon for an hour every week is just icing on the cake .
  9. Ditto to what Chrissy said about a good book. I'm in my thirties and read them occasionally, depending on what I'm in the mood for or if I've just finished a heavy, complex book (not to say YA books can't be heavy or complex mind you). I've read the Traveling Pants and Lemony Snicket series, and was just lent my first Stephanie Meyer book so I'm about to fall into the Twilight saga, lol. Other than that I still have my set of trusted Anne of Green Gables books, which I will always love.
  10. I'll post more of an in-depth review soon, but I did want to say how much I liked this latest work of Matthew's. It reminded me a lot of his first book The Dante Club, and it felt really good to be back in Boston during the late-1800's. I was even excited at the wee mention of some old characters like Longfellow, Holmes and Tinknor. Wonderful job and thank you Matthew!!!
  11. Great thread, LovelyGirl! Wayyyy too many for me to mention but here are a few: All Night Thing - Temple of the Dog Thank You - Led Zeppelin I'm the Cat - Jackson Browne Right as Rain - Adele There Will Never be Another You - Chet Baker Take Five - Dave Brubeck Jesus Chris Pose - Soundgarden Hey - Red Hot Chili Peppers Skylark - Ella Fitzgerald Like a Stone - Audioslave Wooden Ships - Crosby, Stills & Nash Handy Man - James Taylor Vienna - Billy Joel When I'm Down - Chris Cornell Home - Michael Buble'
  12. Hmmm, I usually tend to think that film taste is subjective, but really, for some of those bad movies out there an excuse doesn't tend to be in sight, lol. Some of the movies I saw in earnest, and others I knew were bad going in but wanted to make all kinds of fun. A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon Independence Day Lost Boys: The Tribe Shark Attack 3: Megalodon Fire Down Below Queen of the Damned Red Planet
  13. "Business meetings are more or less the same all over the world, and have been since the beginning of time." Death and Restoration - Iain Pears
  14. Can I ask what a 'chippy' is? A place that serves chips? I've seen the term on here and always wondered. Went to lunch w/my mom earlier today so I'm having leftover chicken & spinach melt sandwich. We'll see how soggy the fries are by the time I open the container, lol.
  15. Neither of the young mounted policemen fancied these subdivisions of the Bagirhaut province. The Last Dickens - Matthew Pearl
  16. Stopping by the local Lebanese deli tonight to pick up some goodies. I've been in the mood lately and I'll need something for lunch tomorrow too so now I have a good excuse, lol. Anyway, picking up some much-loved babaghanoush, fried kibbi and yummy spinach pie! My grandparents would be very proud of me .
  17. It's just out today here in the States, so I'm stopping by on my way home from work to pick it up . I'm really excited!! Hopefully the author will decide to come through town again on his book tour so I can add another signed book of his to my collection. I will definitely post more soon to let everyone know what I think of it.
  18. I wasn't sure if I should post this thread here or in the historical fiction, so please feel free to move it if it should be and forgive me since I think this is my first thread-start . The following synopsis is from the author's website. The book is being released today in the U.S. and I believe it came out 5 Feb in the UK. With The Last Dickens, Matthew Pearl reopens one of literary history
  19. The Shining is by far my favorite King novel, followed very closely by his short stories in Night Shift and Different Seasons. I read him constantly while I was in high school, but haven't read a lot since. I know his recent work was a collection of short stories so I may have to try to get back into him...
  20. Sounds super yummy, Kell! I wrote it all down and now just have to figure out what 180C works out for me in F . Last night had a spinach salad with chicken and croutons I made yesterday, and tonight not sure. It's a long day for me so I just might have a big shake since I bought loads of fresh strawberries over the weekend.
  21. I use Google book search every time I'm online researching my family tree. They have a lot of biography and history books on there, plus location-specific books. Sometimes the books are not in full view, but most of the time I get lucky and can find some great stuff!
  22. I have not read it, but here in the U.S. Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold was very popular for a long, long time. Did anyone here who read it think it was overrated?
  23. Chicken for me too when I get home tonight. Not sure how I'm going to fix it, but if I'm smart it'll involve lots of white wine and spinach, among other yummy creamy things, lol.
  24. Hola and welcome, Sixtyfoothigh! Glad you found us and hope you like it here
  25. Keanu Reeves in Much Ado About Nothing was horrible!! That's the worst one I can think of. Oh and the IRA movie Brad Pitt was in was The Devil's Own. Man that was a bad accent too...
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