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Everything posted by Peacefield

  1. The extras on the DVD are great, so ditto all that BookBee said . I found a used copy of Eclipse over the weekend and of course I had to finish it during the wee hours this morning. Can't wait to see how the tension-filled scenes from that one translate onto film!
  2. I know it must be hard to translate certain things from page to screen, but it's not impossible, and I agree that the team could have worked harder at doing that w/the film. Hopefully with this next one they can convincingly show the struggle, even though Edward and Bella aren't really even in the same situations, and not make it seem like everyone is thinking 'oh, no big deal.' You never know, this new director might take it in a whole new direction. I love Jasper too. During the commentary track on the DVD they all laugh at that scene and others about how pained Jasper looked, lol. I think he was the only of the cast members who didn't have to practice and rehearse playing baseball, either, and you can tell.
  3. Thanks for posting this! I just mentioned something in another thread about Philip Seymour Hoffman's new flick so I'm really excited about it now that you raved . Not sure when it comes out here in the U.S. but I'll be there! Sounds like an all-around excellent cast too.
  4. Since I'm heading to the library to do some research tonight right after work I have a sneaking suspicion that my dinner will consist of coffee. Until I get home that is, when I'll probably just have popcorn since I hate having a big meal too late in the evening. Oh well!
  5. Speaking of tea, I've only ever had PG Tipps. Is that dorkily-American of me? lol. I always have a spot of milk in it and 2 heaping spoonfuls of honey. YUM!!
  6. Nothing like coffee and something sweet to go with it for me. Otherwise some home-made Lebanese cooking from my mom or the standby Middle Eastern deli downtown. If none of that is readily available, I'm happy with chips and salsa, ahhh...
  7. Whatever happened to Hard-Fi? I used to listen to 'Stars of CCTV' all the time. Loved that track Gotta Reason...
  8. Yep, seems most logical, Lexie. Can't wait!
  9. Oh man, WAYYY too hard to just name five but here are some of mine in no particular order. Keep in mind the list goes way beyond, lol. Dave Brubeck Soundgarden Ray LaMontagne Red Hot Chili Peppers Ella Fitzgerald
  10. Hmm... this will take some thinking, but here's a start: Seinfeld - All seasons except the 1st one, which I didn't think was as funny as the rest. The West Wing - Although I think all the seasons were wonderful, I lean more towards the first four while Aaron Sorkin was the writer. Specific episode-wise, I'd say my faves were In Excelsios Deo, 17 People, Two Cathedrals, Inauguration Pts 1 & 2, Evidence of Things Not Seen, Memorial Day and The Supremes. Freaks & Geeks - This show, unfortunately, was only on 1 season but all of it was brilliant. I'll think of more and come back. It's too early and I haven't had much coffee yet today, lol.
  11. New director this time too, Roxi, so that'll be interesting. I read an article at examiner dot com about how they plan to address the issue of Edward being gone for a lot of the book. Can I post the link?
  12. Ohhh, okay, I've add Jack's Mannequin to my list too! I love hearing new stuff!!
  13. Oh yeah! Something Corporate, right? Okay, I'm going to the coffee shop tomorrow night to get online and will definitely check them out on iTunes since I have to download some other stuff anyway. Oh, and I heard a song of STPs last night that I hadn't heard in SOOO long and forgot I loved - Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart (I hope that's the title). Hence, the need for download .
  14. Oooooh just the thought of a new CD and another concert gets me jumping up and down, lovelygirl!!! LOL They are seriously due for one since SA came out almost 3 yrs ago now. Anthony Kiedis is a new dad though, and Chad Smith is now contributing to this 'supergroup' Chicken something-or-other, and John Frusciante, well, who knows where his head is these days, lol. Wait... who's the guy in that picture??!!
  15. Yes! A Serious Man, that's right. Can't wait!! I love the Coens. I'm tempted to see the upcoming Adventureland, and also Where the Wild Things Are might be okay but I'd be afraid of it being disappointing since I love the book so, hmmm... I did a little searching, and apparently another one of my favorite directors Wes Anderson has Fantastic Mr. Fox coming out in November so I'm hoping to see that, and Philip Seymour Hoffman is going to be in The Boat that Rocked, which looks hilarious. I don't know if I'm looking forward to Star Trek, Dimitra, but if someone wanted to buy me a ticket I wouldn't refuse it, lol.
  16. Probably just a salad tonight, since I forgot to take anything out of the freezer for a proper meal. Oh, and a lovely cheese danish for dessert! I copied one of the Barefoot Contessa's recipes for them over the weekend and they turned out really well mmmmm .
  17. I used to love watching the old Star Trek series w/William Shatner and the gang. Have any of you seen that documentary movie 'Trekkies?' Otherwise on the Sci-Fi channel here in the states I love watching Ghost Hunters and old Twilight Zone.
  18. ROFL I like to be left wondering, and, heaven forbid, things left to my imagination. Why do things always have to end wrapped up in a nice looking package?
  19. I'm such a freak I read the spoilers!!! lol Maybe I should just bite the bullet and buy the hardcovers... I COMPLETELY agree though about celebrating the here and now.
  20. The Reader was amazing, Scarlette - I loved it! Let us know what you think after you see it. I know that I'm going to be seriously avoiding the Land of the Lost remake this year. I grew up watching that TV show and I just don't want to see something I loved so much get changed. Why do they feel the need to do all these remakes, anyway??!
  21. Yeah I saw them way back in late 2006 (man it doesn't seem like it was that long ago) and it was one of the best shows I'd been to in a long time. The following March I had tickets to see them again in Iowa but there was a freak blizzard that closed the highways so I had to sell my tickets . I was crushed! The Mars Volta's lead singer though is pretty funny. He acted a lot like Mick Jagger, doing really funky dance moves all over the stage the whole time. I remember him running on the floor too down the aisle and all we could see were people's beer cups getting tossed into the air - which the concert goers probably didn't appreciate, lol. RHCP puts on an amazing show. Hopefully they will come out with another CD one of these days so I can see them again!
  22. I'm looking forward to Scorcese's Shutter Island, and also the Sherlock Holmes movie w/Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. It'll be interesting to see how Ritchie does this kind of film since he seems mainly to do British gangster type stuff (which I love too). There was a movie that the Coen bros filmed here in town which I'm hoping comes out this year, but other than that I haven't paid attention to what some of my other fave directors are doing. I need to get on that! I do know that a lot of the films I like tend to come out more in the autumn so I guess I have time.
  23. LOL Roxi, you crack me up! I've only read the first 2 in the series and that was during a long weekend so now I don't feel so odd, lol. I was thinking I needed to take a pause before picking up #3, and I just found out that it's not even in paperback until May here so that'll force me to wait since I can't justify buying the hardcover. Plus, it would bug me not to have all paperbacks, lol. Guess I'll just have to reread the others or perhaps watch the hilarious commentary on the DVD.
  24. I wouldn't mind seeing just Slash jamming up on stage, Roxi, without all the Axl drama, lol. I think that's my fave part of any live or concert dvd, seeing the band members getting into a groove and just jamming for what seems like hours on end, even without any singing. I saw the Mars Volta open up for Red Hot Chili Peppers on their latest tour. They were... interesting. Seeing John Frusciante and Flea play music together though was heavenly.
  25. Mmmmm chicken florentine when I get home. I'm starving now though and won't be home for another hour!
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