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Everything posted by VanessaL

  1. I am now reading Nora Roberts 'The Welcoming' not bad, but not the best of hers I have read, I like her other books better, with romance, thriller and suspense in them.
  2. I am still reading Nora Roberts 'Black Hills' brilliant book
  3. I finished Nora Roberts 'Tribute' in bed last night, today I will start another one of her books 'Black Hills'
  4. I hope I have put this in the right place. When a book is re-published, does this mean that the book has been re-written, and more chapters added, checking Nora Roberts books out on Amazon, the same title say 2006 has 320 pages, the book was republished in 2008 and now the book has 480 pages with the same publisher. I am sure someone can answer my question.
  5. Reading 'Tribute' another excellent book by Nora Roberts
  6. I am reading 'Falling for Rachael' by Nora Roberts, cannot stop reading her books at the moment
  7. Starting today 1st of the 4 books Nora Roberts 'Captivated', hope it is as good as her other books
  8. I have not read this book, but will have to look out for it, have not read any of Danielle Steel books for years, I have a couple at home to read. At the moment I have come across Nora Roberts books, and cannot get enough of them, I love them all that I have read so far.
  9. I finished 'Summer Pleasures', this morning in bed, I am now going to start reading today Nora Roberts 'Risky Business'
  10. I have just come back from town, and bought 3 Nora Roberts books from The Works for £5
  11. Still reading 'Summer Pleasures', the second story to start today 'One Summer', read the first one which was good
  12. I have just seen this on another forum, Borders are facing bankruptcy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/12/borders-bankruptcy-detail_n_822128.html
  13. I just used bookmarks that I got free in waterstones, will not get anymore of them as Waterstones closed down in Luton about 2 weeks ago.
  14. I finished reading yesterday 'Sanctuary' which was absolutely brilliant, now I am reading 'Summer Specials' by Nora Roberts, got this in a second hand shop yesterday, looks brand new for 75p
  15. I have a book shelf for my books, when that gets full, the ones I have read, pack in boxes and put them in the garage.
  16. Still reading 'Sanctuary' absolutely wonderful book, got into this book straight away.
  17. I am not sure if there is a thread regarding Katie Flynn, if there is I apologise for asking a question. I bought one of her books, for £1 at Asda, not as yet read it, I was wondering if her books were good or not so good.
  18. I am reading Nora Roberts 'Sanctuary', just getting passed introduction of charachters, looks like it is going to be a good book.
  19. I do not know if there is a thread for this already. I was just wondering how many books you read a week, it depends on the size of the book, if it has 400- 500 pages, then I read about 2 books a week. If they are small books, can read one in one day.
  20. Finished 'Blue Smoke' yesterday, took me a while to get into the book, when I did could not put it down, started 'Sanctuary' last night, only read a few pages already getting into the book
  21. Still reading 'Blue Smoke', just ordered from Amazon 'Caroline Moon'
  22. I started Nora Roberts 'Blue Snmoke' yesterday, have read about half of it so far, preferred 'Rivers End' and 'High Noon', mind you we are all different with our choices.
  23. I started this book yesterday, I have read nearly half the book already, having read so far 'Rivers End' and'High Noon', this book I am not so keen on, found the other two alot better, especially 'High Noon I already have a good idea what happens at the end of the book and who is doing the fires.
  24. Let you all know I have finished reading 'High Noon', I found it brilliant from the first page to the last page. Now I am reading Mills and Boon Jess's Promise, have so many Mills and Boon to read, thought I would read one of them now for a change. Next book ready to read is what I bought today Nora Roberts 'Sanctuary', and I also bought Blue Smoke.
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