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Everything posted by Mexicola

  1. Maudlin May: 18. Geisha of Gion, Mineko Iwasaki (2002) Started - 09.05.2010 Finished - 12.05.2010. Rating - 4.5/5 19. Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen (1817) Started - 12.05.2010 Finished - 18.05.2010. Rating - 4/5 20. Rebecca, Daphne Du Maurier (1938) Started - 18.05.2010 Finished - 27.05.2010. Rating - 5/5 21. Shutter Island, Dennis Lehane (2003) Started - 29.05.2010 Finished - 01.06.2010. Rating - 4/5 Books acquired: 25. Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert 26. Mansfield Park, Jane Austen 27. Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen 28. Rebecca, Daphne Du Maurier 29. Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel 30. Shutter Island, Dennis Lehane 31. The Angel's Game, Carlos Ruiz Zafon 32. The Secret History, Donna Tartt 33. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Susanna Clarke 34. The Loving Spirit, Daphne Du Maurier
  2. I've managed a shamefully small amount of reading of late It's a slow work day so have had the pleasure of catching up on some today - just onto the second volume of Great Expectations. I'm enjoying it but it'll probably take me the rest of the month to finish at this rate! Still, that doesn't stop me from indulging in that age-old BCF hobby of buying books faster than you can read them!
  3. That sounds delish! I've got cold cheese and tomato pasta for lunch.
  4. Lucybird, I loved the Tom and Pippo books! What a lucky niece you have
  5. I enjoyed the other two Du Maurier's that I've read, so I'm pretty certain that Rebecca won't be a let down! I had a few pounds on my Paypal account that I had forgotten was there, so I'm gonna get a copy from ebay to feel less naughty I'm glad you enjoyed it so much.
  6. Chesil! Don't do that! I now need to order that book immediately. I've managed to resist for so long - and then I saw your post
  7. Those new breakfast biscuits (i.e rusks for grown-ups)
  8. Another one! I prefer the Hendrix version of Bob Dylan's All Along the Watchtower.
  9. I'm also tempted to say Hurt - I think the Johnny Cash version is more epic than the NIN original, although both are fantastic.
  10. I have to say I prefer Nirvana's The Man Who Sold the World to Bowie's. Jeff Buckley's cover of Hallelujah to Leonard Cohen's original.
  11. It is. Some cheery bank holiday viewing to brighten up my afternoon
  12. I watched the interview again last night and didn't think Ricky was too bad! To be fair, he obviously has a great respect for Larry and his work and he seemed a bit in awe at the beginning. Yeah the new show is pretty much all about Karl's mental thoughts and then Ricky's mental laugh. Tis funny though! And you have to love a bit of the S'Merch.

  13. Ah I'd forgotten about that, I saw it first time round. Can I assume you're not so much of a Gervais fan?! I wanna see it again, might have to watch it in parts on the ol youtube :D I also wanna see 'Whatever Works' the Woody Allen film that LD was in.

  14. Not strictly eating anything, but I've got a double choc Mocha which is probably the equivalent of a big bar of chocolate Yum
  15. I'd have to say Sir Terry. His voice is very familiar and comforting I love Adam and Joe too chesil! I hope they don't go anywhere, but I suspect you may be right about R2
  16. I finished City of Thieves and loved it. For some reason I'd been putting off reading it but I'm glad it managed to reach the top of Mt. TBR! I'm now onto Great Expectations.
  17. Hi, Hannah! I love your username
  18. One can only imagine! Can't wait :D A time where there's no more new Curb just doesn't bear thinking about! :(

  19. Yep. That'd be the good news I was referring too :D I thought I would spread the joy (I just stopped short of going door to door with it). I wonder where they'll go with it now? Somewhere :censored: funny, I bet.

  20. Hello. Have you heard the good news?


    (Don't worry, I'm not talking about Jesus)

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