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Everything posted by Mexicola

  1. At my old work, if someone addressed me asking me a question, the girl who sat opposite would answer for me before I even had a chance to speak. That was pretty infuriating. Urgh, Nightwish that's horrible isn't it?! So rude.
  2. I finished The Passion by Jeanette Winterson today and found it surprisingly enjoyable. I'm now hoping The Winter King will be posted through my letterbox tomorrow so I can read that next.
  3. Ah that must've been crazy having two landmark birthdays so close together! Your poor mum :lol: I'm glad you had a good time, and I don't blame you for having an early night - that's definitely the sort of thing I'd end up/prefer doing :D


    The play was about four different ghost stories, there was a lot of loud, jumpy bits which I think was the worst thing! At least everyone else was jumping so I didn't feel quite as silly!

  4. I'll be watching that at 9 On the contrary, I think that's a programme that I hate to love!
  5. I've skimmed a few posts so as not to pick up any little spoilers! Well I've reached the end of season one, and what can I cay? Amazon just can't send me season two fast enough I almost shed some happy tears at the end of last episode What a great show.
  6. I'm ok ta! Weekend was good thanks, went to see a scary play in London - it was really good but I'm not even one for horror films so not sure why I put myself through it! :lol: More importantly, how was your birthday? What did you do? :D

  7. Wow! That show has so many levels
  8. Ooh it's a series? Excellent! The Winter King is the first one right?! I'm glad you enjoyed them so much, I think it'll be bumped straight to the top of my TBR pile now
  9. I seem to have settled on Uneasy Lies the Head by Jean Plaidy and plan on getting into that today. I have just been bad and ordered The Winter King by Bernard Cornwell, I've been in the mood for an Arthurian tale for a while now and after searching the forums and Amazon, decided upon this one. Can't wait
  10. Haaaaappy Birthday, Stephanie! :balloons: Have a wonderful day :D

  11. Has anyone read Winter in Madrid by C. J. Sansom?
  12. I'm not sure. When I was eating it, I thought 'Wow, I really wish that this was one of the ones with jam in'. So, I hope they do! I'll be on the look out next time I'm shopping
  13. Has anyone read (I'm sure they have) Gulliver's Travels? I have this in my TBR and have been thinking of reading it next but would like some opinions first. Thanks
  14. Just finished My Cousin Rachel, loved it - very dark and original. I like the way the ending leaves you guessing.. Unsure what to read next, will have to wait till I get home to have a little perusal of my shelves. I've just realised that won't be until tomorrow evening. I can't possibly go without a book until then! Hm, I would be inclined to see that as a perfect excuse for a new purchase, but I don't think I'll be passing any bookshops. Darn!
  15. Oh yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Book Fiend, though I didn't doubt that you would He is adorable in this film! I think I'm going to have to watch this again really soon, luckily I have the DVD at my disposal
  16. I picked this up on DVD the other day. I'm looking forward to watching it
  17. Crispy southern fried chicken, beans and waffles.
  18. http://oscar.go.com/oscar-night/winners I'm very pleased for Kathryn, Christoph Waltz, and Jeff Bridges No wins for the Brits and Avatar won only three Oscars in the technical categories!
  19. Serj's solo stuff yes, Daron's band - no! Hm, I think I'll have to investigate this :D Ooh cool, I bet they put on a performance don't they?!


    Yeah tis a shame they've not done anything for a while (though I can't believe Hynotize was about 4-5 years ago now?!) and as for a new album and ruling the world, we can live in hope! :D

  20. This is probably my favourite book. I don't think I've ever laughed quite so much at a book as much as I did with this one. Andy, you sum it up perfectly. I urge people to persevere!
  21. Managed to read a nice chunk of My Cousin Rachel at work this afternoon, I'm now really engrossed and enjoying it.
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