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Everything posted by Mexicola

  1. Probably a wise move! Some people on this show are pretty mental. More Olympics on at 9. Excellent.
  2. That's true... But still, I'm dubious. And not at all hungry (not that that means anything when it comes to chocolate). Ooh I love Galaxy chocolate too, nicx. I think I'll save it for tomorrow
  3. Was that a new episode? Have I missed Masterchef? *panics* Cops with Cameras is on in the background.
  4. Indeed! You guys are all about the ham this evening. I've a cup of tea and there is a Galaxy Bubbles chocolate looking at me, waiting to be eaten. But do you know what, I'm not going to eat such a blatant rip off of Aero. I won't!
  5. My mum's got an old copy of SWTWC (she loved it when she was a young'un!) and I've never even considered reading it before, but I've a sneaking suspicion it may now find it's way onto my TBR pile!
  6. Corrie was far too sad for my liking. I'm now watching America's Next Top Model which I guess is also sad, but for different reasons.
  7. I had those at the weekend, ned and I share your sentiments! Biggest let down of 2010 so far.
  8. I had a roast chicken dinner, delish!
  9. Maybe they erased their memories after recording the following scenes with that gadget from Men in Black .
  10. It was pretty good ta :D I was kind of thrown in at the deep end but I think that's a pretty good (albeit rather terrifying) method 'cause you have learn, and quickly! I'm also just enjoying having a job again and already counting down til payday :D

  11. Wow, that is beautiful. What a lovely pic.
  12. I finished The Eyre Affair last night and did in fact end up loving it. I'm not sure what my problem with it was to begin with, maybe because it was so unlike what I usually read (I'm pretty new to the fantasy genre). However, it was just that which made me enjoy it so much in the end. I loved the last (Jane Eyre) part of the book, and kind of wish that there had been more of that throughout. Anyway, I'm onto Lost in a Good Book now and am wondering just quite what to expect
  13. Ah see, I thought that the sweeping might have been making friction on the ice thus slowing it down. It's the men's curling, not seen this yet.
  14. After reading up on the rules and aims of the game, I think it'll be easier to stick with your theory! Ok, the sweeping apparently makes the stone thingy travel further and changes the amount of curl. And the aim...yeah it's that telepathic thing. Ooh, it's on again! *watches avidly* I always wonder how people get into these kinds of sports to begin with?
  15. Not right now, but I was asking the exact same questions when watching it last night! I think they sweep to try and slow it down? But as for what they're actually aiming to achieve, I have NO idea. I made it my mission last night to find out today, so off to Wikipedia I trot.. I'll let you know how I get on!
  16. Winter Olympics. I don't understand what I'm watching most of the time, but I enjoy it anyway.
  17. Welcome back, Steve I like Steve Martin's bluegrass band. Now that is incredibly cool.
  18. Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now - The Smiths
  19. I'm 120 pages into The Eyre Affair and I have to say that so far, I'm not loving it. I feel as though it has potential though and am definitely persevering!
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