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Everything posted by Mexicola

  1. Hey, thank you for the birthday wishes!

  2. Thanks for the birthday wishes, fellow Smiths fan! :P

  3. Thanks Ooshie, I had a lovely birthday :) Hope you're well!

  4. Cheers for the birthday wishes, Roland :D

  5. Thank you, Kylie! Hope you're all good :)

  6. Thanks, frankie!

  7. I finished it today I'm not sure what I can say about it other than it has become an instant favourite and that I think it'll stay with me for a very long time! Although I do hope to read it again one day
  8. Before Sunrise. I liked it, but couldn't particularly warm to either of the characters which prevented me from loving it.
  9. Today I bought Stephen Fry Presents Oscar Wilde's Stories for All Ages, at an irresistible price in The Works. However, I had to run in the opposite direction to Waterstones as I saw their 3 for 2 on all fiction advertised in the window, and really can't justify anymore money on books at the mo!
  10. How cool is that?! Mt Auburn cemetery looks beautiful. I'm on my way to finishing Monte Cristo, and what can I say other than it's astoundingly aaaaamazing! When I visit Paris next month, I'm going to try and visit some of the places mentioned like the Count's address on the Champs Elysees etc
  11. ^^Can't go wrong with a bit of Boyz II Men I only have The Smiths to add.
  12. I'm reading this at the moment (your review left me with no other choice but to order it and bump it right up on my TBR) Currently on chapter 18 and I'm definitely enthralled. I've had to put it on hold this week while I finish the Count of Monte Cristo, but I can't wait to pick it up again at the weekend I love the historical era in which it is based, and it has such an atmosphere - a great book to get lost in. It has definitely turned my stomach a couple of times as well, there is a certain scene that I won't be forgetting for a while, and not through choice! *ouch*
  13. Wow, chesil you're getting through it so fast! It's difficult not to isn't it?! I think I'm about midway through season 5 now.
  14. Antsy August 26. Vlad: The Last Confession, C.C. Humphreys (2009) Started - 01.08.2010. Finished - 01.09.2010 Rating - 3/5 27. Darkly Dreaming Dexter, Jeff Lindsay (2004) Started- 26.08.10 Finished - 02.09.2010 Rating - 4/5 Books Acquired 38. Stephen Fry Presents Oscar Wilde's Stories for All Ages, Oscar Wilde, Stephen Fry 39. Frenchman's Creek, Daphne Du Maurier
  15. Aw, I can't believe how many amazing books I have fighting to reach the very top of my TBR pile! (most of them are there due to certain ms. peacefield ) Frustratingly though, I seem to be getting through them so slowly at the moment. I just checked though and my local library has a copy of the Lost Book of Salem so...
  16. I love the sound of this! The subject matter alone appeals to me, but your review has me convinced it needs be to added to my wish list immediately ETA: Have you read The Heretic's Daugher? I've fancied reading books with this kind of theme lately. Also The Lost Book of Salem looks really good.
  17. Thanks! They were two good finds, I thought Oh, I finished The Dante Club last week and thought it was brilliant. I loved Longfellow and the guys, it had me gripped! Didn't see anything coming either. I'll be on the lookout for The Last Dickens now. Thanks for another top recc!
  18. July 25. The Behaviour of Moths, Poppy Adams (2008) Started - 16.07.2010 Finished - 30.07.2010. Rating - 2/5. Books Acquired: 36. The Swan Thieves, Elizabeth Kostova 37. The Passion of Artemisia, Susan Vreeland
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