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Everything posted by Mac

  1. I love the trailers at the theatre, too! Quick, exciting tasters of plays coming soon... "This summer...crime has a new adversary...and the fun never stops!" (I was using a deep-voiced font there, did you notice?)
  2. Douglas Adams wrote that the Vogon Constructor Fleet "hung in the air in exactly the same way that bricks don't". And he was a genius.
  3. No. NO. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I use a piece of papyrus that my girlfriend's sister brought back from Egypt as a bookmark - it's really thin, so it doesn't damage my obsessively protected books at all. Phew!
  4. Mac

    Good morning, Sarah. Sorry to read that you didn't get the library job. I'm sure something will turn up, though.


    I noticed that you're reading The Wind-up Bird Chronicle. I loved this book (it even inspired a song of mine). Murakami is sublime. I'm currently reading A Wild Sheep Chase which is equally brilliant. I love this guy!


    You seem to have gone through the mill a little of late. All your friends on here are thinking of you and sending excellent vibes over the water. Take care.x

  5. It is a good review, Kelly. I'm sticking this one on my 'To buy' list.
  6. Hello there, Genevieve. I hope you are very well. Just popping by to make sure you're alright. x

  7. Hello Giulia. :friends0:


    Just wanted to send you a virtual hug, 'cos it's been ages since we last chopsed together (is that how one spells "chopsed"? Is it "choppsed"? Maybe I should just write "conversed"...)


    How are you doing, my lovely friend? I think I've missed you while I've been away! :D

  8. My ex-wife and I once threw a party at my mother's house in their absence (shhh, don't tell her!). We were about 28 or 29 - I forget. My best friend, Kirree, managed to spill an enormous glass of red wine over a cream coloured foot stool whilst another friend of mine, Nick, was holding me upside down by the ankles as I grabbed his as he jumped up and down. My ex had read that white wine solves this issue, so went on to empty an entire bottle over the stain. Then Kirree said that salt did the trick, so found a box of it and emptied that all over it too. Suffice to say that, in the morning, the stain had gone! It left an interesting paste, though, that took ages to get rid of...
  9. Is going coastal a bit like going postal?
  10. I'm from a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse... ...actually, no, I'm from Derbyshire. In England. Dull, isn't it?
  11. Erm...I tend to get crushes on 'weird' girls anyway. Obviously, I fancy Zooey Deschanel like a crazyman and I also think that Alison Goldfrapp is AMAZINGLY attractive but I always go for the absolutely bonkers women. Always. You should see my back catalogue. All gorgeous. All bonkers. Sigh.
  12. I'm a little way into A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami. Once again, he draws me in to his crisp, fresh world and I feel cleansed a little. What is it about this guy that makes me feel so pulled towards his sphere? Sushi for the mind, I keep saying this but - really - sushi for the mind...
  13. Oh. ****. That's not good news for you. I'm sorry to hear this. Unless you're pleased about it, as it was crappy. If that's the case, then I say congrats.


    As for the whimple and the spinning - were you shadowing me? Or am I being paranoid? I'll have to mention this to my psychiatri...oops - that's supposed to be secret, too...

  14. See above. I'm thinking of buying a pellet gun...
  15. I shall be doing the West Highland Way, I think. Already done the Pennine Way. I do 'em to raise money for my Scouts, you see. That's why I do 'em on me own. So people think "Crumbs! What a plonker! I'd better sponsor him some gooood money!"


    I've got to get some more dodgy mountain days under me belt to go in me log book, tha knows. That way, I'll have enough for my Mountain Leader qualification.

  16. If you intend to read this book, do not highlight the spoiler bit!!! 61 Hours by Lee Child My mojo had disappeared for a while resulting in my inability to maintain my attention on any sort of novel. Then out came 61 Hours. As usual, Lee Child restores my senses and I can plough through a thumping good read. I've mentioned before about my conclusions surrounding the male role model for me and my search for a father-figure, but I'll reiterate here that in Jack Reacher I find all the qualities that I strive to develop in myself. I think that Lee Child inspires this in a lot of his readers. He is truly skilled. I've also mentioned before that I can be quite...snobbish about certain books. If, when one is honest with oneself, one feels the same and has been put off by the awful tag-line, expecting a low-brow actioner, have a go. He's brilliant. This most recent novel is a belter, proving Lee Child is back on form. It races through from chapter to chapter, counting down from 61 hours - a great page turning trick, damn you, Child! Fast paced, with some nasty bad guys and some sympathetic heroes, you just can't help rooting for Reacher. However, So, all in all, I can barely wait until his next book comes out, the cad! 9/10
  17. My blisters are not here. They never even arrived, the dirty stop-outs! I'm not going to let them in, even if it starts raining when they turn up!


    The trip was...eventful. The weather tried it's very best to thwart my attempts, but it failed, and failed miserably, for I ploughed on through all it could throw at me! Thought you could stop me going over the mountains by dumping a tonne of snow upon me, did you?!? Ha!!! You'll have to try harder than THAT, if you want to best Matt McKenzie, I tell you!


    Bloomin' weather. It was mean to me. :irked:


    Still. I did it. It just tested my navigational skills to the max!!!;)

  18. Yo. Kelly. What up, y'all?


    Hmmm...note to self: do not attempt to type in 'street'. It makes one look stupid.


    So, Kelly, my friend. It has been some time since we last spoke. How are you? Everything okay with you? Pip pip, old girl. x

  19. This novel is in my top ten books of all time. Thought I'd stick that information in here.
  20. Mac

    Crikey Jessi, you really rattle through these books, don't you! How are things going? x

  21. Hi there Noll. I hope all is well with you - I'm back from expedition and returned (alas) to work, dammit.


    How are things your side of the water?

  22. It seemed like a good account of your thoughts, though!
  23. Ah, Sarah. I'm a little bummed out about this for you. But you are quite correct - it's their loss, the idiots!


    I was indeed on my walk - got back Sunday night after finishing the trek with a Scout Camp - not exactly what I needed after walking 220 miles or so, but I guess I'll sleep enough when I'm dead. We camped at Whitby and did the whole Dracula thing, which terrified the Scouts. They've never been so quiet upon retirement at night!


    I had appalling weather over the mountains. Thick snow coupled with blizzards and dense cloud makes navigation quite tricky, and when you're four hours from anywhere, it can be a little unnerving, especially when you're on your own. It really challenged my skills and resolve, I can tell you.


    What's new with you, chum? Any more news on the job hunting front? xx

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