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Everything posted by Mac

  1. Mac

    It seems as though your mum's mum is losing the plot a little, which must put a lot of strain on you. I'd imagine that you feel a lot of responsibility towards both your mother and your sister. It must be something of a weight to bear across your shoulders. I hope they're broad! xx

  2. Mac

    Hey there. Just popped in to go :friends0::friends0::friends0: and say thanks for the advice. I hope all is well with you - it sounds like you're running through the mill a little at the moment.


    Thinking of you during all this testing-ness. xx

  3. Mac

    As always, ridiculously busy, but pottering along nicely, thank you. How are you doing? I'm going to have to review what I'm doing with my life in many ways. I need to get out of working with the most challenging people in society and find something that rewards me more, both spiritually and fiscally.


    What's the plan for the weekend? xx

  4. Now, you see, I've read them both for many years and have really enjoyed watching Koontz' style develop and become more poetic. Saying that, I love a lot of King's books as well. So I'll just sit right here, comfortable on my little fence.
  5. Hiya Giulia. I'm sorry to read that you're feeling so low. If it's any consolation, I am sending you a virtual cuddle right now and am wishing that I could say something that would make you feel a little more chipper.


    As it goes, you have my support, albeit over the web. xx

  6. 1: My sofa regularly takes itself into town and picks drunk people up after a night out and takes them safely to their door, as it has a strong social conscience. 2: Every now and then, I find a small collection of dust bunnies constructed in such a way that it creates a form similar to that of Sting's favourite Bass "Poke". 3: Ever since the solar eclipse of 1999, I've been able to read peoples faces, detecting things such as noses, eyes and, on occasion, facial hair. 4: Having won several beauty pageants since the age of four, my attempts to foster world peace and work with children has only half worked. 5: Labour came back into power in 1997. I know this, because I borrowed my mate Steve's time machine and ended up in Diss, Norfolk where a big party happened to be occurring and Lisa Rowley went skinny dipping (more like Chunky Dunking) in the mere.
  7. I enjoy them both, but wouldn't put Koontz in the same field as King. I'd stick the likes of Herbert and...erm...some others in with Stephen King. I find old Dean to be less macabre, maybe more optimistic about humanity than Stevie. To be sure, some of his books honk like a good'un, but then, so do some of Kingy Baby's. It is funny, though. I really don't shelve Koontz in the horror genre and actually do read them as thrillers - paranormal or no. Anyway. Happy days, eh?
  8. One of my managers when I was a professional musician was a chap called Alistair Taylor. He was Brian Epstein's right-hand man and consequently knew many people who gave us a little help. Through Alistair, I met Cynthia Lennon, Cilla Black and John's Uncle Charlie (on my 21st birthday - we were headlining at The Cavern on the 33rd anniversary of Epstein seeing them there for the first time). Through this we got to play at a fair few Beatles Conventions - they wanted us to play our own material too, all we had to do was throw in two Beatles covers! This was how we first started playing in the USA. Crazy days. My favourtie Beatles songs are For No One and Here, There and Everywhere. Brilliantly crafted songs.
  9. Like me! I could write a tune! I could dress up in some garish clothes, pearl-ise my teeth, slick back my hai...oh, can't do that one...and show these Europeans just why Great Britain is called Great Britain. Or maybe I could just hide in my living room with a blanket over my head?
  10. All of my favourite books enjoy the non-stop world of fashionistas, of down-trodden twenty-something girls who are *plucky/kooky/scatty and looking for Mr. Wright (if only they'd give me a call, I'd send them to my best friend Tom Wright's house - he's always looking for the 'Right-One'), of twenty-something girls who are bullied by their insensitive bosses but manage to rise above it and become their misunderstood bosses best and indispensable friend. You should see my bookshelves. It's a sea of pinks, creams, lime greens and saccharine coated vomit. Mmm hmm? What's that? Time for my medicine? Yes, nurse. *delete where applicable
  11. You guess correctly. If I'm not under fear of death or at least severe hypothermia, then I don't feel suitably challenged. Throw what you will at me, Nature! I am the thorn you cannot remove from the lions paw...


    ...erm, I'm not sure where that came from...


    PM away, dear friend, and I shall email you my dodgy journal from aforementioned walk. Enjoy the painting! x

  12. Sarah. Hello, pal. Not caught up with you for a while. How're things going on the old job front? Do you want mine? It's rubbish, so I wouldn't bother if I were you.


    I'm thinking about doing something radical. Maybe. What about yourself? How're things elsewhere in Sarahville? xx

  13. They're both about a single twenty-something woman who has recently moved to the city after a nasty break-up with her High School sweetheart, a Jock called Chet. Devastated, yet resolute to succeed in the high-flying world of Fashion magazine 'Flaps', Joely encounters more than her fair share of mishaps, missed opportunities and mis-loves! You'll laugh! You'll cry! You'll stab yourself in the eyes just in case you read any of this rubbish by accident in the future.
  14. Hola. All okay witchoo? x

  15. Funny how the same one's keep cropping up. Some truly great authors here. My favourites are definitely His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman and The Dark is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper. Ooh, and the Earthsea novels by Ursula le Guin. And, of course The Hobbit and LOTR by some chap whose name I can't remember.
  16. Crikey, this one's a difficult thread to answer. I guess the Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson is up there, but I love Harlan Coben's crime thrillers and... ...'ecky thump! There's absolutely loads I could put down...
  17. Well, it's supposed to be a feet-up-reading kind of week. I work 70 odd hour weeks at the moment and I think it's killing me, so down-time is needed. I, too, am at these forks and seem to be experiencing the same quandaries you speak of. I need to make a decision that may involve a little risk and some upset elsewhere, but now is the time.Now is the time.


    Would you like a copy of my Coast to Coast journal? It might make you chuckle... xx

  18. In the words of Arthur Miller: "Each to their own. Everybody's made different." A View From The Bridge
  19. She'd appeal to me, too, if she didn't bloody sing. Still, millions of album sales suggest the British Public really like her, and they vote with their sterling, so... ...but saying that, didn't millions of people vote for the Eurovision entry? And look at how well that utterly soulless bilge faired! So, maybe millions of people really can be wrong. My, I'm coming out with some strong views today. I must be feeling saucy...
  20. Hello Abby! I'm very well, thank you, and enjoying the beginning of a quiet week off. Lots of thinking to do vis a vis my life and work. How are things with you, my friend? x

  21. Morning Noll. I hope all is well with you. I've not said Hi for a while, so this is what I'm doing. Hiya!


    Have a great weekend, eh?

  22. No! No!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!:D:( Hope that response didn't sound too over-the-top.
  23. Of course, I realise now that I should have typed "bade them farewell", but hindsight is always so clear, is it not?


    Pip pip and all that jazz.



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