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Everything posted by Mac

  1. Apart from his latest release (which doesn't count, because it was the first one he wrote and it was rejected first time) Harlan Coben and others would be: Elizabeth Kostova Audrey Niffenegger Michel Faber Glen Duncan Jeff Lindsay Stieg Larsson Haruki Murakami J A Kerley Michael Marshall Iain Pears Iain Banks (well, once maybe) Ooooh, there's too many!
  2. Funnily enough, my firm favourite Harlan Coben released one of his first novels...erm...Play Dead, or something(?) straight to paperback last month or so and so I bought it immediately, as is my wont. I couldn't get through the first bunch of chapters, full of clichés, poorly constructed paragraphs, clunky, pointless sexploits - so I gave it away. Totally unlike me. And it's spoilt my respect a little for Mr Coben - but what can you do? I'll still buy his next one...
  3. Crikey. I've just read the chapter where the GRIMMEST thing happens...*shudder*

    Excellent book, mind. Loving it (although what that says about my soul is another thing to discuss later...) xx

  4. Well...that was a bit on the grim side...just read something rather disturbing in Vlad. *shudders*...
  5. Mac

    Sedge, good sir. Long time no speak. How goes it, my friend? All is well, one hopes.

  6. Yo, CW. How about... Broken Head by Catherine Wheel The Cat by Jimmy Smith Love Spreads by The Stone Roses Protection by Massive Attack Richard III by Supergrass Cay's Cray's by Fat Freddy's Drop Supermassive Black Hole by Muse Make it Wit Chu by Queens of the Stone Age Dirty Mouth by Hot Hot Heat Leaders of the Free World by Elbow Open Heart Zoo by Martin Grech Drops of Jupiter by Train Man, now that's an album I wanna hear! (none of my tunes up there, either!) x
  7. Ayup, Bethany! How are you doing? It's been about...well, at LEAST one thousand years since we said "yo!". How goes it? What's happening? How's Boogie Ville? xx

  8. *sounds of Mac parachuting in and thrashing about under the fabric*

    Gah! How on EARTH is anyone supposed to use these things in a daring rescue?!?

  9. Woo hoo! *sounds of pounding feet as Mac dashes in and out again, waving frantically*

  10. I've begun reading Vlad by CC Humphreys, which comes highly recommended from Nollaig and I'm very much enjoying it so far finding it compelling and idiosyncratic in style, which I like. So this is a good thing. I keep casting an eye over my lovely bookshelves as well, thinking 'Ah, my lovely books...' which makes me wonder if I need to get out more...
  11. Crikey, Giu. Things sound utterly rotten for you at the moment. I'm wishing that there was something I could do for you. Are you moving out of the country completely, or just within the borders? Thinking of you, my friend. xx

  12. Giulia. One is becoming concerned that one has offended you. How are things? Have you moved? Are you settled? What's the square root of 65,978,125.4? xx

  13. Crumbs. Where did you find that old DVD of me???
  14. I'm off for a while now. Toodles. Have a good day. xx

  15. I, too, get nervous starting something new and meeting people (particularly when I have no control over the situation), but have learned to plough on regardless. I hope he enjoys it. The Great Outdoors is a wonderful thing. xx

  16. Snofee will bear the embarrassing shave with dignity, I'm sure Clement, bless her. Scratch behind her ears from me, eh? This is the first period in my life where I have not had a dog. I miss having one, but my schedule doesn't allow me time and to have one would be cruel. Funnily enough, I'm thinking of setting up my own business so I can have a dog. I love 'em.
  17. Innocent, she says! It's a well known fact that CW is a total filth hound! She sets 'em up, and we knock 'em down! It's like a tag team, innit!
  18. So, how are you finishing The Eyre Affair if you're not reading currently? By osmosis??
  19. It's something one learns to accept and deal with, when one is so pretty...:-o

    Scouts is brilliant, provided the Leaders are suitably young-at-heart and have a good sense of adventure, which they generally do. My troop and my Explorer Scout Unit seem to have a great time but, again, THAT might have something to do with just how frickin' handsome I am...

  20. I've started it now. Hopefully, I'll be able to have a few hours of undisturbed bookness over this week. I'll update you with my progress. I hope you don't feel too rough, my friend. Wrap up warm and drink single malt ;)

  21. I'm totally busy with the Scouts and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award, all over the place, but it keeps me out of mischief and from being arrested for being so darned handsome...;)

  22. You've finished ALL books? Man, you're on the wrong site! This is for people who HAVEN'T read all books! :)

    Hope you have a good day at the beach, youngster! And welcome to the BCF. It's pretty good on here and everyone is very friendly. Even me. TTFN.

  23. I mostly prefer animals to humans. I abhor cruelty to animals and worry about my reaction to the possibility of ever witnessing such an act. I'm concerned I would commit an act of violence towards the perpetrator. My own cat must have been abused terribly before he found a home here - he's terrified of men (he's even wary of me, the guy that feeds and loves him!) and does not venture far from the house at all. The poor sod.
  24. Whoa. Nice new avatar, Inver! I have finished Dexter by Design by Jeff Lindsay and am now about to embark upon Vlad, heartily recommended by Nollaig and written by a chap called C C (Chris, I believe) Humphreys. Looks excellent, and I'll report upon it forthwith.
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