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Status Updates posted by Mac

  1. Mac

    Morning. As it happens, I'm starting an OU course in February, in an attempt to remove this rather unsightly chip from my shoulder. I never went to university, as I had to make a choice between doing just that or touring America with my band.


    That's where my three years between 18 and 21 went. I then fell into working in Learning Disabilities and have never qualified for bloody anything. I'm a bright guy, and feel that I have to prove to myself that I actually can get a degree - so I'm studying classical history and philosophy, which'll be good.


    How's things down there? I should be coming down for a week in February, which I am greatly looking forward to.

  2. Mac

    Will do. I'll give it a go in a few books time (I've got approximately a bazillion to get through, dammit!)


    I'm absolutely grand, thank you. Looking forward to an afternoon of Pimm's and Lemonade with some lovely friends. Jump aboard the Pimm's Train! Choo choo!!!

  3. Mac

    Well, the weather is fine and I'm expecting some friends to come round for some booze mid-afternoon, which'll be fun (I've already prepared my dinner. This is because I just know that I won't be arsed to cook after drinking, and I'll need a solid meal so I'm not rubbish at work tomorrow!) so prior to this, I'm going to mow my lawns! Such unbridled excitement!


    Have fun reading, me old chum.

  4. Mac

    Unfortunately, football means nothing to me at all. I've never had much inclination towards sports (although my nickname at school was 'Allsports'...because I was dreadful at all sports). What was the score? Who were they playing? What happened? How does one make an orange sauce, without making it too orange-y? ;)


    Things down here are okay, thanks. Looking forward to some friends coming over at Pimm's O'Clock this afternoon, so that'll be fun.


    Where do you go to University? What are you studying? Is it fun? How many questions am I asking??? :roll:


    Hoping this finds you very well, Nic.


    Mac :friends0:

  5. Number 3: I'll be starting my new job in two weeks, working in a main-stream secondary school in an Inclusion Unit. I'm really looking forward to it. I've wroked with learning disabilities for a long time now, and am ready for a change.


    I haven't read any of Hal Duncan's novels, but I'm definitely going to buy Vellum, as we seem to have very similar tastes.


    I hope you're not so bored, and that you find work very soon.


    Keep your chin up, my lovely friend. Mac X

  6. Number 2: What sort of work would you like to be doing? It must be tremendously demoralising being unable to find work - it can't be doing your self-esteem any good at all. I first entered the world of work when I was 21 having finished being a professional musician. I sort of 'fell' into working in a secure hospital, caring for people who were sectioned under the mental health act and had what's known as a dual diagnosis. This means they had both a learning disability and a psychiatric disorder. It was a little rough, but very interesting at times and a lot of fun.


    Hang on, it's doing it again...:irked:

  7. Number 1: Hi Sarah. The bird thing sounds like fun. I've built a bird table and some boxes for my garden and enjoy watching all the activity that these bring (cue some rather base jokes referring to different kinds of tits and the food type known as 'fat balls'). I often wonder if I'm a bit sad, standing at the kitchen window, watching the little chaps do their thing...


    Hang on...it's not letting me post more than so many words...



  8. Mac

    Good morning/evening, fella. Just popping in to say hello. How's it all going?

  9. Mac

    Ahoy there, Nicola. Just dropping in to say hello. How're things with you? Hope you're tres well.

  10. Hey there! Hope all is well with you. Just dropping by to say hello. So, 'hello!' :lol:

  11. Hi Kat. Hope you're well. Check out the thread warning about a possible computer virus, mate. It's supposed to be a bad one.

  12. Hi there. I hope you are very well and that you have a lovely day.

  13. Mac

    I am, yes. I'm half way there, waiting for the next stage in the process, which should be the end of this year or the beginning of next year. It takes up to two and a half years to get into the service around here - a little frustrating, but patience is my middle name. How about you?

  14. Hello there. Thought I'd drop in to say hi. I haven't done so before, and for this I can make no excuse save for the fact that my butterfly-like mind can make me appear inattentive and terribly rude. I can only offer my apologies. :D


    How are things in lovely Scotland (one assumes this is where you are) - I am a McKenzie - hence 'Mac' - and love the Country as though I belonged there.


    Anyway. Hoping you are well.



  15. I have. I love Conan Doyle. There's a great book that features the man himself called Arthur And George by Julian Barnes which is (I think) based on fact. It's gripping, exciting and paints a lovely picture of the famous author. I'm sure you'd like it. :D

  16. I'm on tip-top form, thank you. I'm about to settle down to a couple of hours solid reading, which'll be nice. What's going on in your world?

  17. Hello there! Just popping in to say hello there. How are you doing?

  18. Mac

    Greetings, friend. Thanks for the acknowledgement of the humour in my McRecommends thread. It certainly amused me!


    How're you doing? What are you doing? How's life? How many questions am I going to ask? Does this car belong to you, sir?


    (Sorry - I'm rehearsing speech patterns for when I become a police officer...)


    Anyway. I hope you're very well. Pip pip.

  19. Hey Scarlette. Just dropping by to say hello! How're things in your part of the world?

  20. Mac

    Things are well, thank you kindly. Gardening, reading, playing a bit of guitar, you know the thing. One of those rare beasts - a weekend where nothing's planned (save for playing tonight in a sfiddley bar). Heavenly, really. Gorgeous weather, innit???

  21. Afternoon, Andy. How, in the name of Odin's beard, are you? I have returned from my fearsome attack on my garden and am now opening a bottle of a cheeky little bottle of Barolo (a reassuringly expensive bottle of Italian wonderment!).


    So. All's well with you, I trust?

  22. Pretty good, thanks. I've been gardening all weekend, I'm counting down the days to when I leave work (Friday, 21st August - whoopee!) and I'm out playing tonight. So, things are okay. What's the weird allergy thing you've got going on?


    Ooh, hey. Have you read any of Henning Mankell's stuff? It's great crime fiction. I think you'd really like him.

  23. Mac

    Ahoy there, Charm. Just dropping in to see how you're doing. Are you well and enjoying your Sunday? Hope so.



  24. Mac

    Afternoon to you. I hope you're well and enjoying your Sunday, good lady. I've come in from the relentless sun to prat about on my laptop after nearly breaking my back trying to plant a hedge in what felt like solid rock. I'm an idiot man, don't you know.


    So, how are you? Excellent and tickety-boo, I trust. :D

  25. Hey there, Loo. How're things going? Have you read Harlan Coben's most recent novel (it's a Myron one, yay!)?


    Anyway. Hope you're well.

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