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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. Why must you crush my dreams? :'

  2. And they'll know that square sandwiches are awesome :D

  3. they'll think im a random visitor who talks absolute nonsense and crazyness i guess.

  4. LALALA. Like this?

  5. Let us mock another shape. Hexagons, what a stupid word. Damn them to hell. Did you have shepherd's pie?

  6. You must make me one! Oh noes. Erm, i love triangles! Pythagoras, pyramids, teepee's! etc. And stop your stubborness and get yourself some cool foods. Shepherd's Pie is amazing.

  7. Actually, i cannot stand trying to eat those ridiculous triangular shaped things, i hate it! It's so inconvenient and awkward. Squares look far cooler anyway and are more neat and compact. You are very welcome for the sammich. You need nice foods, stop being stubboooorn! ):

  8. *makes chicken and stuffing sandwich* :'D Obviously not as good as yours but MEH. And it's cut into SQUARES which are obviously superior and greater than your pitiful triangles ba ha ha.

  9. Oh cool, i may check it out. What is 'Out' about?


    I actually managed to bring all my books back lol! I only read about two there, happens all the time, but i suppose it's a comfort thing more than anything. I didn't get to walk to ze forest, was too cold and misty! I hope to soon though.


    Hope you day has been great ^^

  10. Ring by Koji Suzuki is one of the ones i've read, i found it quite enjoyable and it was interesting getting a deeper perspective from the film. I haven't heard of that film, i really like those types though, they freak me the hell out though!


    Yeah, i haven't read many of Poe's poems, though i have some of them. I haven't read Carrie, i just find the plot not very interesting. Some of his i would rec. are The Shining and Misery to start with! Both very good.


    I am visiting home over this weekend, brought more books than neccesary as usual >_> lmao! I might take a walk to the forest and also just chill out, continue with some uni work and see friends. I hope you get your assignments done!

  11. Ooo wow that all sounds very interesting! I have tried some translated books before, but only random horror ones from japan! I find them different and cool. Looks like you've been doing a LOT of reading xD I need to get a move on! Yeah, like i'm always torn between reading things for uni or for my recreation, it's difficult! I have been reading some more Edgar Allen Poe stories, i really like The Pit and the Pendulum, more Stephen King and then some plays for uni work. I hope to get more done over this weekend. Have you anything planned?

  12. Hallo hallo? :

  13. I am basically ze same, continuing with uni work and just generally doing idk 'stuff' and being lazy xD Yeah, my friend is in a similar situation, he graduates this year and has no idea where he's supposed to find work in the current climate, it's terrible. What have you been reading lately?

  14. Haven't stopped by for a while! So, thought i'd see how you were doing? xD

  15. Yeah i have moments like that, i think you just have to try and get into a book even if you don't feel like it, and more often than not it's enjoyable xD

  16. Actually i've been reading quite a bit lately! Just picking random books from wherever i see them haha.

  17. Oh cool. I might nip out to the library later, it depends how far i get with some work. Have you been reading much lately?

  18. I've been listening to music, getting on with some of my uni notes and just had food. So, quite a productive day! How about you?

  19. Wow your background is very pink! And LOL HAPICAT =^.^= how are you today?

  20. Oh i agree. 'Angels and Demons' is far superior imo. I find DVC well-written though there is too much dialogue and fact spewing, sure it's all interesting, but it doesn't move well as a 'story'. I read it years ago and found it entertaining.

  21. I was going to carry on with a fantasy novel i've been reading called 'The Graveyard Shift' but i got sidetracked when i randomly opened my massive hardback copy of 'The Da Vinci Code' lmao!

  22. I need to get a move on with my reading! Been too busy thinking WHAT to read haha!

  23. ahaha! No, no. Potato is ze hero. The solution to all life's problems i'm sure you will agree.

  24. Evening. I came to tell you one thing. And one thing only. There is no spoon. But. There is a fork. You can make mash with a fork. But. A masher is more appropriate. That is all. o_o

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