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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. I have misplaced the voucher though >_< It's amongst my desk somewhere i think, which is itself some kind of chaos. I got it for christmas, but i have had no idea where to start with spending it lol!


    LOL expensive toilet paper! This isn't just a toilet, roll, this is an M+S toilet roll, remember. Oh cool, cheap book buying is awesome. I found an old copy of treasure island i remember buying for cheap, and also i got Wuthering Heights for like 50p but yet to read yet. I have heard a lot about Terry Brooks and remember seeing his name a lot whilst library browsing, but not tried any yet.

  2. regan only wants friends! She has moves! She can impress people!

  3. *does regan crab walk*

  4. And mmhm, i shall definitely have a good think about dissertation possibilities before getting thrown in at the deep end, probably a good idea. Lecturers can be really annoying and confusing and not seem to want to help, though some are lovely.


    I know, i ended up with about four different genres of film xD I'll pick something to actually watch whilst i fall asleep soonish though, even if i have to do it at random. God i'm so indecisive. Your up late, you must have turned into a vampire :P

  5. Oh yeah, there are a couple of sainsburies in the city, i daren't enter that building, too much tempting (and bloody expensive) stuff! Marks and Spencers is terrible too, i actually have a

  6. I know, it's great, but! Morrisons and Asda have the best bargains by far! Much snooping around comparing prices found that out :lol: My life is enthralling LOL.


    I am going to read a couple of Poe's poems soonish i think :D The ones i mentioned are definitely classics i think. Oh god, i have no idea what ima do for my dissertation, better pick something interesting. I'm in my first year, technically i should be in my second at least, but i missed a lot of last year thus my work suffered and it went ****. But, that's life i guess, so im getting this year finished and hoping for more normality!


    And this: 'I know what I want to say its just doing it so people understand' i know what you mean, it can be so frustrating! I have been watching random parts of films yep lmao, i guess it's because i couldn't decide which film i wanted to watch, so meshed them all together haha!

  7. Hi, hope your settling in well ^^ I see that you are currently reading 'The Graveyard Book' by Neil Gaiman, how are you finding it? I recently read that xD

  8. Oh, it's fine dw about it ^^


    There's not really much unsettling stuff in his works as such yeah, some of it is kinda funny actually lmao xD But, obviously with the context of the time they were written i suppose it would have been creepy. It's great gothic stuff though, i love The Tell-Tale Heart, the last line is brilliant. I find it hilarious how the narrator is trying to prove he isn't crazy lol!


    I have read a couple of his poems, 'The Bells' springs to mind. The other night i read 'The Fall of the House of Usher', 'Descent into the Maelstrom' and lastly i think it was 'Masque of the Red Death' again. He's brilliant for sure :D I shall have to check out those others you mentioned.


    Ah cool cool. Are you working on your dissertation? I've been doing some reading for some uni assignments, watching parts of films and just chilling out mainly, got some bargain food from tesco so im happy lol!

  9. Oh yeah! What Poe stories have you read thus far Chrysalis? He's absolutely fantastic, i was fervently getting through some the other night :D and how are you today also?

  10. I've actually been reading 'Dracula' by Bram Stoker most of today whilst travelling back to my house after a visit home. How has your day been? Anything fun?

  11. I'm doing okay thanks ^^ Just done some clothes washing and now doing some reading, very interesting i'm sure you'll agree xD Yeah, this place is full of nice people, you'll find you settle in very quickly, most people who stay here found that!

  12. Hello! How are you? I'm glad your settling in well here :D

  13. Hahaha! I suppose sometimes i am a kind of vampire when i'm being nocturnal xD I'm doing fine thankies, just doing some work for essays and wondering what to have to eat! I'm back at home as my parents are on holiday, so just making sure my bro doesn't blow the house up or anything LOL.


    How are you doing?

  14. Hey thanks xD I love the shining and just felt that it was the right image to go along with the username haha! Glad your settling in around here, it's a great site. How are you doing?

  15. Aww LOL, it thought you were a loony :'] Animals have their own little secret world's, it's really cool xD I love when i see squirrels charging about in parks, they look at you really suspiciously and then hop away about their business.


    How the heck would you have soldering iron in your possession? lmao! Aww vampire bats caring? That's certainly contrary to popular belief!

  16. Wow, that would be so cool! I don't know why, but i would feel very honoured if i could actually hear the bats calling or communicating. Animals are all so very complex and interesting :D Where on earth would you buy one of these detectors? They are such strange creatures.

  17. Wow you know so much about them! It's really interesting. When i was on holiday, i can't remember where but i remember seeing lots of bats when the day was fading, and they were constantly darting about through the trees and such, most probably in search of food, it's amazing how they hunt. How do bat detectors work? ;o

  18. Oh you definitely should, Dark Tower is fantastic and so deep and layered! All alien films are good fun :lol: although ones found in those boxsets can be hilariously bad so you'll have to watch out haha. I bought a Lovecraft story a while ago and am nearly around to reading it, i'll let you know how it turns out!

  19. Kafka, i'm sure my sister has read much. Dissertation must be so much work! I hope you are finished soon and can relax :D I just finished a book and wasn't too impressed and am now continuing with the last book of the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, this will be my second time finishing the collection.


    I can only watch Terminator if Arnie is in them LOL, he's crazy. I have not seen much lately, i need to watch some more horror films, i'll have a search through my collection and see what takes my fancy.

  20. I know! I wanted to sit in the garden today as the weather has been lovely, but today it's cloudy and SO windy! I've been getting blown down the street LOL! I don't mind rain at all, i find it very cleansing and peaceful, when it starts pouring it down, you see people running to escape it, but i just carry on walking as it's cool xD


    Wow! Searching for bats? That's so cool, where would you find them? I think bats are very interesting. Yeah, he's brilliant, i am working my way through a collection of his stories. I am also starting on H P Lovecraft as he is highly regarded by many also. Oh yeah, The Black Cat was pretty weird if i remember haha!

  21. Hey chrysalis :D


    I'm doing okay thankies, really trying to get an assignment done for next week, and have been for a few walks in the nice weather, how have you been?


    Ah, that sounds quite interesting, i'm really getting into Poe's work now, i love his kind of twisted ideas, he's had such an influence on so many writers too! I shall be sure to check it out!


    What have you been reading recently? And, have you seen any more crazy horror films? haha! xD

  22. Can we play games again sometime? T'is very fun xD I must beat you at checkers.

  23. Hi im getting food as i'm gonna watch random movies tonight to cheer myself up :'D Come on sooooon! We needs to chat unooooooooo!

  24. Okay firstly, i apologise for not answering sooner, nothing showed that i had any unread comments when i was last on >:l


    That sounds rather gruesome (which is good hehe) and interesting, i would say i'll check it out, but in truth it will take me a looooong time to get around to it since all the TBR stuff i have lmao! So many books to read D: Dodgy business with work colleagues, that's a cool idea, anything could happen at a random work place.


    God i know about thinking back about how many books i carry, it's like, but you KNEW you were only going to get around to reading 3 at the most, but it's like 'i can't leave without THIS though!' lmao xD I think i'm learning slowly to not be so book-greedy >_>

  25. THERE YOU ARE. I've been nipping on and off throughout the afternoon! *throws random puzzles at you* remember ''UHHHNOOOOOOO'' LMAO!

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