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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. I thought it looked kinda familiar xD Aww raccoons are so awesome. Oh wow, i actually have so many! I like a lot of old-school disneys, beauty and the beast is charming, Aladdin is so groovy!, the Great Mouse Detective, then i love more modern ones like Toy Story and Monsters Inc. xD i used to spend like whole days just sitting and watching disney films whilst growing up. And Fantasia is like a drug trip! :lol:

  2. Aww wow, your classes all sound really interesting, a lot of work then? ): AND working in the evening? Argh. I hope work goes well and that stupid person you work with isn't an idiot >:l You should make time to relax once your all finished.


    I think i'm about to start making tea, i need to do a lot of work for my Identity and Difference cultural studies unit, then do some reading i think.

  3. Haha! It's a really cool forum, there's a lot of really intelligent, friendly and interesting people, definitely more so that most forums. Work is so difficult and frustrating sometimes, but it's all worth it when done xD Shop wasn't too far, was just annoyed i forgot milk. I live with two housemates, it's okay, better than student accom anyways. Your day good then?

  4. what is your avatar from? i vaguely think i recognise it, as i have watched various and probably too many random cartoons and films :lol:

  5. I slept and was woken three times by psycho birds LOL! I love my hot chocolate seriously, i forgot milk from my shopping list yesterday, so walked all the way back, just so i could make it :lol: It's good to learn, so education stuffs i don't really mind! Lots of work though. I hope your day has been well :D

  6. I'm hoping to sleep soonish for a while, lately i keep getting woken up as the birds peck my roof (seriously LOL), so even if i went to bed earlier, i never know if im gonna get woke! Aww commuting, i have to get the bus to uni as i live outside the city centre, that's bad enough.


    I hope you get a nice sleep and have a good day ^^ Your obviously doing great with work and school and you have a month left? :D I am just listening to music, thinking whether to have hot chocolate and doing some reading. I need to pay a water bill and get some work done later!

  7. Haha! I have random bouts of having not much sleep, where i do work, read and listen to music and whatever. But then other times i have a more or less normal routine and sleep lots, it's strange. There are many nocturnals on here :lol: How are you doing?

  8. Aww you and that lion :lol:

  9. Yes, it is very commercialized and full of brands and flashing lights, it is a lovely place away from all that. Although i must admit, i find that aspect exciting too, but i love Clearwater area and Ocala park is beautiful.


    Wow that's so awesome you live close to ze beach :D I want to travel also, there are so many amazing places in the world. London is a great city. Yeah i understand about work taking over, though most of my work obviously involves reading and writing so it all goes hand in hand i guess.

  10. oh noes, poor girl D: you should try to continue, it's always good to get lost in writing! Haha! It's the camera flash and sunlight as i was near a window, but, i do like to try and take good care of it, i don't know whether it looks okay or not, i just like having longish hair, but thank you xD Yes, i am very much a night owl, i love the night. It is around half two in the morning here. How is New Jersey? I have flew over there to Florida :lol:

  11. I had my hair trimmed a little recently as it was too overgrown and i had a couple of annoying places, so had it a little shorter so it would grow out well again. It's probably a little shorter than my profile pic at the moment, i like keeping it longish though xD

  12. Poetry is great, i cannot really write it well, though i have tried a couple. I do love haiku's though ^^ My sister is brilliant at poetry. I would love to be a writer and considered even a tenth of great xD! Oh cool, what was your book about? I could get lost in bookstores, libraries etc all day, as i'm sure most could on here :lol:


    Hmm, i think to an extent a lot of people have issues within their mind, obviously not as severe as those conditions. But i know a lot of famous figures have had mental problems and illnesses, it's interesting.

  13. Haha! It's the epitome of insanity i think...

  14. I have a couple of ideas really, i'm not really stuck on one thing yet, though i might be as the years progress. I'd love to write, so whether that entails work on a specific kinda project or magazine or something idk, i also love libraries and bookstores and everything, in truth, i really don't know, as english is such a broad subject and brings so many opportunities haha, i'm sure i'll find something to do :lol:


    Oh wow that sounds really cool. I've always found things such as that very interesting, the mind is so strange. I have looked into some aspects of those conditions you mentioned.

  15. last message is a little jumbled lmao, i was supposed to quote the bit from your message after my first sentence grr!

  16. HahaI i do tend to use strange symbols and faces a lot xD I agree, i much much prefer living on my own and (attempting) to be independent, it's cool.. the faces you make with all the letters and symbols are hilarious (i always try to figure out what the are and mean haha) I am studying english literature (which i love). How about you?

  17. I find college and uni is just a continuation of learning about yourself, it's great to be independent and able to meet new people and everything like that, but people really make too much of it or just see the whole drinking culture, which is silly as you can do that anywhere :S but it's cool to be able to be independent xD Yeah, money is so hard to find these days >_< I miss some aspects of living at home, but i also like living on my own.

  18. Yeah, i can like 'watch' james bond but im not really a fan as such. Although 'Goldeneye' is amazing. Popcorn is great! Yeah, it's awful here and the US, i really hope it sorts itself out over th years, i don't see how it could get worse... Oh wow, universityness, money is a serious problem whilst studying >_< Whilst in college i worked all weekend and studied all week, it was productive but hard work. Now im broke but trynna study, it's hard, it's easier when you have steady income and know like your own routine and such. Life's difficult! >:l

  19. Oh cool :D last movie i saw at the cinema was the recent James Bond film which was okay, i was more interested in the popcorn though haha. Argh, stupid work colleagues. I am currently still searching for a job, im very broke atm, but with the financial situation in the country, a lot of 'basic' kinda jobs just aren't available! I used to work constantly at a nursing home, cleaning, which i really liked but moved to uni. T'is annoying. How do you find your work? What kind of place is it?

  20. It's definitely good you didn't go shopping then, it can be crazy on weekends x_x it's like a warzone. Oh cool, catnap :3 I actually have no idea when i shall sleep next, i think i'll be up reading and doing random onlineness for a while, it (i think) won't be until sunlight again LOL. How about you?



    I actually have no damned idea what they could possibly be doing on my roof, it's like endless pecking and squawking lmao! I wake up like, what the hell is that noise? Oh. On the front, it has the figure (the red death) in it's deathly shawl, an old grandfather clock in the murky background, the pendulum caught in mid-swing, then all the party goers lying dead, crumpled on the floor around him. It's quite macabre :D Oh really? Wow that box sounds brilliant, i love things like that.

  21. Aww man, that would really irritate me if i got ready to go somewhere then all of a sudden i was told that we weren't going lmao! ): Reading is good anyhow. Thank god you napped, staying up longer would have been crazy!


    I slept okay, until around 4pm - these crazy birds were pecking my ceiling! They do it every day and i have no idea why :S it's rather annoying. Ah hallucinations :lol: i have a Poe collection and it has an image of Masque of the Red Death on the front cover, it's cool :D

  22. Masque is really amazing, i could read it endlessly. It's pretty creepy though. I have not read the sphynx either, i'm pretty sure i will soon. Did you go shopping and not fall asleep in a trolley?

  23. It's a cool forum ^-^ You must tell me what you think of the graveyard book when finished xD the illustrations are quite fun and there are some interesting moments throughout. Hope your having a good day!

  24. cause she's a misunderstood child and i can't figure her out. She needs a lot of therapy.

  25. It's really brilliant and pretty creepy in parts! Aww, was work that bad? I have not seen Superbad, although i have heard good things about it xD

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