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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. A michael jackson tribute? LOL that's a bizaare choice :S He's really cool though and i think very understood, it's very evil what the media have portrayed him as. I love earth song and a lot of his songs are very groovy and cool xD He's a true legend. I have sympathy for the ones who don't milk it or ask for it and such, and are famous for their actual talents and accomplishments, not the media circus 'ladies of the night', they irritate me no end.

  2. oh nooo, he should be checked out just to be on the safe side! I feel sad too as my dog is very old now, around 15 years (which is brilliant for a small dog) and she can't chew some things anymore and she finds it difficult to jump and go for longish walks :(

  3. Aww i wish i had a cat. When i get my own flat, i'm most definitely (if allowed) going to have a cat, i love them ^.^ they're so sneaky and proud creatures.

  4. It's severely retarded :l Oh yeah, my uni has a rock society, i've met a lot of cool people there and they have really great random nights out xD I don't know, she just looked really creepy, i couldn't believe it when i saw she'd actually shaved her hair off, i was like wait- what?? There's some crazy people in the world. At least Michael Jackson is the cool kind of crazy, nothing can beat his moonwalks and shades.

  5. send your cat through the screen and he can roam the forum, then you won't have to bother resizing!

  6. aww, is it uploaded to something like imageshack? That's how i usually post things, but i'm pretty useless at figuring out stuff like that :lol:

  7. Pfft that's so unfair. I don't really care or bother about whether someone studies at somewhere apparently priveledged or whatever, it doesn't mean they're a better person or higher than you, they just happen to have applied and got into it and good for them. I wouldn't really like that kinda posh and all 'ball and dinner' atmosphere :lol: i can imagine it would be an experience to study in such a place though. It all seems a little too much those advantages, very annoying. It's not as if the majority of attendees need free things lmao.


    And god, britney. I cannot stand that woman, she's very odd. I LOL'd so much when she was bald, i went around pointing every bald man as britney spears :lol:

  8. cats! i love cats ^^ wow siamese too? aww xD I thought i had posted a pic of my dog in the 'Pets' thread but i haven't, if i can find one i may post there :D She's very small but lovely.

  9. I know! I have a crazy life. I cannot fathom the reason behind the birds pecking my roof every single day, they sound so psychotic! But there's nothing up there for them lmao! Talking about crazy animals, do you have any pets? At my parents we have a very cute border collie cross breed dog, she's quite old now, but very graceful :D

  10. Oh wow i know bury, not too well though. Our maths lessons were hilarious, you had the teacher being locked out by rulers, us having to dodge massive textbooks or erasers thrown from the back of the class, also a song playing endlessly at the back too - i remember hearing that damned ****ing britney spears song 'Toxic' about fifty times in a month, thought i was going insane :lol:


    LOL death by paper planes, i'm sure he regretted that. I don't know why anyone would be a high school teacher, i'd rather jump off a bridge. Oh your from the midlands? Jeez Cambridge? That's cool. I love some cathedral architecture, gargoyles and chimera's sound awesome :D i actually had a dream the other night that i was in paris and exploring Notre Dame :S

  11. i should really check it out, i'll probably be able to find it on random sites :D Yay maybe you can chill out tomorrow and the rest of this evening then ^^ it's good to be free. I was friends with one before we got the house and the other i know a little. Wow it's so windy here tonight, i keep thinking it's gonna break into my room haha!

  12. oh wow, forensic science has always interested me, i find programs like CSI interesting xD see, i do miss some programs, but a lot of what is on british tv when you don't have cable, is terrible. Aww thanks, im doing okay atm ^^ i hope you are also! My housemates are both guys, one does physics and the other is searching for work. It's somewhere to live i guess :lol:

  13. I could never do math, probably something to do with the fact that in my gcse maths class, people locked the teacher out by putting a wooden ruler across the door, so it took half an hour for the learning to get started. I admire anyone who can do equations!


    Oh yeah definitely, the nocturnal world is fascinating. The town i come from is around 25 mins on train from Manchester, i was brought up in Cheshire which is a beautiful place. But i've always loved the city, i used to just go for trips here whilst in college and look at all the buildings and places. Is it Birmingham that you are in atm? I have only been there on a coach stop before. Where are you from originally?

  14. i have not heard of fringe, although i don't get to watch much tv as i don't want to pay for the licence, so just watch random things online and cartoons when i visit my parents house xD it basically stemmed from one point after having a particularly bad month, i caught a chest infection for a while which developed into something pretty bad and i didn't leave bed for a week, thus barely ate anything and did nothing, and this was during a really busy time of the work period, before that i'd been down for a while with things and wasn't looking after myself well, so everything spiralled basically and i was forever playing catch up with work. I definitely learned a lot, this is why i appreciate how difficult it can be when you start out in the world :lol:

  15. That's cool then, maybe your boss can sack the idiot :lol: i'm in the first year of my degree, i took a year out after college studying, then missed a lot of last year's work and deadlines through illness and generally having a patchy year, so decided to retake and here i am xD So, are you planning on relaxing now the day is done? :D

  16. It's awesome when no one is around at night, it's like it belongs to you xD It's interesting thinking about what's going on outside when your in bed, i always wonder what the cats are up to, they're very nocturnal and sneaky.


    My parents live in a town surrounded by beautiful hillside, the town itself is a thug-infested place lmao, but the countryside is wonderful. I don't see many stars living here either, which is why it's cool to be able to visit other places sometimes. Yes, how is the maths going!

  17. LOL the fate of the planet rests with the Attenborough brothers, oh noes! D:


    I know! I would actually sit in the garden on the grass and read, that seems pretty weird to most, but i love the atmosphere and energy of thunderstorms and such, i always feel more inclined to venture out if it's raining. It's such a priveledge to experience such things first hand :D


    I have not heard of that, it sounds really amazing ;o i have spent hours on google earth searching random places, i even looked into Area 51 :lol: No way, technology is fascinating x_x whilst at my parents last week, i stood on the back porch staring at all the stars, i could see them so clearly as the house is close to the hills, so less light pollution and it was brilliant, i was looking for around half an hour ^^

  18. LOL i've done that plenty of times, then i look back like 'why am i talking to myself?'

    I agree about the screaming, it's annoying, but true, you never know whether it's an actual terrified cry or those bloody idiots messing about.


    Wow, i've never been during a special event or time of year, that'd be awesome. No doubt the prices would sky-rocket though, damned disney. Oh it's his brother?? I thought the name was just a coincidence. So his bro is rejuvenating the dinosaurs? He really doesn't care about the circle of life, does he? I'm pretty sure if t-rex becomes active again there won't be enough animals for a nature program to air :lol Man i hate the dinosaur rides, they scare me!

  19. That's like what me, you and roxi were talking about the other night, crazy theme parks and such. They're kinda sinister, you never know if it's screams of terror or fun or what x_x


    It's one of my treasures xD it's cool to keep things like that. Pluto is awesome! I remember seeing pinochhio walking around, i was like woah that boy is freaky. I love all the scenery, wildlife and themes throughout the parks :D


    I know he's that nature guy! I always get him mixed up with the guy who acted in jurassic park LOL

  20. It was most definitely mental, but i realised it gave me more of a sense of humour :lol: Vampires? That woulda been cool, better than the usual shakespeare for sure. I love flashing colourful things, for that i blame disney world...


    HAHA the heads, god, freaked me out when i was little too. The whole walking through the mansion until the carriages was creepy. Omg, the autographs!! I actually still have a book full of their signatures, i was so scared of mickey. That makes me feel sorry for winnie :'( this bloody army soldier from toy story kept following us around and i was scared as he had no face, just green, so i started crying.


    I actually almost bought March of the Penguins the other day, i love nature documentaries and the like. lmao! it sounds fun! I am similar actually, on youtube there's this penguin which trips another up and it falls into a pool headfirst, i can never stop laughing at that, it's hilarious!

  21. Well, let me just say my school was mental, like it shut down the year i left it was so bad LOL. But, drama i had some fun times, we kinda ran riot and did whatever, which was how i came to suggest fantasia :S 'or high' hahaha, i wouldn't be surprised.



    What was your drama like? It was quite strange, but there were still quite a few people there, but rides were easy to queue for which was great. I would like to try the Paris one. The fireworks at Epcot Centre were awesome, i had a mickey mouse light stick thing, raving with it obviously.


    Halloween would be amazing, i absolutely love the haunted mansion, it's so cool. And all the gravestones as you queue up is so gothic and cool :D Seaworld i went to around 1997, that was amazing. Penguins! And i dislike heat often, though America i can stand as it's not like just beach and shiz.

  22. Yeah, it sounds like you need a break, not too long to go though! That's good, although i imagine working with your boss could be scary eek! I shall try and make headway with my work and making food. Well, as my course involves so much literature and writing, i guess it just naturally fits in with all the reading i do anyway, so it's quite cool i guess.

  23. Rawr

    It's definitely one of the best areas in britain, although parts of Wales i found breathtaking. Don't really have fond memories of the Lake District, with our minibus almost reversing down and off the mountain :lol:

  24. So many disney films are hilarious, sometimes i can't stop laughing at how random they are :lol: I think the Jungle Book is funny with that crazy singing chimpanzee or whatever he is. Fantasia is brilliant, i agree. It's kinda sinister also, i remember actually doing scenes from that in drama in high school, weird.


    I have actually been to the one in Florida three times also, it's absolutely amazing and i'm definitely going again. I last went about a month after the trade centre incident, so the parks were like dead!

  25. Rawr

    Haha, i saw the same comment twice and thought i was seeing things, i guess he's pretty excited :lol: Wizard and Glass i found does drag a lot, although the story is quite brilliant, yet long-winded. I still think it's well worth pushing on as the pace quickens with number 5. There's so many twists and turns! I see you reside near the peak district, i have been walking a couple of times around there, it's truly beautiful :D

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