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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. Uni is on break until later this month, so not right now xD Aww i was tired last night but i literally couldn't sleep until 6am - i've had a bad sleeping routine lately, but reading and having something like hot chocolate will help, so i shall try this later! Hope your day is good :D

  2. mash potato is amazing!! :D :D yeah, everyone seems so i don't know, serious at gyms lol! I have been trying to do some planning for a story. I may sleep soon as i keep drifting off xD

  3. xD means like laughing! i think he's a clever man but a little too harsh, but i guess that's for tv - he certainly seems to know what sells. i usually work out at home, i do my own things and stuff, i don't like the gym, they're always so full and expensive! And, mash is mash potato, you probably know what that is - i always make it :D

  4. lmao there's a guy called simon cowell on it, he's such an idiot! My evening went okay thank you - i listened to music, worked out, did some writing, made nice food (mash :D) and sorted some clothes out that need washing - housework xD

  5. Hanging with friends is always awesome :D Oh cool, there is a similar show in the uk called 'the x factor' and i sometimes watch as it's interesting and sometimes there are extremely talented people and it's cool to see how they get on and such.

  6. aww he's beautiful xD that sounds good for when i begin to learn then! How has your evening been?

  7. oh wow, was the exam scary? is it just common sense and knowing what road signs mean and such?

  8. owow a green car :D it just means like fixing problems and making sure your car is roadworthy etc. Waiting for buses can be annoying, but they mostly run often which is good :D Was it scary taking your test etc?

  9. Don't get me wrong, i'd love to have the freedom of my own car, but the cost of petrol, lessons, insurance, mot's etc would be vastly expensive and troublesome. Public transport is okay here but costs a fortune, so i guess you can't win either way. It's cool you've done it since 16 though!

  10. isn't he a dreamboat? *swoon* LOL


    Elves are cool. I like their pointy ears and little hats.

  11. I can't as i've never really had a need as public transport is okay and it's so expensive to run a car, though i would like to learn!

  12. It's been too long since i last delved into an elven world :lol: i will check it out - keep me updated!


    I'm torn between dating King 'hobo' Triton or Hunchback... hmm. Choices...

  13. Haha! I remember in high school, this person played 'toxic' about a thousand times a week at the back of class, i thought i was going crazy LOL.


    Wow caught fire? that's strange. You can drive :o

  14. Yes, it's one of the most beautiful and haunting pieces of music i've ever heard, i was drawn in since the first time i heard :) My day has been okay thank you, no reading done yet though! I hope to soon. I had some food and did some washing up, and have been listening to music and planning some work. How has yours been?

  15. Oh, it sounds great and very detailed and stuffs, i'll definitely try and get onto them, i haven't read a good fantasy book in a while come to think of it, and i guess they must be great if so many people are loving them. I read LOTR before the films, it was a little heavy but still highly enjoyable, though i'll always prefer the hobbit :D Can you identify with the main character, i find that's important for me in long fantasy tales, otherwise it becomes dull and kind of melts into almost every other fantasy story if that makes sense.

  16. Yeah, it must be terrible when it's freezing and they have no food and such :(

    I consider things from Metallica's albums, to Nirvana, to some death metal albums, to Linkin Park - so many! :lol:

    And, i was actually listening to Beethoven's fantastic 'Moonlight Sonata' whilst trying to sleep xD

  17. I feel sorry for a lot of homeless people, but i've come to realise upon experience in the city centre that many just don't even try to help themselves. And ooo cool, i find some of incubus's stuff good :D I have so many, like literally over ten albums i consider masterpieces, i can't possibly pick :lol: I am actually lying down and listening to music right now whilst snoozing lol!

  18. Yeah, their old material is absolutely brilliant. Do you have a favourite album? And yes i mean above one :lol: i wasn't a hobo lmao!

  19. Oh wow, that's so amazing. A lot of people with music around the house as children do grow up to have a passion for it. I actually lived in a pub whilst growing up, so there was constantly music playing within xD That's so cool about your dad!


    Classic rock is great, i hear it a lot whilst out and also it was always played in the pub xD

    I have heard of three days grace, i love the chili's, they're a truly untouchable band, i need to listen to more of their new stuff (stadium arcadium) Californication and By the Way are my fave albums, so diverse. Rage are amazing! I have so many faves, i find it so difficult to choose. Metallica and System of a Down are definitely two for sure! But honestly, i have so so many xD

  20. I know, and i loved that word, twilight! Man, they've changed it into a blasphemic commodity! *lament* i shall have to use morenight from now on. ): They've ruined vampires as well, they used to be cool!


    Yes Michael is pretty scary, unfortunately. I don't know what was on his mind at all, it's so weird. It's what's on the inside that counts i guess, luckily for him. I wish the night and darkness could extend too, it makes me kinda sad when sunlight arrives, although i do like pretty spring days. Hope your mum doesn't wake you early to fight hordes of sainsbury's shoppers haha!

  21. he's very adorable :3 xD Oh definitely, i can talk about music. I also cannot live without it, it's amazing. I am quite open-minded with music, i think that's the best way to be with anything in life. I love a lot of metal and alternative stuff, but also many things like grunge, some classical music and even some rap. Music is awesomeness :D how about yourself?

  22. No worries! My name is Tom and i am pleased to meet you :D And amg, your cat is so very beautiful! His eyes are extremely vivid! He is very awesoome! xD

  23. You just gave me a hilarious image - of michael jackson headbanging and tree huggers rocking out LOL. I agree, it's a pretty embarassing and shambolic 'culture' at the moment, bloody world. We need some jacko headbanging love :lol:


    Okies sarah, i think ima fall to sleep soon enough, sleep beckons. Hope you have a good sleep and lets just call it erm no twilight is a bad word, hmm mornight? I don't know. Anyways, bai!

  24. it will be very sad, but all things move on to ze next place wherever that may be, i know she has had a good life ^^ Aww cool, and yes it is in my profile contact thing :D

  25. Okay i meant 'misunderstood' and whilst i'm at it i spelt bizarre wrong i think lmao.

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