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Everything posted by lexiepiper

  1. Something woke her mid-dream. The Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky
  2. I have both this and My Best Friends Girl on my TBR pile, I should get around to reading them!
  3. So far I've read Velocity, The Good Guy, The Husband and Life Expectancy and enjoyed them all, Life Expectancy felt a little slow going to me in the beginning, but once it got going I enjoyed it. I have The Taking and The Darkest Evening Of The Night out from the library to read at the moment, so I'll enjoy them I'm sure
  4. I have to say I did like LB, and I much prefered it to Lucky, which I didn't really take to at all. I'm not overly tempted to read her newer one, might just leave it and pick it up if i ever see it really cheap but wont go out of my way to but it
  5. I picked up one of her newer books a few months ago, called The Bone Garden, and absolutely loved it, so i ordered a few more from amazon and loved them too and ordered the whole rizzoli series and it's fantastic, i still have a few of the older ones to read but wouldn't hesistate to buy any of her new releases
  6. I bought a magnetic Little Miss Naughty bookmark today, as well as kitten bookmark calendar pack which has a pull out bookmark for each month with a cute kitten pic on and a small calendar at the bottom
  7. I only have one, which has Mona Lisa on it and i adore it, but it's really worn now, I could kick myself for not picking up 2 of them! I'd like to buy more but I've looked online and other than stitching my own, which I intend to try next year, there aren't any nice ones you can buy online.
  8. Oh that sounds cool, I'm want to try and read at least 5 classics this year, trying to overcome my aversion to them, not really sure why I dislike the thought of them, I think it might have something to do with the old fashioned talk/writing
  9. Yeah that's true, all mortal boys are jealous of Edward <3
  10. I've just started the women of the underworld series but that has 9, I've been looking around for sets and trilogy's to read next year and so far i have about 10 series that I'm planning to read next year and I'm looking forward to it
  11. Ohhh, I recognise his face, my BF is massively into comedy, so I've probably seen Tim on something he was watching. Those songs are pretty darn ace
  12. oh my boyfriend is exactly the same, he cannot comprehend the fuss over Edward *sigh*
  13. I don't know who does it, but that is an awesome song
  14. Ooo great, I'll definately check them out after xmas
  15. Men in books are always so perfect, it's a shame there are no replicates in the human male population
  16. I've never heard of Noughts and Crosses before, just looked it up on amazon and kind of sounds a bit like a futuristic Romeo & Juliet? Would you recommend the trilogy to read?
  17. Reading is so underrated these days and I really don't understand it, I've loved books ever since I was a very little girl and so I guess I was lucky my family always gave me lots of books instead of shoving me in front of a tv. I think i would feel very unfulfilled in my life without books, and like other people have said, if things are bad in your real living situation, it can be a bit of a breather to escape into a fictional world for a while.
  18. there's a quote in someone's signature here about buying loads of books and then treating yourself to food after if there's any money left, I think that's how we all live
  19. Yeah I suppose that's true bah what do they know eh?
  20. I go from one book to the next, sometimes literally finish one and pick up the next straight away, and this doesn't bother me in the slightest, but sometimes, if i finish late at night and it was a particularly emotional book and i want to think on it a little, then i start the next book on the following afternoon
  21. At the moment all of mine are boxed due to complete lack of space, need to see if i can squeeeze a bookshelf in somewhere as i'd love to have them all out. Other than the boxes I have a small pile of ones i want to read soon and then when i'm done with them all i put them back in a box and get some more out
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