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Everything posted by Raven

  1. A "Rotten Tomatoes for books", giving a critic's and a user's* score, sounds like a good idea but I would imagine that the amount of work that would be required to get it up and running would be colossal! Would you be rating the story as written by the author, or would you be rating individual imprints? *One that is policed a little better than Amazons!
  2. At the moment, I'd put it 6th, which isn't as much of a slight as it may seem on face value!
  3. Star Wars: The Last Jedi I must confess to being disappointed. Not a terrible film by any means - and way better than any of the prequels - but it didn't pay off what was set up in the first film for me, and I hate how they have used/where they have taken the original trilogy characters.
  4. Worthington's range is less, trust me. Watched the Hammer version of The Hound of the Baskervilles yesterday, and as someone at work said today, it's like watching a carry on film but with horror instead of the laughs.
  5. When you spend so long in the bath reading it's too late to cook anything so you have a cheese and ham sarnie for your supper...
  6. 10+1 (Ain't nobody gonna see that on a mobile...)
  7. Wrath of the Titans I don't think I've ever seen a film with so many wooden performances; Sam Worthington's acting runs the gamut from A all the way to A and the rest weren't much better, either.
  8. I'd be very surprised if the series was significantly different in tone from the films; this isn't a Game of Thrones prequel.
  9. I can't imagine that making a whole lot of sense!
  10. I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing. Tolkien wrote a whole slew of stuff around LotRs and in Middle Earth in general. TV/streaming may be a good way to explore some of the smaller stories, a bit like they are currently doing with Phillip K Dick's short stories in Electric Dreams.
  11. Amazon to make multiple Lord of the Rings prequel TV series.
  12. I have the week off, and for the end of October/beginning of November, I seem to have lucked out with the weather thus far. Spent the day walking along The Solent yesterday, and actually topped up my tan (now an odd shade of off-white...)
  13. Rivers of London is currently 99p on Kindle. Well worth a read, if you haven't already.
  14. Well Magic to Make the Sanest Man go Mad is certainly the best episode so far, really enjoyed that one!
  15. Three books in a month! Getting good at this! Sorry, I missed this for some reason. They were: Star Trek: The Final Reflection By John M. Ford This is the first Star Trek novel I've read (and finished) for years. I used to read a lot of them as a teenager and collected a large number of the Titan re-issues that came out in the late eighties/early nineties. This one was written in 1984 - pre-TNG - and has a very different take on the Klingons from what they would evolve into, but it did lay some of the ground work for what came later. I never read the book at the time, but it was mentioned as an influence for Star Trek Discovery, so I dug it out and read it. It's not the greatest book ever written, and it has certainly dated, but I didn't want to throw it out of the window as I did Star Trek: Forgotten History a few years back! One for the fans. The Furthest Station By Ben Aaronovitch The first Rivers of London/PC Grant novella (and from what Ben Aaronovitch has been saying, it probably won't be the last). Although looking forward to reading this, I was a bit wary as my previous, limited experience of novellas has largely been of stories that don't quite fit the format (they have either been padded or crammed/rushed). This one, however, was a distilled slice of Grant, and worked very for me. A good story, that makes good use of the characters and continues to expand the RoL universe. Also, from a book-geek point of view, it is a nice little hardback! Highly recommended. And yesterday I finished: Rivers of London By Ben Aaronovitch After reading the above I was inspired to go back and start re-reading the series again, and I'm glad I did because there is so much I have forgotten! Great book - classic novice in a fish-out-of-water situation. if you like your policing with a dash of magic and haven't read this, do so now. Highly recommended (and only 99p on Kindle at the moment!)
  16. They are, you have to have made a certain number of posts before you can do it (not sure how many it is).
  17. That is such a good series. Consistently one of the best things on the telebox at the mo.
  18. Well, I'm enjoying it. It's not without it's faults, but the opening two-parter was pretty good and they have been building on it from there (I would agree with Trek writer David Mack that this is the best first season of a Trek sequel so far, and it's certainly got of to a more cohesive start). There are a lot of fans complaining about the look of the ships, the Klingons, the continuity with other series etc. but I'm not finding any of that particularly bothersome. The bottom line for me is that so far we have had five pretty solid stories, with genuine Trek issues and moments and the series has a great cast - and especially lead - so there is a lot to be positive about. Is it the best Trek ever? No, not yet, but it certainly has potential.
  19. Why does this feel like an AA meeting?
  20. ^ Thanks! I've read two whole books this month! *smug face*
  21. He was in Chichester this afternoon, doing a signing in Waterstones. I found out about it as it started. Whilst at work. Arse.
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