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Everything posted by pipread

  1. Hello Dr.Paradise, welcome to BCF,
  2. :006:Hello & welcome, hope you enjoy it here.
  3. They called her the Queen of the Dead. Though no one ever said it to her face. The Sinner by Tess Gerritsen.
  4. I kind of agree, really can`t see why George is still there, as for David, at least he provides some entertainment!
  5. I take it you found your reading mojo then?
  6. Andrea Boccelli - a christmas present for Mother-in-law.
  7. pipread

    New Here

    Hello, welcome to BCF.
  8. We had this problem a while ago, don`t know if your computer`s the same but we were able to do a system restore, which took the computer back to a point before the problem occured. Then the anti-virus did it`s job.
  9. pipread

    Hello :)

    Hello Tom. & welcome Belated happy birthday to you.
  10. Hello, how are you doing? thanks for the friend request, it was good to hear from you.

  11. I thought War and Peace was a great book, the characters, the romance the battles and the wars were brilliantly written. There were parts that dragged and seemed unnecessarily longwinded, and I did skip through these pages, I confess. I agree with Andys thoughts pretty much. Is it the best book ever written? I honestly don`t know, haven`t read enough of the classics to judge. I would reccomend reading War & Peace though.
  12. Have I Got News For You, really funny tonight.
  13. Eddie Elkins ambled down Fantasy Avenue. A light breeze penetrated his costume............... The Rabbit Factory - Marshall Karp
  14. I really enjoyed this book but, Blackberry Wine, is still my favourite book by Joanne Harris.
  15. I tend to get books from charity shops, I rarely buy books new because I only keep the occasional one that I think I`ll re-read one day, the others I take to charity shops or pass on to friends. I use the library a lot too.
  16. I`ve enjoyed the films, but I`ve never read the book, maybe I will read it one day, I think I`d enjoy it.
  17. I feel sorry for Joe, I imagine people keep voting for him to do the trials because he`s so funny, but it does seem unfair. I hope he wins the task tomorrow.
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