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Everything posted by Charm

  1. I finished The Laughing Corpse and Circus of the Damned both by Laurell K Hamilton, loving this series and will definately get the next ...em 15 or so ... what can I say? it's a big series! Not sure what to read next
  2. Happy Birthday! :balloons:

  3. A belated happy birthday Susan! :balloons: Sorry I missed it :blush: but I hope you had a fantastic day! xo

  4. Harold Gaynor's house sat in the middle of intense green lawn and the graceful sweep of trees. The Laughing Corpse ~ Laurell K Hamilton
  5. Well done Sue! Such a random book too, nice one Enjoy Darthbuddy!
  6. You're very welcome, I'm so glad you enjoyed it . I was worried some would find it a bit depressing because it could be so harrowing at times, but I found it actually very interesting, especially from the little girl's point of view, and again, as you say, wonderfully written!
  7. One of those ones I thought Kookie might enjoy, of course, I will be able to read it too! My favourite classic! I want! Of course you couldn't, you did the right thing As for me, my mojo still on it's holidays. I've no clue when it will be back
  8. I am a recently dead travel journalist with unfinished business in the spirit world.
  9. I am Night. Nightswallow ~ Bronwen Winter Phoenix
  10. Happy Birthday! :balloons:

  11. I'll be interested to see what you think of Anita, it took me a while to get used to her. I've ordered the next ones though I hope you enjoy it
  12. Thanks for this, I must get her *coughmecough* them. She started reading one of these, but stopped for Twilight many moons ago, she's prob forgotten all about it! I'll check the two book volumes out for her though, thanks.
  13. Exactly, it's nice to have a mix of supes in the story. What did you think of the Sherrilyn Kenyon series? I've just ordered the next two of the Anita Blake series and the next two Raven Hart ones, I enjoyed the first of those. Oh oh ..Did I tell you I read Covet? I did like it, not as good as the BDB series of course, but still a good read. I liked the way the author crossed over between the two, I mean the main character literally bumped into Phury at the centre! Great stuff! I'll definately be getting Crave
  14. Great review chesilbeach! Glad to hear Hush Hush is a good YA read! Kookie has it on her shelf and I know she read it in 24 hrs, she loved it! She really like the Blue Moon by Alyson Noel too, I read Evermore and will probably get around to reading Blue Moon too at some stage. Do you think the darkest power trilogy by Kelley Armstrong would be suitable for Kookie chesilbeach? I mean is there any really 'adult' content in it? I love the otherworld series myself but think it could be a bit too old for her. I think I might have to just go ahead and buy the trilogy anyway .. just to do the old parental duty thing you know .. and check it out first! (I swear that child of mine gets so many books I fully intend to read someday! )
  15. Thanks for this Fi! I looked these books up and they do look pretty good. I've just started 3, yes I know , 3 more vampire series. The Anita Blake ones by Laurell K Hamilton, the Raven Hart series and the Sherrilyn Kenyon dark hunter series .. oh and the Betsy queen of the vampire series too (that's 4 isn't it )! I dare say I will get fed up with vamps soon but at the min I'm loving the supe world and can't get into anything else! Escapism at it's best!
  16. Belated Happy Birthday MDR! :balloons: Hope you had a lovely day!

  17. Practical Magic ~by~ Alice Hoffman Synopsis Courtesy of Waterstone's: A tale of two sisters, Gillian and Sally Owens, brought up by their two elderly guardian aunts in a world of spells and exotica. As the magical charm of their childhood wears away, they escape from this mystical mayhem - one by running away, the other by marrying. Many years go by before strange circumstances thrust them together again, and once more they are in a place that blends the mundane and mysterious, the familiar and fantastic, the normal and the numinous. Three generations of Owens women are brought together in an experience of unexpected insight and revelation, teaching all of them that such perceptions are rare and wonderful and - to be sure - practical. I loved the film version of this book, so I decided to have a go at reading it, since it has been so long since I watched it. The storyline differs quite a bit from the film version, although the basic skeleton is there, and I found myself not liking some of the main characters I had liked before. Having said that it was still an entertaining read, moved along nicely and kept me interested to the end, which did tidy up rather a bit too easily 7/10
  18. Two weeks early?? Jealous! You lucky thing! I haven't ordered it yet, I didn't think there would be any point cause it wasn't out yet But that's excellent news, thanks for this! I did start my best friend on the series and she's read the first two since Thurs, she's completely hooked! I dare say she'll be on to amazon ordering the last few, so I'll get her to order an extra Lover Mine for me too I've just literally placed a rather large order! So pleased you're enjoying it Fi, can't wait to get my copy now!
  19. Charm

    Happy Birthday Fay! :balloons:

  20. Me too! It's taunting me from my shelf, both it and the sequel, but it's huge!! I have exactly the same prob re bookcases, my books are all doubled up now Is the Kathy Reichs new? The last one of hers I bought was Devibl Bones.
  21. Same here! Only with meatballs as well
  22. Oh the wonders of second hand book shops and charity shops, I love em! Good haul cookie! I haven't read anything in a couple of days now, I have decided though to go on to Amazon and order a few, does that decision count towards book activity?
  23. hmmm .. not sure I agree with this I actually do let things get to me and worry a lot!
  24. aww thank you! :friends0:Sending you some sparkly vibes this time!
  25. I've run out now Wonder what I could eat next? I have the munchies real baaaad
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