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Everything posted by bookworm44

  1. In the year 1919, Edgar's Grandfather, who was born with an extra share of whimsy, bought their land and all the buildings on it from a man he'd never met, a man named Schultz, who in his turn had waked away from a logging team half a decade earlier after seeing the chains on a fully loaded timber sled let go. The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski
  2. I started reading Sammy's Hill by Kristin Gore towards the end of the summer, but only read about fifty pages before I stopped. Not because I didn't like it, work just got in the way. I was hoping once my students were into the routine I would pick it back up, but now I have another book I want to start. I wouldn't normally do this, but the book I want to read is an Oprah book and I'd like to read it now so I can talk to others about the book and watch the live web cast with the author. So, hopefully I'll be back before the end of the year with a review of Sammy's Hill. =)
  3. Thanks! =)


    I like yours too. Your cat reminds me of the cat my boyfriend had when we first started dating.

  4. If I remember correctly we use to take 95, but I could be mistaken. I haven't been to Long Beach since I was kid. I did say last summer I was going to try and go this year, but never made it. I mostly go to Jones Beach.


    How is your book club going?

  5. The party really started to rock when Willie Nelson and Queen Nefertiti began pouring shots. Sammy's Hill by Kristin Gore
  6. I'd like to state right off the bat that Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs is not, I repeat NOT going to be for everyone. It contains lots of graphic scenes, especially sexually that may offend some people. With that said, I found this book to be interesting and quite disturbing. There were many times during this book where my jaw was just hanging open. I just couldn't believe some of the things this poor kid endured during his childhood. I'm giving this book a 4/5 because overall I did enjoy it and I would definitely recommend this book to the right person.
  7. I loved Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella from start to finish! This book made me laugh out loud quite a few times and the part with the sunflowers absolutely took my breath away! If you like chick lit, then you have to read this! Definitely a 5/5!
  8. I love Sophie Kinsella's books, but I could only get through three (Confessions, Takes Manhattan and Ties the Knot) of her Shopaholic series. I love to shop, but it was the money thing that irked me. I'm not one that spends money I don't have and it just drove me crazy when she did, which was all the time. lol! Stephanie, ITA with you about PS I Love You. Loved the book, but didn't care for the movie all that much. I'll probably check out the Shopaholic movie though, I love Isla Fisher. Right now I'm in the middle of Remember Me? and I love it!! I think it will surpass Can You Keep a Secret? as my favorite Kinsella book.
  9. Hi! Thanks, I like yours too. I'm from the city. Where in VA are you from? I use to pass through VA every summer when I was kid on our way down south.

  10. Thanks Gyre! I think I'll give them a try. =)
  11. Yeah, I'm pretty lucky, but usually only when I'm about to finish a book. Otherwise I'd be eating my dinner cold. =)
  12. In the winter on a snowy day I like to sit home and re-read a classic or one of my personal favorites.
  13. In the ten years I've been with my boyfriend, I can probably count on one hand how many books I've seen him read. Sometimes I wish he read more, but to each his own. At least he respects my passion for books. He let me turn our spare bedroom into a library, even though I know he wishes I would just sell half my books. He's also sat quite for hours in the car while I was finishing a book and even last night he held off dinner and kept it warm so I could finish a book I was reading. I love him for that!! =)
  14. I could not put down The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar. This book was so beautifully written, that I felt like I was transported to India and lived the lives of Sera, Bhima, and Maya along with them. Even though the ending left things a bit unfinished, I have to give this book a 5/5. Highly recommended!
  15. Angel, What did you think of Remember Me? I'm just about to start this book.
  16. From your description, England sounds absolutely lovely!


    I to hope you get to visit New York one day. =)

  17. Thank you so much for sharing a part of your heritage with me. I love learning about different cultures.

  18. Good morning, Inver! Yes, its evening here in the states. I too just watched Phelps win his 7th gold! Looking forward to watching him go for 8. =)

  19. Thanks so much for the recommendation. =) Hope you enjoy them as much as I did. =)
  20. Gyre, what did you think of the Twilight series?
  21. Thanks for the welcome Alison. I love living in New York! You should definitely come visit if you ever get a chance. I recommend San Francisco as well. So what's it like in Scotland?

  22. Hey Supergran!


    Living in New York is great! I don't think I'd ever be able to move away from the city.


    What's it like living in England? I've always wanted to visit. Hopefully one day soon. =)

  23. I'm giving Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris a 4/5. It wasn't the funniest book I ever read, but some of his essays had me laughing so hard that I'd recommend it. I'll probably be adding some of his other books to my reading list as well.
  24. I was searching google for book forums and this was the best one I found.
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