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Everything posted by bookworm44

  1. I usually turn to chick-lit for my comfort reads so I'll have to go with with Nicholas Sparks and Sophie Kinsella. elindson, I'd love to know what your favorite Johansen book is. I read her Eve Duncan series (The Face of Deception, Body of Lies, and The Killing Game) a few years ago and really liked it, but I didn't know where to go after that since she has so many books to choose from.
  2. Thanks for the warm welcome back! =)
  3. Happy Birthday! Hope you're having a great day! =)

  4. Hi all! I'm so happy to be back on the forum and reading again! I've missed doing both and I'm so happy that my mojo is finally returning. I look forward to catching up and chatting with everyone. Oh, and a belated thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes everyone sent me. That was really sweet of all of you. =) xo, erin
  5. Currently Reading: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Synopsis: "Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." A lawyer's advice to his children as he defends the real mockingbird of Harper Lee's classic novel—a black man charged with the rape of a white girl. Through the young eyes of Scout and Jem Finch, Harper Lee explores with rich humor and unswerving honesty the irrationality of adult attitudes toward race and class in the Deep South of the 1930s. The conscience of a town steeped in prejudice, violence, and hypocrisy is pricked by the stamina and quiet heroism of one man's struggle for justice—but the weight of history will only tolerate so much. One of the best-loved classics of all time, To Kill a Mockingbird has earned many dis-tinctions since its original publication in 1960. It has won the Pulitzer Prize, been translated into more than forty languages, sold more than forty million copies worldwide, and been made into an enormously popular movie. It was also named the best novel of the twentieth century by librarians across the country (Library Journal). Courtesy of barnesandnoble.com
  6. Below are the books I've read in 2010. ~ Books I've read are rated out of five. ~ Books I re-read are marked (RR) ~ Books I read for the Rory Gilmore Challenge are in pink. My Rating System 1 - Awful! If I didn't have such respect for books, I'd have thrown it at the wall! 2 - Annoying. Wouldn't recommend this. 3 - Average. Didn't sway me one way or another. 4 - Enjoyable. Would definitely recommend it to others. 5 - Excellent! Didn't want to put it down! Books Read in 2010: Summer Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog by John Grogan 4/5 Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates 4/5 Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell 5/5 The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath 4/5 The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom 5/5 The Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy 2/5 The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky 4/5 Fall Early Winter
  7. Welcome to the forum, Sara! Enjoy! =)
  8. bookworm44


    Welcome to the forum, Ned! Enjoy! =)
  9. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on Audrey Niffenegger's new book.
  10. I started Marley & Me last weekend and I've only managed to read 22 pages all week! I really hope its due to the fact that I've just had a crazy week and not that my annual loss of mojo is creeping up on me.
  11. Welcome to the forum, blencathra! Enjoy! =)
  12. Welcome to the forum, Lauren! Enjoy! =)
  13. Welcome to the forum, Holly! Enjoy! =)
  14. I finished Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin this morning and I hope to start Marley & Me by John Grogan later today.
  15. Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin Synopsis: Ellen and Andy's first year of marriage doesn't just seem perfect, it is perfect. There is no question how deep their devotion is, and how naturally they bring out the best in each other. But one fateful afternoon, Ellen runs into Leo for the first time in nearly a decade. Leo, the one who brought out the worst in her. Leo, the one who left her heartbroken with no explanation. Leo, the one she could never quite forget. When his reappearance ignites long-dormant emotions, Ellen begins to question whether the life she's living is the one she's meant to live. Love the One You're With is a powerful story about one women at the crossroads of true love and real life. Review: Don't waste your time or money! 2/5
  16. I liked it a lot. The soundtrack was awesome! At the moment I'm watching season one of The Black Donnelly's.
  17. Welcome to the forum, Kelly! Enjoy! =)
  18. Welcome back, Larry! Enjoy! =)
  19. bookworm44


    Welcome to the forum, Jessi! Enjoy! =)
  20. I've only managed to read about 60 pages of Love the One You're With this week. However, my three year old students seem to be adjusting amazingly well to school, so hopefully once I'm used to be being back to work, the reading will pick up and I won't slip away from it like I do every other fall season.
  21. BookBee, I completely agree with you! Usually if it
  22. Welcome to the forum, Katrina! I'm so jealous! I would love to have your job! I absolutely love independent books stores and wish we had more here in NY. I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do! =)
  23. Welcome to the forum, Naphilia! Enjoy! =)
  24. I have not seen the movie yet. I would like to though, its just that I usually wait for movies to come out on DVD. Also, I always go for reading the book first. Its almost always better than the movie, and you get to picture everything for yourself. I hate reading a book and picturing some movie star as the character.
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