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Everything posted by Nici

  1. I really like Phillippa Gregory as well, I think she writes very well and I have a couple of her books on my TBR pile! - Didn't know she was from Kenya though - talk about learn something new every day!!!
  2. No I didn't! The lady at work who gave them to me said they were children's but she really enjoyed them. Certainly by what I have read already they do seem quite grown up. Oh and Robbie is pestering me to read them next!
  3. Thanks Judy, I will look out for them!
  4. So far I am enjoying Raven's Gate, so hopefully the rest will be just as good - I will let you know!
  5. The Shining is a guaranteed good read!
  6. Has anyone read the "Power of Five" series? So far there are three books: Raven's Gate, Evil Star and Nightrise. I was given them today! This is the same author who wrote the Alex Ryder books.
  7. Sorry everyone but I couldn't finish The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox. I will try again in a couple of months. I am now reading: Anthony Horowitz - Raven's Gate He always knew he was different. First there were the dreams. Then the deaths began. When Matt Freeman gets into trouble with the police, he's sent to be fostered in Yorkshire. It's not long before he senses there's something wrong with his guardian:with the whole village. Then Matt learns about the Old Ones and begins to understand just how he is different. But no one will believe him; no one can help. There is no proof. There is no logic. There is just the Gate. This is the first of a series of 3 (so far) and they are children's books. I was given them today by a lady at work who is a fellow Stephen King/Harry Potter lover who says they are excellent! And definately worth a read! I am on page 40 and so far so good!
  8. It depends on my mood - I have "easy" books and "concentrate" books, so depending on how I am feeling at the time I will choose one or the other and then read the back of them and decide which one I fancy. Or sometimes a book will just jump out at me....
  9. Nici


    That is lovely Judy! I would love to have wildlife like that in my garden.
  10. Nici


    It looks like my wish may come true...on the BBC website it says the weather for where I live on Friday is sunny and 23!! Keep everything crossed! And even better I don't work on Friday so I can spend the day in the garden tidying up!
  11. Yes - that's what I have had to do. I will keep trying though, I don't like giving up on a book....
  12. Thanks Icecream. The funny thing is one of my favourite authors, Barbara Erskine goes back and forth in all her books and I love them. Very strange....
  13. Nici


    Yes so's mine, i took a photo earlier and it's radiant!
  14. Nici


    What beautiful flowers Muggle! You do get some lovely plants!
  15. Happyanddandy & Gyre:- I'm not sure exactly what I don't like about it, I am just not really enjoying it. It is hard to put my finger on. I am also getting confused when it darts backwards and forwards and Iv'e read a parargraph not really knowing who's memory I am reading.
  16. Please don't hate me everyone , but, I am struggling with The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox. I am just over half way through and I am really really trying to finish it. Sorry everyone - I believe I am the only person to say something bad about this book......
  17. Nici


    I really wish the rain would stop, even if it's just for a day - I have two hardy fuschias to plant and the weeds are going barmy with all this rain, oh and the grass needs cutting....
  18. Hello and , It's nice to have you here!
  19. Sounds good Judy! I will add it to my TBR pile!
  20. Oh! I do like James Herbert, but I haven't read this one; what's it about?
  21. That seems very good value PP. I think I will do the same on pay day!
  22. Nici


    Hello and ! I'm Nici and it's nice to have you here!
  23. I have a list of all the books i want to buy in my phone, so that way it is always with me!
  24. I need a book which can keep my attention. I don't like slow books or books that don't have that "oomph". This is why I tend to read crime, horror, historical and thrillers as they keep me interested.. I am hard to please
  25. That is exactly how I am feeling at the moment.
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