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Everything posted by Nici

  1. Nici


    I remember seeing Kell and some others discussing this so I thought I would start a little thread. My sister works for Universal and is responsible for getting anything Universal onto our TV screens and she has told me that she has already supplied the Heroes material to BBC2 and it is due to be shown in the late summer. They have also requested that it be High Definition and also widescreen picture size so it will look better than Sci-Fi. Hope this makes you all happy!
  2. That's great Maureen! Congratulations!! It took a while for Robbie to get the bug as well but I think I am getting there!!
  3. I will always look at the cover first and if i like the look of it i will then read the blurb on the back.
  4. Yes, I think I will, thanks Kell!
  5. I would like to tag my Raven Hart books on LibraryThing but I'm not sure what to catergarise it as - it's not horror but it is about vampires. Any ideas anyone? Thanks!
  6. Hello and welcome! My name is Nici and it's nice to have you here! I am currently reading Raven Hart - The Vampires Seduction, which I am really enjoying, you can find out all about it here
  7. That makes perfect sense! You are a lot more disaplined (sp?) than me!
  8. I feel like the odd one out but classics have never appealed to me and I have never read one - they just don't interest me. Sorry!
  9. I'm not going on holiday this year but if i was i would take an easy read that i could put down and pick up easily what with children mucking about and the like!
  10. I don't think I have any! I will give this some thought...
  11. My wish list is listed on my LibraryThing under the tag "To buy" - there are currently 25 books listed and I also have a seperate list of Stephen King books I would like which is listed under the tag "SK To buy" and I have 26 there. So that's a grand total of 51 books I would like! I then print a copy of my list of LibraryThing to take with me when I am shopping for books!
  12. I have voted for Horror, Fantasy, Historical and Thriller - I love all these books equally!
  13. I just wanted to say that I am throughly enjoying The Vampires Seduction. I think it is fantastic and it is turning out to be the sort of book that I am getting excited about reading! I love the characters and the way they interact with each other and Jack and William are making me chuckle! And to read a book with a bit of sauciness as well is a nice change to what I have been reading recently! Fantastic read! Right, I'm getting back to my book....
  14. I always hold my book with my left hand but other than that it can vary how I am sitting. In the car I just try to be as comfty as possible, in my armchair my feet are propped up on the coffee table and in bed anyway I feel!
  15. Hello and welome! I'm Nici and it's nice to have you here!
  16. The ones I seem to get are!
  17. Hello and welcome! I'm Nici and it's nice to have you here!
  18. I agree, for example when it comes to "horror" films I find the Freddy Kruger - Nightmare on Elm Street's films hilarious! However the Poltergeist films scare me so much I refuse to watch them ...
  19. Oopps, forgot to write the blurb: Raven Hart - The Vampires Seduction When it comes to a wild and seductive nightlife, Savannah has bite. Older than the United States and wealthy beyond his years, playboy William Cuyler Thorne is a vampire with a nice long undead life - one that includes a steady stream of admirers, a consistent supply of rejuvenating blood, and, best of all, a cover as one of Savannah's most prominent pillars of society. But all good things must end. Now an ancient enemy has come for William from across the seas. It is his sire, Reedrek, the vampire who created him. And Reedrek will stop at nothing until all that is precious to William - his beautiful mistress, his stable of willing female victims, his glorious estates, and his good-ol'-boy vampire sidekick, Jack - is within his voracious grasp. But William has an arsenal of his own - one that is enhanced by the power of voodoo. And when these two bloodsuckers meet, there will be hell to pay.
  20. Nici


    Judy, your garden is gorgeous! It is really really lovely and I like your frog!
  21. Thanks HandD and Judy! I love dried fruit - i could eat it all day if it wasn't so high in calories
  22. I love horror! I like any books which have a supernatural side to them. I am currently reading Raven Hart - The Vampires Seduction and throughly enjoying the vampires!
  23. Nici


    Excellent!! And Wraith - why wouldn't he be a fan - I'm not that bad am I???
  24. Aw thanks Fay! Everyone who had some seemed to enjoy it!
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