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Everything posted by ~V~

  1. May I join in please? That means the loser has to buy two books (Text books don't count though do they?)
  2. I've set up a library at work and so most of the books I no longer want go in there. Maybe one day I'll also get to appreciate it when I've finally got somewhere near the summit of Mount TBR
  3. Is gin not a necessity before attempting this type of drivel?
  4. Janet, any chance you could poke your eyes out before you have to read that?
  5. I think he's great. I'm pretty sure he doesn't take himself seriously and he was a great PM this week. Plus he really makes me laugh. I can't see why people are comparing him to Paul/Syed/Tre as he's nothing like them - his pomposity is in jest surely?
  6. I'm not sure being a hardcore fan of David Tennant gives you the same amount of kudos though
  7. It's no way better than a book. But it's different and interesting, but I couldn't see it working for anything other than a short. The stories are dreadful (so far) though.
  8. It's so cool. I'm only on Chapter 9 at the moment though
  9. We could do with a vote on these contentious books to see what the overall opinion is
  10. Much as I like him, he tends to be constantly on a publicity drive for his theatre. Of all the London theatres, he's the only Director I know of. I'm sure there are many who miss out on the publicity he garners
  11. Thanks Janet - I may do so tomorrow
  12. I've just found out Thomas Sangster was in this. Gutted I missed it now
  13. Same here but I'm looking forward to the one this week - Trevor Eve as Hughie Green and the last one which is David Walliams as Frankie Howerd which looks great The Harry H Corbett one was good but rather bleak
  14. He needs me to keep his feet on the ground *Goes off humming 'so long as he needs me'*
  15. It is Supergran, trust me on this
  16. And two of the judges are a transvestite and Barrowman
  17. You obviously don't know about Irish people and London then Trust me - it happens. The word is Kilburn
  18. I was with DVO - I liked Amy. I don't think she was the stompy one was she? And that first Oliver sings and looks like an angel yes, but he'd better sort his diction out otherwise nobody will know what the poor little cherub is saying
  19. So read more. I think she gets better
  20. I agree. It was brilliant. Totally and utterly brilliant. The swings in my emotions when read that were enormous. Plus the voices of her characters are just so real Me too. I love her with all my heart. I've seen the latest but only in hb and I don't do those unless it's unaviodable (young Mr Potter is all I think)
  21. I've read that. (Not in the original you understand. Ja?) I was thinking maybe something more fruity than young Adolf's ramblings but you never know
  22. That's pretty well what happened with the 'Aga Sagas' isn't it?
  23. JS &MN is the foundation stone on my Mount TBR. I must say, it has the whitest pages (Glad to know it's not just me who would hate to be thought of as a bandwagon jumper)
  24. ~V~

    deb's 2008 list

    Because like any binge, I just get sick of them. I tend (Usually, but my life isn't usual at the minute) to even avoid repeating genres
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