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Book Wyrm
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Everything posted by poppy

  1. Oh, I do hope you enjoy it Kylie. Let me know. There is a wonderful TV series made of Jeeves and Wooster, starring Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster and Steven Fry as Jeeves. They are absolutely brilliant in these parts - I'm sure you would love it.
  2. poppy


    Hi Sammy and Welcome
  3. Definitely Bill Bryson. P.G.Wodehouse and I recently read 'Three Men and a Boat' by Jerome K Jerome which was very funny.
  4. Ah, I see. It's surprising how often anti-Semitic attitudes show up in older writing. Must admit, it lowers my opinion of the author, as does any form of rascist writing.
  5. Hi Johanna and welcome. Love your little bunny avatar
  6. Hi Heather and a big Welcome
  7. One of my favourite poems is The River Merchant's Wife by Ezra Pound ( I know nothing about his questionable politics )
  8. I finished reading Dracula not long ago. I enjoyed it, especially as it laid the basis for future vampire stories. I did however find Van Helsing rather long-winded and difficult to understand at times because of his broken English. Anyone else have that problem?
  9. poppy


    Hi and welcome Gamgee
  10. poppy


    Hi and welcome Tiresias
  11. I came across this war poem which really appeals to me. NAMING OF PARTS by Henry Reed To-day we have naming of parts. Yesterday, We had daily cleaning. And to-morrow morning, We shall have what to do after firing. But to-day, To-day we have naming of parts. Japonica Glistens like coral in all of the neighboring gardens, And to-day we have naming of parts. This is the lower sling swivel. And this Is the upper sling swivel, whose use you will see, When you are given your slings. And this is the piling swivel, Which in your case you have not got. The branches Hold in the gardens their silent, eloquent gestures, Which in our case we have not got. This is the safety-catch, which is always released With an easy flick of the thumb. And please do not let me See anyone using his finger. You can do it quite easy If you have any strength in your thumb. The blossoms Are fragile and motionless, never letting anyone see Any of them using their finger. And this you can see is the bolt. The purpose of this Is to open the breech, as you see. We can slide it Rapidly backwards and forwards: we call this Easing the spring. And rapidly backwards and forwards The early bees are assaulting and fumbling the flowers: They call it easing the Spring. They call it easing the Spring: it is perfectly easy If you have any strength in your thumb: like the bolt, And the breech, and the cocking-piece, and the point of balance, Which in our case we have not got; and the almond-blossom Silent in all of the gardens and the bees going backwards and forwards, For to-day we have naming of parts.
  12. Howard's End or A Room With A View by E.M.Forster To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
  13. Lol Kylie. We better not go shopping together. One time I caught a bus from the city (my regular bus) got off and caught a connecting one, only to discover it was the wrong bus and I ended up right where I started again I can however (thank goodness) read maps, otherwise heavens knows where I would be today.
  14. 1. I have a terrible sense of direction (turn me round three times and I'm lost) 2. I have a pet rock called Rosie. 3. A car once ran over my foot (it happened to be a teacher from my school ) 4. I know the longest NZ place-name off by heart Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitinatahu 5. I like insects (as long as they don't bite)
  15. poppy


    Hi and welcome
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