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Marie H

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Everything posted by Marie H

  1. That's great! I will start MT tomorrow, if everyone is all ready to go .
  2. E book buying today - Enid Blyton's The Early Years at Malory Towers , and Alan Weisman's Countdown: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth? Reading today - Angela Thirkell's Summer Half - this one is the first book of her's I've read, and it's main character is a schoolmaster in a 1937 boys prep school. Difficult to get into, but now I am following the very sharp observations, and Thirkell has a very dry sense of humour in this one.
  3. Yep, I have got the The Early Years at Malory Towers: (3 Books in 1 ) ebook today!! - . I haven't peeked at the book yet, but I'm ready to start reading.
  4. ....ONLY THREE?....*pshaw* Ohh, The Shadow of the Wind is great, but at some times a bit overly long winded, I found. Go for The Remains of the Day, it's wonderful!! Some people find this one boring and tiresome, but it's one of my favourites. Happy reading being fickle .
  5. These jars are becoming the I Ching for books and booklovers . The jar knows what is best for you each time . Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond is on my wishlist now, and I've just bought The World Without Us ebook, as Weisman's Countdown is excellent, though not a book for light reading, and I'm seriously getting my own copy (library loan at the moment). Hope you like G, G and S
  6. Read 35% of The Mangle Street Murders - really enjoying it too. Library loan of Alan Weisman's Countdown: our last, best hope for a future on earth? - a very complex and sensitive subject (especially when referring to population growth), but a very interesting book so far.
  7. Happy reading in 2015 Abby, and hope that your reading mojo is tickety- boo too!
  8. Happy reading tremendous tomes in 2015, Tim !!
  9. I read Goth Girl and the Ghost of a Mouse last year, and it was very good, but I think that the second one is even better - lots of sub plots, lots of funny characters, and the illustrations are gorgeous. Hope your library have this one to read Athena, it's a great book .
  10. I've never read MT, but I'm requesting The Early Years at Malory Towers: 3 Books in 1 from the library - but they are so popular that I'm in a queue of 2. I thought they would be so old fashioned by now, but someone reads them. Maybe it's older readers who are nostalgia, and are remembering being young again . The All-Knowing Book Vessel I'm thinking of getting the ebook of The Early Years at Malory Towers: 3 Books in 1, as the ones in the library are 'on loan', and .most of the MT books are on request too, so they are very popular . Yay for Malory Towers Don't eat too much cake frankie . This a real snowball effect with the MT books. Oh, I've got some Tunnocks Snowballs, they would be great for a midnight feast. Dessicated coconut and chocolate coating, and gooey marshmallow - what a hoot if that came in contact with the bedsheets!!
  11. I think I had seen both programmes, definitely A Man and His Dog Ohhh, lots of cake !!!!!
  12. Oh dear, I think they weren't BBC ones (not absolutely sure), but I think he made them for ITV (commercial tv with advertising). I'm sure he was at least one programmes about dogs, the part I remember was with a litter of bulldog puppies, and they were completely adorable!! And I'm not that fond of dogs, but they were soooo cute! P.S. The series is called The Secret Life of Dogs on ITV, I'm sorry but I am so useless on internet links, I can't actually do the link *bangs head in frustration* I'll try to do a link http://www.itv.com/presscentre/ep1week5/secret-life-dogs
  13. I never read any of the Malory Towers series (but I adored the Blyton's St Clare series, and I think they must be similar) What fun, to have a group read for these, I'm in if you all are too. Does it involve midnight feasts?
  14. Are you qualified to look up Ms Towers?
  15. Martin Clumes is wonderful - in programmes with animals, but I loathed Men Behaving Badly Grrrrr hated it!!!!!!
  16. That's good! I have't read Jonas Jonasson's first one yet..... (After The Kite Runner)
  17. anarchic... minimalistic.... and now liberated!!
  18. Glad that you liked The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag, poppyshake! I loved the first one, and this one is all ready in by e-reader. Flavia is one of a kind, but sometimes she makes me a little scared of her ....I wouldn't like to get the wrong side of her, her and the chemistry lab
  19. Oooh, nurse – the screens! It seems to be a case of Double Entendre; a complication due to floppy endings. Often happens when there is a lack of successful climax in a books ending.... *reads what she has just typed, then thinks “Yes, that looks quite innocent this time” ......
  20. Hope you feel better Alexi . As the great poet Ogden Nash had the idea that "Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker!" It works for me in almost every in life experiencse..... Finished Goth Girl and the Fete Worse Than Death by Chris Riddell last night - and this one I give this one 6 out of 6 as a rating! I know it's a children book, but the plot is hilarious (a celebrity Bake Off, with the Hairy Hikers, Gordon Ramsgate, Heston Harboil etc, ) and the illustrations are superb!!
  21. Happy reading for 2015 Vixen ! The Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk is on my list too, but 752 pages is rather daunting
  22. Great "complex mathematical algorithm" TBR pot! .
  23. Bob Marley's Legend (Deluxe Edition) - and it is sooooo goooooood .
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