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Marie H

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Everything posted by Marie H

  1. A Very Peculiar Practice - I loved that one, and I don't even remember seeing repeats.....maybe it is of it's time, and would be seen even too surreal?
  2. Do you think that this a form of masochism? I admit that her book is good, but it require dedication - and I am so fickle at the moment, I'm easily led away by new, shiny books.... . Hope Paper Town is going to be good, and your reading mojo improves
  3. Finished reading The Second Form at Malory Towers . I'm going to try to read Margaret Atwood's Lady Oracle, yet again .
  4. I'm interested in the Giver Quartet . Never read Lois Lowry before, but I've order the first of the quartet from the library now. It seems that most people have read the first book, so I will be ready to go reading The Giver sometime next week .
  5. I think that is really disturbing!! It could say quite a lot about Enid's own parenting skills......
  6. Yeah what a coincidence! I will just have to be terribly British and wait patiently - but NCIS New Orleans should be simply wizard and , but if you were being ironic .
  7. Urgh, I have a bit of an aversion to that sort of facial hair, but the good news is I googled NCIS:NO, and it’s being premièred on Channel 5 in the UK this year!! :exc:Don't know when in the year yet, but I'm so excited now . Scott will be back on the telly!
  8. I looked at some of the videos/trailers - and he's still HOT He has that wonderful smile, and the character has a dry sense of humour .
  9. Ooooh no, I haven't see this NCIS: New Orleans; and I don't like the original version (only saw a couple of episodes, and they were...meh) I will have to remember about the New Orleans version. Thanks!
  10. The Guitar and Bottle Kings of Kenya!! Nursery Boys Go Ahead! - Abebi Be Tsingombe
  11. Yeah, I was quite shocked by the ending of QL , I thought it was too....cruel, for me. I really wanted a happy ending for Sam . I saw Scott Bakula was in a BBC4 programme about science fiction recently, and I thought "Hey, you are still looking good , so maybe they could do another series of QL?". Unlikely, I know....
  12. I vaguely remember the ITV 80's series, and Prunella Scales and Geraldine McEwan were very sharp, but at that time I couldn't understand the provincial snobbery and social one-upmanship. But I get it now!
  13. I think that Enid wanted all the charterers in Maloray Towers completely asexual !!
  14. I finished The Rosie Project last night, and I loved it !! I'm really looking to read the sequel now Glad your're enjoying the MT series, I am a bit behind (only just started the 2nd book yesterday).
  15. I didn't like Raskolnikov very much, and I thought that he was the anti-hero in Crime and Punishment, but the whole story, and the psychology of the characters was why I loved it.
  16. I'm into the early stuff from Nick Cave (The Birthday Party, From Her to Eternity album) at the mo.
  17. Good review poppyshake, . I've only read Lucia in London (loved that one), and I loved the recent BBC adaptation too (Miss Mapp and those gnashers! Miranda Richardson was wonderful as Mapp.
  18. Glad you loved Kidnapped , as I couldn't get into that one after a couple of chapters - I found that Scottish-ness was far too....twee, for me.
  19. Hello Sousa, and welcome to BCF . I loved Crime and Punishment, and I've tried to read Ulysses a couple of times, but only managed a few chapters .
  20. Read 79% of The Rosie Project, and hopefully finish the rest of the book today.
  21. The Motive - Then Jerico An anthem from 1987, a blast from the past Tupelo - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds , but a bit.....
  22. Happy Reading ,TRE is on my wishlist, and I'm loving The Rosie Project
  23. Me too. I was very disappointed as there were plenty midnight fears in the St Claire series . I started the 2nd MT book last night.
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