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Everything posted by risingdawn

  1. OMG! It's gotten so warm recently. It's a shame as my wardrobe is full of skinnies. I need to get some 3/4 lengths.
  2. More here on WKD, if you want: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WKD_Original_Vodka Currently drinking Blackcurrant. Going to buy my drink for school today as I want something ice cold as it looks boiling outside.
  3. Just passed the 700 page mark on The Neutronium Alchemist! Yaaay! I'm definitely taking a big long break between this book and reading the last in the trilogy. Will be able to fit in all the small books I've got piling up.
  4. I wouldn't do something like that to anything larger. It was because the legs were twitching which really freaks me out. Exactly.
  5. Haha. She got the bread knife. I thought she had slipped it back into the draw after and was like "YOU ARE WASHING THAT AREN'T YOU?!" Haha. We're waiting for baby Boris's now.
  6. Bridges of Madison County. My Mum, Aunt and Cousin were comparing it with The Notebook but I think I prefer The Notebook. Still quite good though.
  7. Yes that's true haha. But considering it's the drink lots of teenagers drink round here. xD We don't really have off licences (specially sells alcohol) that much in the UK. Or if we do I never see them.
  8. Holy moly! Mrs Boris came to say hello tonight. :'( Finished watching Bridges of Madison County and my Mum noticed some legs go under the sofa. As you can guess I was right up standing on the sofa so it couldn't crawl on me! We squished her with Mum's slippers but her legs were still twitching so Mum got a knife and stabbed her. She is now in heaven with Mr Boris!
  9. That's what I was thinking. But then when they were on the bridge and he was talking about not touching each other etc and those two guys merged I realised what they were. I know! But BBC One keeps changing the times. First few weeks it was 6pm, then 6:45 and last week 6:30. It's hard to keep up. I don't think she is normal. I want to find out how she ended up as Oswin. I'm pretty sure she's one and the same. I said to my cousin last week, what if she is a timelord?! That would maybe explain the Oswin spaceship thing? But maybe she had some sort of time travelling accident and just goes by Clara and can't remember anything? That would be cool to finally have another timelord (other than River Song).
  10. I don't think I could stomach rum. Vodka and coke is actually quite nice. Most of the time you can't taste the vodka and it still tastes like coke. It's only when you put quite a bit of vodka in that you can taste it. I don't get why people don't like vodka and coke. And I've never heard of Tito's xD or Stolichnaya. I tend to always have Smirnoff. Never really tried any others unless you count the cheapy one's that the supermarkets do.
  11. Eww that's just scary and weird! I'm seriously glad I've never seen a black widow... I don't think. Thankfully no cobwebs saying murderer this morning!
  12. I'm currently eating a yorkie bar, packet of skips, a yoghurt and my leftover chocolate from last night.
  13. Tonight I have my aunt and cousin around and we're doing Jamie Oliver's Wonky Pasta
  14. Oh, I love Angela's Ashes. I read it a few years back when I was brought the 2 books in a box set for birthday or christmas. It's so good and amazing what McCourt's life as a child was like. I'm still reading the Neutronium Alchemist. Just passed the 400 or 500 page mark. It's slow going but getting quite good. I don't know why it takes me so long to read these pages as opposed to books like the Soldier Son Trilogy.
  15. About to watch some Vampire Diaries. Not seen the more recent episodes.
  16. I watched The Notebook earlier. Seen it before but could barely remember it. It almost set me off with tears! It's such a classic love story. And McAdams and Gosling do so well!
  17. I had a Maggi crumbed chicken thing which tasted a little lemony at times; with shop brought bubble and squeak with cauli cheese. Was sooo good. All those carbs really filled me up.
  18. Too true! I've had many methods of squishing. Bus tickets, crisp packets. I also like the good 'ol technique of hoovering them up. Which apparently doesn't actually kill them so that's kinda humane. I wouldn't squish them if they didn't invade my personal space. I just have fears of them crawling on me and everything. My Mum made it worse saying how we eat spiders and I was like, yeah thanks. Just before I came into my bedroom she was like "There's gonna be cobwebs on your floor spelling murderer by the baby Boris' tomorrow". Haha. So yes, Boris is now dead. Thank the lord. My life can move on.
  19. As some of you may have seen by my status update, the lovely Boris the spider is hibernating under my bed right now. I found him hoovering (as you do!) when I picked up my boyfriend's scarf and he dropped out. I kinda froze for a second and then he scurried under my bed. :'( I have a massive phobia of spiders. The dinky one's are so-so cause they're tiny and can't really do much. But this one was a Boris! He's the big spider you find in your bath after you've been on holiday. So yeah, he's now under my bed! I've got a box sitting outside the room waiting to squish the little thing and then my life will be happy. I'm contemplating getting my Mum to lift up the bed later and then hoovering him up when he walks out! I can't really just hoover under the whole bed as I know there's a battery under there and I don't want an explosion or anything! So, what do you guys do when you see a spider or anything like that? Look up house spider and you'll be close to the spider I'm hunting!
  20. Had a good night last night with the girls. We went to a pub/restaurant called Bistro Pierre, or something like that. Had a jug of Pimms, which I thought tasted alright. And then had a jug of Bridgette Bardeux (sp?) and I hated that one. It tasted too much like cucumber which I hate. I wouldn't choose to have either of them but if Pimms was put before me I could just about manage it. So instead of the second one, I got a glass of vodka and coke. They were asking me what vodka I wanted as I was like any! Haha. I didn't know the difference between Grey Goose and whatever else there was.
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