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Everything posted by Athena

  1. Ah yeah, episode 10 is on soon. So you're slightly ahead of us (pretty good really, most of the time we're a lot behind XD).
  2. I love this show. I've got all five seasons on DVD or Blu-ray, when the sixth is released I'll get it too (well it might be a birthday gift!). I love the humour of the show. I don't have any favourite quotes, I like a lot of them. I don't have a favourite episode though I definately like some episodes better than others (for example I'm generally more interested in episodes that feature a lot of Sheldon compared with episodes about Leonard and Penny). I love the science aspect of the show, I can usually follow what they're talking about. I also love the geekiness, the focus on video games, science-fiction tv-series and films, comics, etc. My favourite characters are (don't read if you haven't seen season four yet and don't want to have something spoiled): Does anyone know where the UK is with showing the episodes? The rules say I can say things if it's been shown in the UK, I'm pretty sure they've shown the first few seasons (I watched some of it on my holiday there) but I'm not sure where they're up to (alternatively if you know the channel that shows it I could look it up on the internet perhaps, E4 or something?). In the Netherlands we've seen the first eight episodes of season six (I'm missed two unfortunately). Anyway, this show is one of my favourite comedy shows of all time (it's a tie with a Dutch comedy show). I find Sheldon the funniest. The things he says sometimes.. I find that now and then I agree with him. The cool thing is that his friends are okay with how he is, they're still his friends. It's good to see that. I can be a little odd too sometimes (though not as odd as Sheldon) so this is a comforting fact.
  3. I bought the box set of three (and one seperate), the boxset is still in its plastic XD. I've heard it has a great magic system, do you agree with that? EDIT: Karsa, I've added some of your recommendations to my wishlist, they sounded pretty good!
  4. This is very cool! @ Sheldon quotes I love his quotes too (the ones posted are very good)! I don't think I could think of one favourite one, there are so many good ones.
  5. Hello! Welcome here . If you have any questions regarding the use of the forum, feel free to ask (here or perhaps in this topic), I'm sure most of us can help you out.
  6. Coincidentally I ordered this yesterday (will post a list once the books have arrived), great to hear you like it! I'll check out some of your other recommendations later . @ Terry Pratchett novels I hope you like them, indeed best to read them in publication order but many can be read on their own. Certain characters feature in several of the books. They can all be read on their own (but best to read in order), except The Light Fantastic, which is a direct continuation of The Colour of Magic (the first Discworld book, I suggest beginning with that one, I love it a lot though on the whole some people like the later ones better). Discworld books are of the fantasy genre, with lots of humour. Terry Pratchett has also written some other books, but Discworld is probably the best place to start to see if you like his novels.
  7. Oh where to start! Some of my favourites (in no particular order): Fantasy: Terry Pratchett - Discworld series & other books Robert Jordan (& Brandon Sanderson) - Wheel of Time series Peter V. Brett - Demon Cycle series Karen Miller - Kingmaker, Kingbreaker duology James Clemens - The Banned and the Banished series David B. Coe - Chronicles of Lontobyn series Ursula K. Le Guin - Earthsea Quartet Ted Williams - Otherworld series (also science-fiction) Maria V. Snyder - Study series (Young-Adult, Glass series is good too, rest I haven't read yet) Terry Goodkind - Sword of Truth series (so far, read the first 3 books) Yahtzee Croshaw - Mogworld (this one is the funniest if you have played some video games, there are lots of references to them) Blake Charlton - Spellwright Anne McCaffrey - Dragonriders of Pern series (I've read the first 10 or something) Charlaine Harris - Runemarks Some other fantasy authors whose books are on my shelf (but of which I haven't read a lot): Terry Brooks Raymond E. Feist Janny Wurts R. A. Salvatore Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman J. R. R. Tolkien Brent Weeks Robin Hobb George R. R. Martin Trudi Canavan (and more) Science-fiction: Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series Peter F. Hamilton (so far I particularly like the Night's Dawn Trilogy Joe Haldeman Dan Simmons Iain M. Banks Some other science-fiction authors whose books are on my shelf (but of which I haven't read a lot): Isaac Asimov Stephen Baxter Alastair Reynolds Neal Asher Well that's all I can think of for now, more might come to mind later on. Great topic BTW, I look forward to check out some of the other recommendations!
  8. Yay, nice to see another fan! I watched an episode myself last night. It's such a great show.
  9. I didn't read Jane Eyre for school and I really enjoyed it. Sure I thought about things on my own, but I didn't discuss anything with a professional. Will have to check The City of Ember sometime, it sounds interesting. Nice review .
  10. I've read Sight Unseen (in Dutch), I thought it was quite nice. It's been ages since I read it so I don't remember tons of the story anymore.
  11. That is so good to hear . It's one of my favourite contemporary fiction books.
  12. Wow bree, that's a special place to live! To me mountains mean holidays, since my own country is relatively flat. We've been having snow for a while now, I'm looking forward to see it thaw and have the weather be better.
  13. Wow, that's great . I hope you enjoy them . I've just ordered a few Charles Dickens books myself actually, judging by the list on the site you posted, I may have them all or nearly all, soon.
  14. I've been putting the trilogy off (and instead read her standalone novels) because it's three big books. Great to hear it's really good! I was hoping it would be, I like all her other books that I've read.
  15. I really like that book! I've read it in Dutch back when I was a teenager. I plan to buy the English version so I can read the original version of it. I love the story. To me the cavemen aspect is one of the things that makes it so interesting, but to each their own of course.
  16. Thanks for the replies, I'm not the only one then . I actually read a bit yesterday evening. I guess atm it's just that doing other things (ie. being on this forum, GR and LT) are a lot of fun too XD.
  17. I'm looking forward to the first one as well (I haven't read it but I've heard good things about it). I haven't read Turning Thirty either, I presume you liked it?
  18. What a beautiful dog! It's always tough to lose such a sweet dog.
  19. I love lists! I am very tempted to buy it soon!
  20. I think more and more people are spending time doing other things (ie. internet, mobile games etc), though I could be wrong. There used to be more attention for reading back when I was a child (ie. at schools then compared with now), compared to now (or that's just my impression at least..). I love to read .
  21. I feel the same way, will be glad to see it finish, though I am enjoying it all. It'll be good to start another fantasy series once it ends etc. Hope you can forget a bit about the ending and enjoy the last book!
  22. Welcome Chloe! I'm relatively new at this forum but wanted to welcome you anyway, I hope you like it here .
  23. I don't know if you remember my picture of Boris from a few pages ago, but here's one from a few weeks ago where he is really dirty! Yes this dog is normally actually white (or white-ish at least)! And another one of Pamuk:
  24. I don't know if this kind of thing happens to other people (please post if it has) but I seem to be going through periods where I read lots of books (ie. several or more per week) and periods where I don't read many books at all (ie. only one book per two weeks). Of course this is related to how much spare time I have and what else I might be doing. At the moment I'm not reading so much. Not that the book I'm reading isn't interesting (it is!) but I've felt more like doing other things. I feel ashamed that I've joined a book forum but haven't read a lot since I joined because I've been busy with other things (including the forum XD) . But yeah generally over the course of a year I have several periods of a few weeks where I read less and periods of a few weeks where I read more (and of course there are also periods where I read.. medium / average?) (not to be confused with the word "period" meaning "menstruation" mind.. just in case any guy wanted to make a joke about that ). Does this happen to anyone else? Do you ever take breaks in your reading and do you have times where you read lots? I was just curious, maybe if it happens to some of you also I won't have to feel so guilty. (in my defense, I'm busy cataloguing my books on LibraryThing, GoodReads is my main site but LT has nice statistics).
  25. That sounds interesting! I've never heard of it but it sounds like a nice book. That said, I'm ashamed to admit I haven't actually read The Diary of Ann Frank in its entirety (just bits of it for history lessons etc).
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