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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. Do you know where I can stream the original Dr Who shows? I tried HuluPlus but I don't think they go back that far. I know netflix doesn't.
  2. The kiddos are visiting their parents so its me and the hubby. After his home visit with a Veterans Affairs rep we'll swing by the VA hospital to take care of some business and then hit up our fabulous library to do some job search and plug into the various resources. We can't do this with all the kids. Then its back home to relax and putter around, gotta keep the entertaining to a minimum. Thank God for lots of books, internet, television and crafty things around the house! Got all the housework done so this weekend looks really relaxing.
  3. Big Bang reruns. Hubby and I are trying to find a series to settle in for the rest of winter. We love binge watching. I'm going to check hulu and Netflix to see if they have all the episodes of Hart of Dixie.
  4. A man in Florida was being chased by police. The police spotted him on a bridge as he tossed his four year old daughter over the bridge. She died and I feel sick to my stomach even as I write this. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/01/08/child-dies-thrown-off-bridge/21430711/
  5. Haven't had the chance to see anything new as yet but I am taking the boys to see Paddington on the 16th!
  6. Getting the house ready for the cold. When I woke up this morning it was sunny but it has since turned a true wintery gray. For those of us in the southern parts of the US, we aren't use to the single digit temps. I'm so I glad I don't have to do those early morning shifts. I'll be going through my beading supplies and doing some lists of things to do. Not much else planned today.
  7. Raven! almost choked on my carrot! Gaia, you're right, its not always possible but we must do what we can. I hope your grandfather feels better soon. I know that the flu can be really hard on the elderly. Do you or your family get the flu shot? People get are getting paranoid about coughing in public and I can't say that I don't fall in that group sometimes. At Barnes and Noble the booksellers often use the same phones. So far there have been at least four employees that have come to work sick. It bothers me that they come in actively sneezing and coughing but it flattens me when they use the phones. On a busy day its not always possible to wipe down with antiseptic before picking up a phone. Thank God I haven't gotten sick. I did stock up on over the counter medication last week. Good thing too as the pickings were slim. The price of oranges have gone down and I've got a cabinet full of tea. I do need to get a vaporizer for the kids. There is one manager that goes about the store with a nasty phlegmy cough. Disgusting. She's a smoker and while it may not be contagious it is disgusting to hear and the customers get a little disturbed. You can see it in their faces.
  8. I'll trade you. I cook for zombies so I can't do the lovely meals like yours (except for when the kids are gone) so my meals have to be very filling and have the potential to be leftover lunch. Today's meal is a very savory baked potato soup with cheddar and swiss cheese, chives and sour cream with garlic bread.
  9. It's here and it's vicious. In my state of South Carolina is almost epidemic. The flu season is the worst is been in years. So far we've been blessed to avoid the icky sicky so far but with five little ones. ..we do have one thing in our favor and that's the fact that we homeschool so there's little contact with kids whose parents send them to school ill. Have you all stocked up on your needs, teas and magic brews? What steps are you taking to avoid the plague?
  10. Just rented first two seasons of Northern Exposure. I wanted Game of Thrones but the first season was checked out.
  11. Bloody, freaking COLD. We're looking at below freezing by tomorrow night. Seems like every time I check my weather app the temps drop another 3 degrees. All errands have been done and I've got the older kids at the park to enjoy the last days of thong weather "49 degrees." Tomorrow night drops down to 17 degrees.
  12. In a previous post I mentioned that I really should get to know more about American authors (especially Southern writers). I've always been an anglophile and while I don't think that is something that will ever change I am becoming more and more drawn to my southern roots. I think I avoided works by most southern writers because of the history (slavery, Jim Crow, etc) that came with it. Now I'm ready to embrace all of it. In order to become more accountable I want to start a reading challenge that will focus on this rich, diverse and interesting genre. Here are a few books that I am contemplating. I want to compile a list of books but before I do, I want to know if anyone would be willing to do the challenge with me? If so, do you have any suggestions? The criteria for the first part would be set in the south (I'll get a list) preferably for this first portion during the 1700's (Early American) I know I'm not giving a lot to work with at the moment but I'm writing this on a wing as I don't want to forget anything and it will be easier to add or edit then to try to retrieve things from my overworked and overwhelmed mental data base at this particular time! Suggestions welcome!
  13. Most of South Carolina is under a tornado watch. Temps are in the mid 70's and its overcast. Glad I don't have to be out in it.
  14. Having read The Hobbit I knew from the first movie that PJ was taking GREAT artistic license with the movie. I just decided to enjoy it as if I had no knowledge of the book. Having done that I've really had a great time with them all. I've found that unless its a BBC production, scripts are rarely ever true to the book.
  15. Top Five with Chris Rock. It wasn't as good as I'd hoped but the company was excellent!
  16. Yes! I recorded them all on my dvr. I'm doing LOTRs today because it's rainy again!
  17. Rainy day so I'm doing my HP marathon.
  18. It was sunny with a hint of cold today.
  19. Had a lovely outing with my hubby. We walked a around a shopping center, ate frozen custard and caught a movie.
  20. He also shot his girlfriend before killing them. People in their right mind are sickened by this madness.
  21. Civil unrest, racial division and killings. My country sounds like a third world nation.
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