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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. Welp, I'm at home, in bed, with my leg propped up. I got half way through my shift when it (the ankle) began to swell again. I ended up leaving 2 hours early. I can't keep up like this. If I persist, I'll most certainly do permenant damage to my ankle. It. Ain't. Worth. It. When all is said and done, I damage my ankle and they'll can me anyway for leaving early and not making rate (the amount of items picked per hour). They don't care about any of us so I'll be hanged for a monkey before I injury myself for them. So, I'm just going to find other employment. And I can't accept any job until hubby is done with his training. His new job is sending him to North Carolina for a few weeks. He'll have our truck. DS and his girlfriend start school on 13 April and will be gone most of the day, so.... I am house bound.
  2. We seem to have a bird in our backyard that is part zombie OR it's working 3rd shift.

    1. Inver


      lol...have you found out what it is yet


    2. Virginia


      Not a clue! He's been quiet lately. Maybe he went on vacation? I'm going to enjoy it while I can, lol!

  3. The first season of Ballykissangel. I actually have LOADS of dvds from the library and I can't wait to watch them all. There are two series that I can't start because the first seasons are still out; Outlander and Game of Thrones. I must be number 100 on the waiting list.
  4. Me and the hubby enjoyed the series but we started midway in and didn't finish the entire series. Guess that would be a good series to watch over the dog day of summer. As much as I really enjoy certain shows, I'm not sure if bringing them back is always a good thing. Seems so forced sometimes. I loved "My Name is Earl" that is one show that didn't really "end." I think they could pick up where they left off.
  5. Get some rest Gaia. I'm so proud of you. When I first met you on here you didn't go out much at all and now your DRIVING all over the place! You've taken so many great strides. I hope you realize how much you've accomplished! I spent a few hours at the library. Well, actually, I'm still here, BUT I AM leaving in a few. Buttloads of books and dvds to tide me over. I'm going to pretty much be house bound because hubby will be driving the truck most days to his new job. We turned our Dodge pickup truck back in to the bank as we couldn't keep both with no income. In time, we'll get another one. This works fine for me though because it means I will have to be more circumspect in how I spend my days, either gaddying about accomplishing nothing or being at home and working on projects I have been putting off. At least this way we can save money and if I HAVE to use the truck I can drop him off and pick him up. I've started another blog which goes more into these new projects et al...come on over and take a look!
  6. Another great author has died. Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart.
  7. Thanks Gaia and Chrissy! I have another baby girl named Zoe Elizabeth making an appearance in a few weeks. My namesake is being cuddled by her great grand. She's so smart and squishy! Sally Victoria is definitely the little diva when it comes to taking pictures. She has a say in all clicking of the cameras! I have three of my daddy's pictures and I have petitions out to my family members to take photos of them. I want to have them transferred to canvas. You're right about the two drawings Chrissy, they do seem to flow.
  8. My mom called and told me that she had gone to Richmond, Virginia and picked up my aunt (on my dad's side) whom she hadn't heard from in almost 40 years. She brought my aunt to her home and they spent the weekend together. Healing has happened in my family. When my parents divorced all ties were cut. Now the bridge has been rebuilt and I'm a happy girl!
  9. My reading is all over the place. I put down Book of Negros and picked up Round House by Louise Eldrich. I finished Round House and am going back to Book of Negros. I love Eldrich's style, she's so lyrical. Native American mysticism and lore is in every line, every paragraph. I become totally absorbed until its finished and then I find myself wondering if I was lost.
  10. The first four pictures were done by my dad. Some of you might remember that I found my dad and family last July. It was a year too late as he had died but I was blessed to reconnet with my long lost family. Anyway, I wanted to share some of his work. I believe it helped him deal with his PTSD (Vietnam Vet). The other photos I decided to throw in because my grands are just so darned cute! Hope you enjoy!
  11. This is what the weather has been like around my neck of the woods.
  12. Emma. I wanted to watch the BBC version but they all seem to have disappeared on Netflix, Acorn AND Amazon. Ugh, so I'm watching Gwenth (vomit) Paltrow.
  13. Gaia has been M.I.A for a couple of days. Anyone heard from her?

    1. Athena


      The last time I read and posted on the forum was Friday afternoon, so one and a half days ago. I'm okay, I'm resting a bit and spending some time with my boyfriend and family.

    2. Virginia


      Glad troop knew you're OK! Enjoy yourself : -)

  14. I'm gathering my wits together so I can head off to work. Not thrilled to pieces with this 1845-0515 shift. At least my ankle feels a bit better and my work assignment will be changed, no more walking all over warehouse creation. OAN: As a amazon picker, I've had the pleasure of seeing all the really freaky stuff people order. When I say freaky, I mean all that it implies. The things I've pulled out the bins...
  15. I have Prime, guess I better jump on it!
  16. I got outside and cleaned off the patio and did a bit of racking. I'm planning my gardens.
  17. How is it that you can get Outlander and Elementary?
  18. I started the Book of Negros by Lawrence Hill.
  19. Not much going on except working on my resume and starting on my grand daughters baby blankets.
  20. It's supposed to get up in the 80's.
  21. My ankle has been swollen for about two weeks now. I finally went to the ER to get it looked at and she has put me off work til the end of the month. Its safe to assume I no longer have a job seeing as I just started. I also found out that my blood pressure is pretty high and I have a low grade fever. Go figure. The high blood pressure could be attributed to the ankle pain though. Guess I'll have to keep that monitored.
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