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Your Book Activity Today - Thread 9


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Whatwhat whaat, I can't believe that of my best friend Wikipedia :) It's a real shame, the book not being what you were after and being a bad one as well.


Sorry, I saw this after I posted. I think I'll have to go and edit the Wikipedia page at some stage. I was kind of interested in reading the book anyway because I thought it might be a little like one of my favourite series, Tomorrow, When the War Began. However, it turned out to be far inferior, which is pretty much what I was expecting because I don't think anything could top John Marsden's series. :roll:

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My reading has really slowed down :) but I did manage finish Brave New World. I enjoyed it when I could make myself sit down and read it. I'm not sure why I was so unwilling to pick it up.


I'm not sure what to read next. I will have to stand in front of my book shelf and hope something jumps out at me.:roll:

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Haha. Damn. I'm wishing I hadn't stopped at Chapter Three last night. I really like the world she's created already. I'm trying really hard to take in all the details so as easy it is to read I'm going a bit slowly at the moment.

I'll try to save my comments for that thread rather than clogging up this one. I had kind of avoided it because I didn't want to see spoilers.


Yeah that's fair enough. I might actually spoiler tag my mini-reviews. That way all that's visable are the synopses, which are taken from the back covers.


Also, you're right, there IS a lot to take in. I read the first book quite slowly at first, but once they set out on their adventure the wall of info lets up a bit and it's more about characters and twisty turn-iness :)

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Just read a few pages of The Great Hunt, and am taking it with me to work, only have a 15 minutes break, but am going to read anyway hee hee.:)


if you have a good book 15 minutes can make a difference to your whole day. :roll:

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I ordered A Scanner Darkly and The Lovely Bones from Amazon. First one is the Reading Circle Group choice and I have heard so much good stuff about the latter book I had to do it and it was only 76p....:)

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Freelancing for Australians for Dummies by Susan M Drake & Monica Davidson

Putting two and two together, you might be able to work out that I want to start a freelancing proofreading and editing business

Oooh, would you employ me? I'm good, I really am :) I mean, I was filling out a job application form last week and found myself correcting spelling and grammar mistakes in the application form template...!

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My reading has really slowed down :) but I did manage finish Brave New World. I enjoyed it when I could make myself sit down and read it. I'm not sure why I was so unwilling to pick it up.


I'm not sure what to read next. I will have to stand in front of my book shelf and hope something jumps out at me.:roll:


Cookie Cookie! PLease take a look at my swop list and see if there is anything you want? I am not even bothered about getting a book in return I just want them to go to someone who appreciates books....

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I read Man in the Dark a short novel by Paul Auster yesterday. Going to try Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson today.

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Read about 120 pages of A Spot of Bother which I enjoying much, much more than I was expecting (as I couldn't get past page 20 of The Curious Incident etc.) and started The Feast of the Drowned - one of the Doctor Who books with the tenth Doctor and Rose.

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Finished Sunrise by Rosie Thomas (only started it last night). Easy but quite a good read.


Think will be Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides next, as I still can't find The Rotter's Club (God knows what I've done with it!)

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I... am reading too many books again. I still haven't finished Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. What's that all about? :) That said, it IS easy to get back into, but I need to stop taking on four and five books at a time.

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That's what happened to me! I got three books from other people, all of which I want to read, while reading Jonathan Strange, and I started I, Lucifer because I couldn't bear to wait. If I could even get two finished and have just two on the go, that'd be great.

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