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I spun and bolted. I didn't get far. This side of the road was forest, and thick woods weren't kind to humans, particularly naked running humans.


Stolen ~by~ Kelley Armstrong :readingtwo:

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I picked up a paddle as a ball careened past me.

'Wasn't ready!' I protested, as another ball came over the net. I swiped at it and missed.


Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde

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"What?" Rachel asked.

"Don't ever feel like you're the one to blame." She sipped some more of her hot chocolate. "You start your life as a victim, and you'll remain a victim all the rest of your life!"

Whispers of the Past by Suzanna Addison (unpublished!)

Situation - Rachel has just been through a horrible experience with one of her teachers and her grandma is telling her she is not to blame!

Next time I'll put in someone else's works.

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"Unauthorized Use of the Smoky the Bear symbol," Mulder mumbled, smiling sheepishly. "But he doesn't know that."

Within moments Rosabeth Carrera was on the phone.


The X Files - Ground Zero by Kevin J Anderson

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Soon enough he is stalking doorways, leading the dancing moon of Jed's flashlight with the barrel of his rifle, and always listening. Corners, however, only reveal more corners, and Jed's light only targets ashen walls, though soon enough they all begin to detect that inimitable growl, like calving glaciers, far off in the distance, which at least in the mind's eye, inhabits a thin line where rooms and passageways must finally concede to become a horizon.

"The growl almost always comes like the rustle of a high mountain wind on the trees," Navidson explained later.



'House Of Leaves' by Mark Z. Danielewski.

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"But you would have to be committed to a psychiatric hospital. Basically what would have to happen is that your poor mother would have to find you -" He chuckled under his breath, amused by the scenario.


'Running With Scissors' Augusten Burroughs

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Seventeen Dead. The number swirled around his head. They had been his responsibility and he needed something, anything, positive to have come out of the raid.


Vampire Apocalypse by Derek Gunn

Edited by Charm
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He could have jammed a bloody butcher knife through a cow's heart and into my linoleum. I was grateful he hadn't - what a mess - but why Barbie? Aside from the obvious fact that the doll reflected the body of his last kill, why tell me about it?


Darkly Dreaming Dexter - Jeff Lindsay

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When the news of his suicide reached her, she'd assumed that call had been a desparate plea for help. She'd assumed he'd called to give her a chance to talk him out of it. Or to say goodbye.


In Silence ~by~ Erica Spindler

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How is this? some carping reader exclaims. How is it that Amelia, who had such a number of friends at school, and was so beloved there, comes out into the world and is spurned by her discriminating sex? My dear sir, there were no men at Miss Pinkerton's establishment except the old dancing-master; and you would not have had the girls fall out about him?


Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray

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I recall that Dan's mother had an acid tongue, and that, when introduced to me, she said, 'So this is the child'. And then there followed a period of time in which she scrutinized my face - for any telltale indication of the race of my missing male ancestor, I would guess. But that's all I remember.


A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving

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I recall that Dan's mother had an acid tongue, and that, when introduced to me, she said, 'So this is the child'. And then there followed a period of time in which she scrutinized my face - for any telltale indication of the race of my missing male ancestor, I would guess. But that's all I remember.


A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving


Excellent book SweetiiPie, how are you liking it?

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"Uh, were thrown in," Rubicon said. "The cenotes were sacrificial wells. Perhaps they would club the victims to death, or just tie them up and weight them down so the bodies would sink."


The X Files - Ruins by Kevin J Anderson

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(Had to go to page 124 as the book is squat and only had 4 paragraphs on 123)


When Nicko was satisfied that the boat was properly tied up to allow for the rise and fall of the tides, and everything onboard was neatly stowed away, he pulled a tattered piece of paper from his pocket.


"Here's the map," he said, showing it to Septimus. "Sam drew it."


Septimus looked at the wiggling lines that wandered across the scrap of paper like slug trails over a pane of glass.


'Flyte - Septimus Heap - Book Two' by Angie Sage

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