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Migraines / Headaches


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How many people get an aura?


Mine are just like that, start of just in the corner of my eye then get bigger until I can barely see,


Yep I get aura's just like yours Lucy, it's very similar to when you look at the sun and get blind spots in your vision.


Luckily if I take pain killers as soon as I get the aura I can stop the migraine in it's tracks. :blush:

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I don't get an aura but I find I can't concentrate on things, i.e. if someone is talking to me I can't look them in the eye, my eyes are darting round all over the place. I've just been prescribed Triptans, I think they are called Maxalt, to try, fingers crossed they will help.

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Thanks Michelle, I'll get the prescription dispensed tomorrow (not been able to leave the house since Sunday!) and keep them on me. I've only been given 6 to try as they are quite expensive but if they work I'll be happy.

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My doctor is thinking of taking me off my sanomigran (pizitofen) because I've been tired, am a little concerned if he does I will start getting weekly migraines again, has anyone had experience with other preventative migraine medication?

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Lucy, I believe the main choices are Amytriptyline, Topomax, and a beta-blocker. The first just made me sleepy, and gave me more tension headaches, the second caused horrendous vertigo, and I can't take the third because I have low blood pressure already (a beta-blocker is also a treatment for high blood pressure)!


However, a friend of mine manages to tolerate Topomax, and she hasn't had a migraine since she started it. So, everything is worth a try. :blush:


Other than that, have you tried Triptans?

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I had a terrible headache the other night, i know it was brought on by stress more than anything, i just had a lie down and some hot chocolate and it steadily backed off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't been too bad for migraines recently, but I am getting quite a lot of headaches. It might be because some days I've been sleeping in, and on others I'm having to get up early (because of school hols).. it will be interesting to see if they get better when I'm back into a proper routine.

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Routine might well have a lot to do with it.


I can't lie in once I'm properly awake and my body clock wakes me around quarter to five in the morning (the alarm goes off at five).


Irregardless of whether I have to be up, I will getting out of bed within twenty minutes or so, even if it's to get a cuppa and my current book! I find my back starts aching if I lounge for too long in bed and I get groggy and grumpy if I doze in and out of sleep, so I can't stay there whether I want to or not. :lol:

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Had another Migraine yesterday :lol: no idea what my trigger was this time, but it may have just been because I'm not working so my sleep pattern is all over the place, I just go to bed and get up when I feel like it

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I've been quite lucky the last week and I haven't had to take any painkillers. Which for me is quite impressive. I've been making an effort to keep myself hydrated and it's made a big difference for me. I just have to keep it up now.

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I've had a migraine this evening, not sure what started it as all I did this afternoon was read which is hardly taxing, and no bright lights or anything so I'm not sure, but I had a little rest and it's eased into a bad headache, so hopefully after a night of sleep it'll go

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Apparently, half of my migraines (the aura-less ones) may be explained in terms of my chronic jaw spraining (cf. Ouch) sending complications temple-wards; according to the nice second doctor on my case, if the contraption in my mouth helps my jaw it should also help my head. Let us hope.


Until they do, I find Co-Codamol to be the best thing. They might be bad for you and hideously addictive but hey; isn't the migraine worse for you? I usually take 5g of Codeine with 500 of Paracetamol for migraines (available over the counter in the UK); although the whole jaw issue has put me on the 30g of Codeine ones (prescription only, would make an elephant very sleepy and unable to operate machinery).

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  • 2 months later...

Was off work again today with another migraine. That's the 5th in as many weeks and the second Friday I've missed off work because of migraines. My doctor reduced my dose of my anti-migraine medicine to see if it was what was making me tired but I think I'm going to have to take it back up, I can't keep getting migraines at this rate. My doctor is on holiday at the moment, I was going to wait and see him when he's back to ask him but I really don't think I can last that long, it will be at least 4 weeks.


I've recently discovered Kool and soothe which help with the headache bit of migraines, my friend's mum recommended them and they kept me going a couple of weeks ago when I got a migraine on her birthday, I managed to last all the way through a zoo visit without more than a bottle of water (I had taken painkillers before I went though). Having said that it wasn't too bad a migraine

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You have my sympathy.. I had one develop during Monday at work. When the triptan worked, I just felt tired and drugged. Tuesday I felt washed out, Wed I had another migraine, and Thursday a 'normal' headache. Today was the first day I felt anywhere near well.


It does sound as if you've reacted to the drop in the anti migraine meds - which do you take? I tried 2, and didn't get on with either. I'd be lost without my triptans!


Do you find you get different types of migraines? I either get ones which come on quite suddenly, and get really bad.. or ones which build up slower, and don't get too bad. The latter are actually the worse, because I try normal painkillers first, and am never sure when to go for the triptan. With the bad ones, I have to take the triptan pretty quickly, and go lie down until it works!


:lol: to all the migraine sufferers on here.

Edited by Michelle
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I take pizitofen (sp?) it's no miracle cure but it really seems to decrease the frequency. I've taken treatment medicines before, one called zomig which was like a wafer and one which was a nasal spray and I can't remember the name of. I didn't find either any better than paracetamol though. Now I take migraleve when they start and codine with paracetamol after that, but nothing other than sleeping it off really works.


I don't really get different migraines, just different intensities. Occasionally I get a kind of distant, driffty feeling before they atart but usually the first sign is an aura in the corner of my right eye. I always get that, and then a headache at the left side of my head and over my left eye. The aura can spread far enough for me to barely be able to see. Really bad migraines I get problems with my speech and can be sick (although the migraleve generally stops that). Most times I get pins and needles in my fingers and sometimes round my mouth and nose, those used to be what distressed me most when I was younger, now it's more the auras because I worry when I'm out that I won't be able to get home safe if they spread too far.

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