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forgot to take off his socks, a trait that Gilbert had obviously inherited and taken to a whole new level.

'Mum, drop it! They're all just a pack of gold-diggers! I want them to be attracted to my finer points, not my money.'

Fat chance of that, thought Florence. Even to a mother's biased eyes, Gilbert didn't possess any attractive blunter points, let alone finer ones.

'What's this knob on the wall for?' asked Gilbert, twisting a brass handle hidden behind a curtain.

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smothered in tomato sauce.'

'Wouldn't mind one of those right now,' Gilbert exclaimed, turning the knob. They obviously shared similar revolting tastes. There was a creaking and grating noise, followed by what sounded like a chain gang of prisoners climbing the walls. With a screeching of some kind of brake arrangement, the noise stopped, a small door under the knob opened and there ...

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lay, at the door, a plated cheese and piccalilli sandwich. "Where are the Thai curry cream crackers?", asked Gilbert.

"Aloha, aloha who goes there, and thanks for the sandwich..

You see, we were expecting cream crackers but this is all very nice..come, do show yourself", declared Mrs Supermarket, hopefully.

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But there was no reply, just an eerie echo of their own voices from the pitch black lift shaft.

'Well someone must be responsible! Come mother! Let us explore!'

'I don't know dear, there's been some strange stories about ghosts in old houses. Do you think this one might be haunted by a long dead cook?'

'Nonsense, no such thing. And since when did old cooks know anything about Thai red curry cream crackers? Lets take a look at the basement.'

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Going by the state of his towels it was obviously not a handy hint he'd ever followed, but one never knew when these little wrinkles might come in useful. Florence loved a nice soppy romance but these were thin on the ground. Uncle Marv's tastes tended to veer to the macabre and Gilbert found himself ...

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looking at Anatomy of a Killer: The body makeup of England's most notorious killers"

"How to spot a psychopath, by I'm Knott a Crim", mused Gilbert.

"What a name for an author..I wonder where uncle Marv found his books?"

Florence was perusing theErotica shelf, much to

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her surprise, it was crammed full of Mills and Boons books. They also seem to have encroached into Engineering and Electrical Circuitry. Uncle Marv was proving to be a bit of a dark horse. Gilbert, meanwhile, had discovered a large section on the A to Z of Board and Card Games which was to keep him occupied in the future for many fruitful and happy hours. He was also overjoyed to see a large selection of Handy Hint books which guaranteed he would never have to use vinegar on his towels again. He was having second thoughts about selling the old place now, he wondered what other surprises were in store when they investigated further.

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In a very cluttered kitchen, Florence Supermarket found some treacle, baking powder,eggs, milk, sugar, icing sugar etc.

In the fridge was a lump of what looked like quiche.

"Am feeling peckish mother..can we try out these appliances?", he asked, picking up an old whisk, and breaking three eggs into a green mixing bowl"Shall we have eggs Bendict?",...

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Florence raised an eyebrow. 'Not if that's what you've gone and done to the eggs! You poach them not beat them half to death. Never mind we can have an omelette.'
'How do you do that then?'
'Maybe we better ...

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just boil a few eggs, look there's some butter and bread there. Chop chop Gilly, mummy's hungry."

Gilbert took 4 eggs, threw them into a pan, but the cooker needed a match to light it.

" I do not carry matches", declared Florence, " you smoke those vile rollups, so..

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you should have some secreted round yourself somewhere.' Gilbert turned on the gas and ferreted round in his pocket for his lighter.

'It's here somewhere, I just had it before.' Meanwhile the gas was hissing away merrily. 'Where the heck is the blessed thing??' He pulled out a spark plug, some duct tape, a mouldy looking half-chewed Mars bar, seven rusty ball-bearings, a soggy sock and finally his elusive lighter.

Flicking it several times before it would light, due to damp, he aimed it at the stove and ...

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in the pantry!' whispered Florence.

'How do you know?' whispered Gilbert back.

'Look!' and Florence pointed to someone curled up, fast asleep and snoring on one of the wide shelves.

'What should we do, Gilby?' Florence clutched at his arm nervously.

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Gilly moved forward surreptitiously ,

pretending to be going for the spatula by the side of the snoring little man.

"Wake up please, we own this house",

declared Gilly, obsequiously.

"It's never 7 @lready is it?", cried this...

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bundle of blankets that was trying to untangle itself and ended in a muddled mess on the floor.

'Drat the things! How do you do?' and he extended a hand from the tangle and shook Gilbert's vigorously.

'I've been left this place by my uncle, I'm Gilbert Supermarket Esquire. And you, sir?'

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".....@m in a rather a pickle really. Yes , having been made homeless via a citcuitous turn of events, I am truly left wondering now what it is all about..Vinny Dessicate", he said, standing up then falling over a stray blanket and crash landing on the floor. " I am only in this abode due to Marv Supermarket", declared Vinny,

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and his abundant generosity. Wonderful man, wonderful. Salt of the earth. Devastated when he passed. absolutely devastated.  And you look the spitting image Gilbert, may I call you Gilbert? And who might this charming young lady be? Your sister I'm bound?'

Florence giggled croquettishly, 'Ooooo, you are a one, I'm his mother!  I was very young when I had him, of course.'

'Rubbish Mum, you were all of thirty-two!'

'Hush Gilbert!! I've always looked young for me age,' and she fluffed up her hair at the back.

'Never would have believed it!' Vinny shook his head trying to look convincingly surprised.

'And what, pray, was your connection with my esteemed uncle?' asked Gilbert, trying to sound all hoity toity.

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my hallowed father, God rest his soul, brothers in the war, you know. Never talked about it, you understand, not a word,  but considerable history, considerable.  So I was more than willing to impart some of my extensive financial expertise, as it were, and he made full use of it, as you can see.' he swept his arm grandiosely around the ramshackle room.

'Uh hum,' replied Gilbert unconvinced, 'and what are you planning hereinafter?'

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